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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Thats why you would be 2 shot death proof. 

Im open to the debate. But what do you think about Dome begging to live tonight after he was fine with being killed yesterday? 

I don't disagree that Dome is more likely than not mafia

I just see a 3-2 ratio with Dome as GF as more likely than a 4-1 ratio with Dome being a 2 shot death proof


Would EITHER 2 shot death proof OR a godfather role be likely in a game with 6 mafia? Is that too OP?

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Isn’t that the night deadline 

Dont think so. Didnt we already have night?

2 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I don't disagree that Dome is more likely than not mafia

I just see a 3-2 ratio with Dome as GF as more likely than a 4-1 ratio with Dome being a 2 shot death proof


Would EITHER 2 shot death proof OR a godfather role be likely in a game with 6 mafia? Is that too OP?

2 shot godfather with a 5 man mafia


unlynchable godfather with a 6 man mafia

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:


I slept through the first several days

Can you explain the "squire killed 2 mafia" rationale for why you think he isn't mafia?

According to write up flavor text Wolverine killed 2 people, Orca and MWill. Both mafia. 

One of those Malf moved squires hit from TKN to Orca (both scum). 

Since then there has been no more flavor text kills from Wolverine, which corroborates Squires story of 2 shot vig. 

The only flavor text kills we have had have been from Magneto - which is 99% Dome. Dome has also avoided being kills by flying away - a magneto power. 

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4 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

According to write up flavor text Wolverine killed 2 people, Orca and MWill. Both mafia. 

One of those Malf moved squires hit from TKN to Orca (both scum). 

Since then there has been no more flavor text kills from Wolverine, which corroborates Squires story of 2 shot vig. 

The only flavor text kills we have had have been from Magneto - which is 99% Dome. Dome has also avoided being kills by flying away - a magneto power. 

The Orca one is a null tell..

Squire hitting MWil would be interesting

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On 5/30/2019 at 8:01 AM, rackcs said:

Mwil23 is satisfied after two successful nights in a row. He tucks the Mind Stone away, readying to use it again the next night. He goes to meet up with his allies to see how their nights went when he is blindsided by a punch. He quickly goes into attack mode. His foe hits him again but this time with claws extended. They create a deep scratch in Mwil23’s metal plating.

“That is…unexpected.”

Mwil23 boosts himself into the air, flinging his attacker off him. He shoots a few concussive blasts at his attacker, but he dodges all of them. Mwil23 flies towards him as fast as he can and slams into him, trying to cause as much damage as possible. Mwil23 continues flying forward, clutching the man tightly. The attacker continually slams his claws into Mwil23’s back, causing major damage. Mwil23 flies them straight into a wall which crumbles around them. When the dust cleared, Mwil23 was trapped under a pile of rubble, too weak to escape. The attacker jumps on top of him and starts savagely slashing at his face over and over until it was just a pile of circuits and machinery.

Mwil23 is dead. He was Ultron, Sinister Six-Aligned.


Has to be wolvering/Squire

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On 5/29/2019 at 7:45 AM, rackcs said:

The Orca smiles as he enters his mansion. Everything was going according to plan. He sits down in front of his control center, looking out to see what was happening in the city tonight. He leans back and props his feet up on the desk, scrolling through the feeds. He hears a growl behind him but before he can react, he feels blades sink deep into his back. The Orca bleeds out in his chair, alone.

The Orca is dead. He was Doctor Doom, Sinister Six-Aligned.

This night Squire allegedly targeted TKN (who is also scum). 

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