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43M's Gaming Journal: Zelda: Breath of the Wild REVIEW!!!!


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Its been a bit since I updated, so for anyone who cares....

I am on a bit of a hiatus from videogames right now....which might be obvious given my absence from this thread as of late.     I moved out of my old place back in November and I am now in the process of looking for a home.    I also met someone new and that has taken up some time (but TBH, it probably wont last more than a couple months unless something changes).      I was also in a car accident about two weeks ago.  Nothing overly serious, but couldve been....mostly just shook me and I am still deciding whether or not to get a new car or just drive my aging jeep around for awhile.

I am still playing Zelda, but I havent been able to get back into it lately.        Nothing really to do with the game, but as I get older, I go through phases with videogames....sometimes I want to play everything, and sometimes Im just not into it at all.     I imagine I will get back into it within the new month or two, but with everything else going on, I cant say anything for sure.

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  • 3 months later...

June 30th Update

Yes, I am still playing games, but Ive been revisting alot of old games and experimenting with other things like online games.

Zelda...I havent finished and honestly, not sure if I will in the near future.   I might wait until Breath of the Wild 2 is a few months away before I finish up Breath of the Wild.    Its a great game....but being honest, the weapons breaking mechanic really hurts the game for me.     Hope its fixed in BotW2.  Doubt it though since Nintendo is stubborn.

Saints Row 4...I was enjoying it for the mindless Michael Bay esque fun it is, but it kept crashing on me and even though I think I may have fixed it to the point I can play through it, havent really returned since.

GTA5....I went back and played through GTA5 again, and then tried GTA Online out.    It only reminded me of why I hate online gaming.   Too many idiots and children.

DC Universe Online -  I enjoyed it initially, and I love the fan service stuff, but its not really a deep MMO and again, I dont love playing online unless I can play solo..

Future....not sure what Im getting into next.  Might try Saints Row 4 again, or I may go search through games on Steam.    

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On 6/30/2021 at 1:20 AM, 43M said:

Future....not sure what Im getting into next. 

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

Yes, you've played the trilogy before. Yes, you know you don't like the ending. Yes, you know you hate Jacob Taylor and you're content with letting Ashley Williams die on Virmire.

But, my goodness - it's good to see the band back together. So good.

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4 hours ago, ET80 said:

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

Yes, you've played the trilogy before. Yes, you know you don't like the ending. Yes, you know you hate Jacob Taylor and you're content with letting Ashley Williams die on Virmire.

But, my goodness - it's good to see the band back together. So good.

I do want it, but Ill probably wait until I can get it for $30.   I still have the original trilogy with all of Miranda's butt shots. 😳

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49 minutes ago, 43M said:

I still have the original trilogy with all of Miranda's butt shots. 😳

My only real gripe with the game...

Whenever you get it, take time to enjoy ME1 - visuals are so much better, controls are tighter, combat isn't so OP - the remaster on that game alone is fantastic.

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

My only real gripe with the game...

Whenever you get it, take time to enjoy ME1 - visuals are so much better, controls are tighter, combat isn't so OP - the remaster on that game alone is fantastic.

I know....the first game is the main reason I want it.

Ugh....come on ET, why you gotta get me amped up to play this trilogy again?    Its one of my favorite franchises ever, but I know how it ends and that depresses me.  😔

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  • 2 months later...

September 26th 2021 Update

I know its been awhile, and not sure anyone cares....but Ill keep updating this as long as Im still playing games.

Im currently trying to finish Saints Row 4.   I bought it dirt cheap on PC...but it kept crashing because there is a widespread issue with it running on Windows 10, I guess.   However, then I was able to get the complete edition dirt cheap on PS5, so thats where Im at.   Ive played about 20 hours, and I think Im close to the end.   Im not doing many more side quests because Im getting tired of the game....but should still be another 5 or 6 hours.

After that, I think Im either going to do Final Fantasy 7 Remake or the Tomb Raider remake.

Ill update the thread more thoroughly once I figure out what Im doing.   Id like to play more than I currently do, but between work, life and my fluctuating interest in gaming these days, its a slow grind.    Doesnt help that I havent got extremely invested in any game Ive played since God of War.    Breath of the Wild wouldve held me if not for the weapons breaking garbage.   

Hope to have a review for Saints Row 4 up in the next two weeks.     This week is extremely busy, so doubt I play much outside of the little Im playing tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1600353652 Review 


After playing numerous long RPG and adventure games (Witcher 3, XCX, God of War and Zelda), I felt the need to kind of pull it back and take a break from the long engrossing adventures.    I was enjoying Breath of the Wild, but certain aspects of it just burnt me out, so I delved into this.   I originally bought it on PC, but due to compatibility issues with Windows 10, the game kept crashing over and over, and I guess this is a problem for a lot of people.   it was dirt cheap, so I didnt make a big fuss about it.   FORTUNATELY, it was also dirt cheap on the PS5, so I decided to pick it up on there, and away I went.

This is really my first playthrough of a Saints Row game.   I bought SR3 years ago, but only played it 10 minutes and didnt care for it.     Just before playing this, I went through and played GTA5 again, and when I couldnt get into the ridiculously terrible GTA Online (seriously, how can anyone over 14 play that garbage?), I decided to try this.

Its a good game.  Its nothing special.  its nothing youll remember.    But its like a cheap summer popcorn flick....its worth the cheap entertainment, but after youre done with it, you dont have much desire to return.     If I were younger, Id probably like this game alot more, but I guess I just prefer to play games that have more strategy and more depth of characters and story.     Dont get me long, I did like the characters and story, but on a very basic level.     This wasnt a story or characters that were MEANT to be taken seriously.     I loved Nolan North as the Prez, and the stuff with Keith David was awesome....but overall the game was kind of like a GTA parody...and it worked for what it was going for.

The gameplay was fun, and I liked certain elements of how you leveled up and got new skills, but ultimately, it didnt feel like you really needed it.    Honestly, after getting a few certain powers, I felts unstoppable.     The Blast Explosion was ridiculously overpowered to the point where I had to refrain from using it most of the time, and you get that fairly early in the game.    Most skills I got after that werent quite as powerful, but still several that were too powerful. even before you powered up.     The gameplay just didnt feel all that challenging.   I did die a couple times, but it was because it was too easy so often that I would take certain harder parts lightly.

Bottom line:  This wasnt a game I expected alot from, but it still delivered what I wanted from it.      There were many extremely fun things about the game between the story and gameplay, and like I said, the teenage version of me would probably love this game.     The old geezer me just thinks its aight.     It was worth playing, but not something I ever really see me going back to.

Gameplay:  6.5
Story:  5
Graphics: 6
Value/Replayability:   8
Personal Enjoyment: 7

Final Score:    6.5

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I dont want to give much away since it probably wont take me much longer to beat this....but FF7 Remake is an incredible game.     I have been playing this a good bit since I started.   Im not sure how much longer I have to go.   Im guessing Im probably about halfway through the story, give or take.      I like to explore and do all the quests....although this is pretty linear.   Not a ton of world exploring to do...but Ill cover that in my review.

Anyway, definitely a worthy remake of the original.     Makes me wish for a similar Final Fantasy 8 remake...but that will never happen.   Hell, Ill probably be 50 by the freaking time the FF7 remake is complete (assuming there will be two more FF7R games after this).

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9 minutes ago, 43M said:

I dont want to give much away since it probably wont take me much longer to beat this....but FF7 Remake is an incredible game.     I have been playing this a good bit since I started.   Im not sure how much longer I have to go.   Im guessing Im probably about halfway through the story, give or take.      I like to explore and do all the quests....although this is pretty linear.   Not a ton of world exploring to do...but Ill cover that in my review.

Anyway, definitely a worthy remake of the original.     Makes me wish for a similar Final Fantasy 8 remake...but that will never happen.   Hell, Ill probably be 50 by the freaking time the FF7 remake is complete (assuming there will be two more FF7R games after this).

Have you played FF7 before? 

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16 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

How true to the original is the remake 

Very true in many ways, but very different in others.

Everything is expanded upon so much, which both adds and takes away from the original story.    While the story is still largely intact, its just fleshed out to the point where it seems completely different in ways.    

I am not complaining, most of the stuff is incredible and gives you a better understanding of things that didnt make quite as much sense in the original.     You also get more attached to the characters than in the original....at least for me.    For example....without giving away spoilers....in the original, there is a historically sad videogame moment and when it happened, I never really felt attached to the character enough to care all that much.      When it happens this time around....I will be MUCH more emotionally invested.

Like I said....its a great combination of old and new.      The only people that Ive seen really bash the game are the purists who essentially wanted the exact same game with modern graphics.     If you like more action oriented gameplay and can get behind an extremely expanded version of the FF7 story....then its a terrific game.

Edited by 43M
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12 hours ago, 43M said:

Very true in many ways, but very different in others.

Everything is expanded upon so much, which both adds and takes away from the original story.    While the story is still largely intact, its just fleshed out to the point where it seems completely different in ways.    

I am not complaining, most of the stuff is incredible and gives you a better understanding of things that didnt make quite as much sense in the original.     You also get more attached to the characters than in the original....at least for me.    For example....without giving away spoilers....in the original, there is a historically sad videogame moment and when it happened, I never really felt attached to the character enough to care all that much.      When it happens this time around....I will be MUCH more emotionally invested.

Like I said....its a great combination of old and new.      The only people that Ive seen really bash the game are the purists who essentially wanted the exact same game with modern graphics.     If you like more action oriented gameplay and can get behind an extremely expanded version of the FF7 story....then its a terrific game.

You mean IF it happens again... You'll know what I mean when you get to the end... Which I personally didn't like but we'll see what happens.

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