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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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9 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Well, it’s kinda easy when your entire argument is a weak point .....

So weak that you didn't actually refute any of it.  You engaged some Trump whataboutisms, faceplanted into another gotcha, and basically admitted to a portion of it by gaslighting me.  So, I don't know.  Maybe your teammates weren't the issue last game.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

So, for those keeping score:

Counselor left and tried to bet me.

MWil is refusing to talk to me because "I'll just manipulate him."

And Touch just got ***** slapped retarded.

I was betting Rackcs and I was at an ultrasound appointment turd bird

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Just now, SwAg said:

uh oh touch, see, I mentioned Counselor and he showed up.

You know what that means, right?

Yeah I’m not a newb like your scum team of Wolfe and llama and The other turd or two that isn’t helping you much either is he. I feel bad for you Swaggart

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:

Yeah I’m not a newb like your scum team of Wolfe and llama and The other turd or two that isn’t helping you much either is he. I feel bad for you Swaggart

This is really all you guys have.  You put my name in line with some people who are not here and say we're all scum together because... I don't know, reasons.  But, I lay out a clear case for you three and show all your connections, and you guys don't even dispute how it looks.  You're all just memeing because a certain someone made it so there is no immediate consequence for 90% of the game today.

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I already addressed that.  You all were trying to control the narrative, and all your interaction paint a damning picture.  If I Drunk Elsa the game, I'm useless; if I start talking, I'm under pressure.  You're literally just repeating the narrative I accused you of.

You're remembering incorrectly.  You were alive at LyLo and lost.

Because it's the most viable means of you actually catching scum with this bit, and you're relying upon some ethereal prospective assurance that you'll do it in the future.  You sure you expect better of me when you're expecting me to buy that line of trash?

Not really.  You drew an artificial line, which everyone has an excuse to take your side on it.  And you're saying you outed me as scum, but I was one of the people who said "lol squire over Touch? neeeexxxttttt" as squire's teammate in Dome's Old West... So, why is this suddenly different for me?  I'm going to come out full force on D1 to save a weak teammate and vulnerable teammate, but you're apparently never ever super never gonna do something So RiSkY oN dAy OnE!  Why cool for you, but not for me? 

Way to faceplant right into that gotcha.

I didn't take this stance right out the gate, lmao.  I let it develop, and even voted Llama, and when the battle lines developed, I decided that I'm going to salvage D1 because I think I have a clear read on you, MWil, and Counselor engaging in what looks substantially like concerted narrative forming. 

I don't even know where slappy is coming from in this interaction.  I don't think he's posted since before this happened yesterday.  Why did you choose him instead of...idk, any one else?

Well, I know for a fact there's no concerted effort to bury you because the only person genuinely pushing it is me, and I'm Town, so.

Lol so if I do it, it’s controlling the narrative but when you do it?? 

im almost positive that’s the game used a day shot and hit me. 

ok, but I’m positive I caught scum with it right off the bat but you want to use the concept that I haven’t gone back to reread what just happened not that long ago as a basis for your theory of me being scum...... there’s been no flip yet and I remember what stance people took and even pointed out the people that avoided taking a stance. 

so let me get this straight, I drew an artificial line that allegedly has an excuse for everyone attached to it, yet you dislike the stance I took on llamas answers to my question? So the logic applies where only you want it to apply? 

what?? My move has forced people into coming to a conclusion on two people. That’s a very visible line drawn that can be used throughout the rest of the game. Most d1s result in a number of people being up there towards the end, many off votes and absolutely nothing of substance. Meanwhile, I have personally caused you to drop your schtick because I called you out on it and you feel like there’s a good chance llama is getting lynched. You use mwil and counselor as “being attached” to me but yet here you are clearly defending llama. Contradictory much? 

didn’t take the stance out the gate? Hold on. 

Slappy has posted since then? At least twice in fact. He answered my question to him but completely avoided the main thing in the thread. 

lol you’re the only one pushing it? For someone with such great memory, how did you forget about squire and dome, to a lesser extent orca? Dome has absolutely pushed back the same way you have. Squire and orca have pushed back but have actually been involved in the discussion. They’ve asked questions, pointed out what they have doubts on and even brought up examples of why. 

you on the other hand, have resorted to writing paragraphs with absolutely no substance. None. 

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

This is really all you guys have.  You put my name in line with some people who are not here and say we're all scum together because... I don't know, reasons.  But, I lay out a clear case for you three and show all your connections, and you guys don't even dispute how it looks.  You're all just memeing because a certain someone made it so there is no immediate consequence for 90% of the game today.

Oh Slappy isn’t happy you either right? He would fit in that list 

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