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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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6 minutes ago, The Orca said:

At this point llama needs to be the lynch. He hasnt helped and his reaction to the whole thing up until now has more or less been nonexistent.

Now what I will caution you on is the "If Llama is town we lynch Touch next" stance. There is a more than likley scenario that Touch is town and did jump the gun and wanted to see how people reacted. His posting of who would you kill then tranfering to ****,marry, kill (yet somehow I got who do you want to kill you lol) showed a thought process of where he was trying to solve the game imo. At this juncture I'd say Touch is town and if Dome now is claiming the Kotn is 100% town claim as fake, then the best lynch is llama (who I think really did claim unblockable kill and when I pointed it out was told to say it was not his claim). That's what is sticking out the most imo on llama

He didnt pick an easy target. If he wanted an easy target he picks me. That would have easily ended in my lynch. He picked a target he thought was scummy....based on his replies I can see that being what he thought. Now reckless I agree with. Being reckless is more of a town read imo. Touch isnt a reckless play as scum (not saying him changing MOs isnt possible). He routinely tells me just flat out no, when I have suggested things as mafia with him before and not even that reckless of stuff. He is a calm patient player when mafia. That's why he blends well

Last game was the first time where he was scum when I was playing so you saying this isnt close to his MO gives me pause. 

Also finding out the Gladiator gif was a claim helped too. Felt like a boast at the time.

@Llamalover. Where you at?

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54 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Bro, I’m not trying to be a ****, your posts are incoherent to me.  I responded point by point, so I’m clearly missing something you want me to address.  So, spell it out, and don’t just give a declaration or conclusion.


48 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

You have not?!?!? Other than to say “they aren’t the same” even though they are, they’re just the opposite viewpoint of yours. 


47 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

You have spoken several times about how you feel mwil and counselor are trying to protect me. 


45 minutes ago, SwAg said:




43 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Yea, I said it. I have pointed directly to what contradicts what you’ve said and even brought up the counter arguments that you are willfully ignoring. 


40 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Incoherent ramblings and fake connection points I’m no longer engaging or addressing. 


39 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You’re really resisting the idea of making a concise numerical list for me to respond to instead of relying upon a confusing tirade full of unclear questions.  Almost like you benefit from the lack of clarity dude


37 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Lol I haven’t “resisted” anything. I have listed the counter arguments, I have listed the counter view points and I have listed everything that you continue to ignore because it does not fit your narrative. I have even gone back and quoted the statements made by you that contradict what you are attempting to spin now. 


35 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Bro, I literally asked for a list of things you want me to respond to, with numbers so I have no excuse for avoiding it, and this is what you’re doing.


32 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

So you have been able to follow along with my counter points even without numbers (as your paragraph responses have clearly matched the paragraph of mine) but now you want me to restate everything, again, with numbers so you don’t miss it? 

even though every single one of those was inside of my responses and you’ve simply stated “they aren’t the same” when, in fact, they are exactly the same. They’re just of a different opinion than yours. 


27 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You really don’t want to give me a numerical list do you?  It’s much more beneficial to just repeat that I’m ignoring your “congruent” and “equivalent” points in the abstract.


23 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Except, each one of those has been clearly defined, pointed to and brought up, repeatedly. 


20 minutes ago, SwAg said:

No, I dismissed points that I felt lacked context or a factual hook to raise them from speculation to plausible.  See, I went through each point and provided the factual basis for my thought, and you dismissed it out of hand as without substance.  You didn’t even provide that much.  Half your “counterpoints” are declarations and conclusions that leave me wondering how you got to X from A.

If I rampantly failed to respond, now is a good time to show everyone just how malignant and manipulative I was being by providing numbered incidents that show my disingenuousness.  If you have something you think is legitimate, I have tee’d myself up for it right here.

Youre obviously still here, doing the same old song and dance instead of taking what I’m sure you’d think is a damaging blow on scum.


18 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I’m telling you that they haven’t been, and I’m the audience they’re directed at, and I’m telling you how to remedy it.  You literally just keep repeating the same vague and conclusory allegations, and turning your nose up at the opportunity to hold my feet to the fire on this.


17 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I stopped at the first sentence. 

so apparently, according to you they lack context or factual hook, yet, you’re attempting to use their direct opposite to paint me as scum. So they work as not lacking context or factual hook so long as it’s you stating them? 


14 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Bro, you’re now saying you’re not even reading my posts.  

My analysis was accompanied with the set of facts that I analyzed to reach my conclusions. This isn’t even up for debate.  It’s just the words as they’re written.  I literally cited specific examples, repeatedly, and you’re not even contesting that until now.

You've talked yourself in a circle for hours.


12 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Oh no, I’ve absolutely held your feet to the fire on this. For a while now actually.

I’ve continuously pointed out how the arguments you are using against me, yet their equivalent opposite is outright ignored by you and continues to be. 

you claim to not know what I speak of, yet you have responded and said “they aren’t equivalent”. Even though they are, they’re an exact equivalent. They just don’t support the narrative you’re attempting to push here. 


11 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Bro, I’ve asked you to give me a list of your arguments to respond to and you keep posting these run-on sentences and issuing declarations.


11 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Oh, I’m sorry. Was I suppose to continue reading beyond the hypocritical viewpoint you started with? 


10 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Jesus Christ.  How is this Mafia?  If I go back and compile a numerical list of the arguments will you tell me if those are what I’m supposed to respond to?


10 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You’re ******* retarded if you’re being serious.


9 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Because I have said them, repeatedly. I also know what you’re attempting to do here. 


8 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

That’s a legit question. 


7 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I’m literally repeating the definition for the federal rules of evidence and plausibility pleading as my standard and complied with that format in my initial post, and you’re rambling incoherently while declaring a bunch of nonsense based on half a post that you misread and half a post that you’re repeating and saying I’m a hypocrite, while saying I have nothing of substance.

Youre doing this as a bit to avoid any action that could expose you in a close lynch.  You need the confusion and incoherence and talking points.  I’m trying to clarify; you’re trying to obscure.  The fact that so many people are content treating this as equivalent is beyond me.


5 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I’m attempting to clarify.  Are you ******* serious.  I’ve now even offered to do the leg work for you so you can’t say I’m just trying to waste your time, all you’ve got to say is “yes” or “no,” or maybe even be actually interested in the game and tell me what you want answered in a ******* coherent format.


4 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

And what about when I have already defined those on numerous occasions? Am I still trying to obscure? 


4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

“I know what you’re trying to do.” 

Trying to get you to repeat questions in a coherent fashion so I can answer your ******* questions.  Jesus


3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Take it as a compliment that I think you’re scum because there’s no way you’re this ******* stupid


3 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

It’s been a coherent format since you started this charade. 


2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

My questions, thoughts and responses are in the thread for everyone to see. You had even touched on some of it at one point. 

Are you guys ******* serious

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Just now, SwAg said:

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Swag: points 1, 2 and 3 as to why I’m pushing touch as scum 

touch: counterpoints to 1, 2 and 3 

swag: they’re not the same 

touch: how are they not the same? 

swag: points 1, 2 and 3 again 

touch: so why do those apply but their direct countpoints don’t? 

swag: what counterpoints? List them. 

touch: I have already 


touch: ive listed them numerous times


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2 minutes ago, KOTN-93 said:

Last game was the first time where he was scum when I was playing so you saying this isnt close to his MO gives me pause. 

Also finding out the Gladiator gif was a claim helped too. Felt like a boast at the time.

@Llamalover. Where you at?

What did he do that was reckless as scum with you last game on D1 or any day for that matter?

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This is absolutely ridiculous.

Me:  I don’t think your posts were clear.  You keep saying I didn’t respond to you.  Can you give me a concise list so that I can respond effectively?


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3 minutes ago, KOTN-93 said:

Last game was the first time where he was scum when I was playing so you saying this isnt close to his MO gives me pause. 

Also finding out the Gladiator gif was a claim helped too. Felt like a boast at the time.

@Llamalover. Where you at?

I will say he’s somewhat wrong on my scum MO. I will take risks but only if it’s needed. Do you recall what I said to you when you made the naz vote? 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Swag: points 1, 2 and 3 as to why I’m pushing touch as scum 

touch: counterpoints to 1, 2 and 3 

swag: they’re not the same 

touch: how are they not the same? 

swag: points 1, 2 and 3 again 

touch: so why do those apply but their direct countpoints don’t? 

swag: what counterpoints? List them. 

touch: I have already 


touch: ive listed them numerous times


Bro, you misread half my post, which is why they’re not coherent.  Thus, why I have spent so much time saying it doesn’t make sense.  You misread it to such an extent that when I’m referencing Dome’s game, you think I’m talking about this one!  And I’m sitting here trying to have to take this seriously, when you’re not even getting the basic bits right!  I’m asking for a list because I’m clearly dismissing the **** that is based upon your erroneous initial reading that you’ve never bothered to correct.  It’s not even a matter of opinion, or conflicting with my opinion, it’s you refusing to even agree to a set of facts that demonstrably exist.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Me:  I don’t think your posts were clear.  You keep saying I didn’t respond to you.  Can you give me a concise list so that I can respond effectively?


Lol, yea that’s not at all how it went down. You made your statement, I pointed out the counter arguments to them. You essentially ignored them. Then you continued to try and use those arguments to further your current agenda. I pointed out, again, the fact that the arguments you are attempting to use to paint me as scum have clear and equivalent counterpoints to them. You then said they aren’t the same because you were the only one pushing me. I pointed out how you are not the only one pushing me at all and your response was “well they aren’t pushing you now” like it had any amount of relevance. 

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I will say he’s somewhat wrong on my scum MO. I will take risks but only if it’s needed. Do you recall what I said to you when you made the naz vote? 

Yep didnt participate before bringing up up Squire so I stuck out. Did I miss anything? 

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