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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

I think it depends on whether or not the game set up is that the conversion couldn't be used the following night if they forced conversion. I don't know how to read that in Malf's autopsy. I had always just assumed that they couldn't convert the following night if they forced conversion based on the write up. Hadn't thought of it differently until earlier today when Pickle brought it up admitted that the write up could have just meant that they couldn't force conversion someone two nights in a row. You are right that ordinarily he wouldn't be the guy that I would think that they would choose, but I also don't know how much Dome's scanner played a part in that either. They could have adjusted to finding the easiest conversion rather than the ones they actually wanted to target just to keep the group as a whole alive. 

You said that you think the Borg were gone. My comment about Orca being a target was more or less a tangent to reasoning on why Pickle is less likely to be if the borg are still an active component in this game. 

The way I read it is that Malf was a convertable target from the beginning. They could have malf use the factional convert to recruit anyone but then malf could not use it the following night. So in other words, an almost unstoppable conversion every other night. 

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