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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:
















So Swag basically does exactly what he’s accusing others to do. The votes start piling up on llama while Swag continues to push his narrative that I’m scum that did it, without actually voting that way. (Even proclaims that counselor is town during it) 

he starts to get called out for continuing with his stick and then I get a few more votes. 

then? Long winded Swag comes out with paragraphs of nonsense while continuing to ignore everything that contradicts his arguments.

swag is 100% scum. 

I don't understand.  You cannot have this both ways.  I gave you time to have an actual plan manifest.  I gave other people time to weigh in.  And then when I saw a clear pattern, which all three of you have just allowed to let stand, you're going back to be like "he's trying now! must be scum!"  So, if I kept the schtick up the whole game, would I be scum too?

It's not nonsense.  Literally cited to other games and provided evidence.

You have to be unable to read to think that I said nothing there.

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My position has literally been: Llama is going to die because the votes are going to flip to him, but remember these three clowns when that happens.

I'm not yelling at people for switching because the initial point is apt: who would choose Llama over Touch on D1?  

I genuinely don't know what you're not understanding.

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5 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Well, I have actual evidence to show a concerted effort since I arrived as Drunk Elsa.  You have gaslighting nonsense, and like one post where you said I'm being a gimmick before I broke character.

Well, I don't know what to tell you.  I just read it.  Your defense is literally your recollection versus what I have open in a second tab.  You're just dismissing that whole point based on something that is wrong and easily verifiable.

That's literally my point.  I'm saying that the only mechanism you have to draw a conclusion is based on information you didn't look up because no one would ever choose Llama over you without something compelling, which is simply unlikely to manifest on D1.

I don't even know what you're saying about logic and answers.  I explained why I thought it was nonsense, but didn't even make it central to my case, only scoffed at it.  You're doing that thing where you grasp for secondary and tertiary bits that are largely immaterial and then hope people didn't actually read and will accept your "refutation" as equal, when it's not.

No, I don't know what you're not grasping here on the situational bits.  There looks like a concerted effort to impart a narrative, and none of you are refuting it, then you say this as though it makes me look fake... when I already said I'm defending llama, so I don't know how that's contradictory. 

Slappy hasn't posted anything of substance since he got back.  Last I saw he said he was catching up.  Again, that's a weird point to fixate on instead of the "why would you choose Slappy" for that accusation instead of any of the other people.

Yeah, I'm pretty much the only one pushing it at this juncture.  And I'm the only one who made an articulable case that can actually prompt discussion.  So, yeah, only one.

I literally did point by point analysis with citations to other games, bumped relevant posts, and did a restatement of facts before the analysis, and you're relying upon a conclusory declaration that I have no substance...while you are using your "recollection" to refute the end of a game that you can look up.

Lol yes “actual evidence” yet you completely ignore the “actual evidence” that there is a concerted effort to bury me. Your “actual evidence” points to a concerted effort to save me but yet the same exact in thread product that points to several people taking a stance against me, doesn’t apply because it doesn’t fit your narrative. 

I’ll have to look back because I’m pretty damn certain that’s the game forge mistakenly used a day hit on me. 

so your point is that I’m scum because I didn’t read back on those interactions yet? That is by far and away the worst point I have ever seen you try to make. Lynch hasn’t happened, no flip had taken place and it’s been less than 24 hours since I even made the move. 

no, I’m pointing out how the opposite side and evidence that contradicts your current point is supposedly somehow not applicable to you. Even though it’s literally the same basis, just the opposite viewpoint. 

what’s contradictory is that you’re trying to point to mwil and counselor and say “look it’s a concerted effort to save touch” but yet here you are taking to opposite stance and I don’t see how you aren’t pointing out dome and squire. They have literally both taken up on the opposite side of the argument. But again, you don’t mention it because it doesn’t fit your narrative. 

ive already explained why I chose who I chose and when I chose them on a few occasions. I pointed to slappy and josh because they had both voted prior to the challenge but have since not poked too much into it and at least posted. I clearly outlined why when I brought this up (or did you forget that part?) 

actually, squire had a much better argument than you did. He had actual points that he disagreed with, questions that were raised by the move and he asked them. You on the other hand are simply patching onto anything that could possibly point it in the way that YOU want it to be pointed.

You are still full on ignoring those points currently. 

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15 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You literally didn't do this.  You made some vague claims on secondary portions of it, and dismissed about 1/3 of it based on your recollection (which is wrong) and future assurances of doing it.

Yes, I did.

You’re trying to say there is a “clear concerted effort to save me” whole ignoring that there is a “clear concerted effort to bury me”.

You talked about mwil and counselor obviously trying to protect me, yet you’re obviously trying to protect llama. 

you say you’re the only one pushing against it, I pointed out the several people that have pushed against it. 


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