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3 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

You know how many ppl I know that went to UCLA for screenwriting or USC film school that can’t get a break in the business?  What school did you go to?   That’s really cool that you’ve dedicated yourself to that pursuit but you should know by now that doesn’t mean much if you have no connects.   Making films yourself is the best bet but I’d say it’s safe to say you’re one of very few on here that have put up.  

I never claimed to be an expert. I’m just calling a spade a spade.  I didn’t go to school for film study and I still got a spec script into Eva Longoria’s hands. Not her handlers, but Eva herself.  And even that didn’t go anywhere.  It’s prolly in a drawer with dozens of other scripts. It is what it is.  

You don’t know the first thing about Kennedy or what she’s contributed. If you said these things to Spielberg or others face to face you’d get clowned for your ignorance.   It’s okay to not like her work but you have ZERO idea what goes on behind LucasFilm’s doors.  

Oh, I gave it up a long time ago.  It’s just a hobby now.  I just didn’t like how you said people with no experience have no say on whether or not a movie is good.  Fans are the ONLY people who have a right to say that.  And the fact that you say skill and talent means nothing without contacts says it all.  Kennedy had Milius and Spielberg as contacts.  Her parent was in the business.  

I know enough about Kennedy to know that she has turned a BELOVED franchise into one full of disdain.  That’s not nothing.  

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3 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

You don’t know the first thing about Kennedy or what she’s contributed. If you said these things to Spielberg or others face to face you’d get clowned for your ignorance.   It’s okay to not like her work but you have ZERO idea what goes on behind LucasFilm’s doors.  

You're right about this we don't know what she contributed to those other projects with people like Speilberg, Lucas, and such have worked on because it was them that brought her along for w/e it was that she did for the movie.

But we do know for a fact that she has been the say all end all since Disney bought Lucas Films and her projects without Lucas, Speilberg and other visionaries have been very lackluster given she has the largest fanbase in the world to work with, and arguably the easiest fan base to exploit marketing wise. 

The only 2 movies that has met or exceeded the hype expectations at the box office has been TFA and Rogue One out of all the projects that has come out. Only the Mandelorian has been getting good reviews so far from both critics and the audience itself. 

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3 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

His batting average is significantly better with significantly more limitations than Kennedy has had.  

And both answer to Iger who answers to shareholders.  There are so many moving parts. It’s way more complicated than “I don’t like these new Star Wars movies therefore Kennedy is the problem” attitude prevalent on these forums.  It’s tough enough to oversee a short film much less oversee projects with thousands of employees.  


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5 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

His batting average is significantly better with significantly more limitations than Kennedy has had.  

Exactly, even with IM3 and Dark World he rebounded with Winter Soldier and GotG, neither of whom had a huge amount of hype behind them. Most people were scratching their heads of what GotG even was or if it was even Marvel. 

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@thrILL!, if you pay me I will write a sequel trilogy to Star Wars and then you can tell me if I can complain about Kennedy.  Too much to do for free.  I would still follow the same limitations.  Han Solo only wanting to do one (I assume this was the case), Carrie dying.  I feel like I could do better.  I certainly wouldn’t have had so many wasted characters or convoluted plots.  Or wasted scenes or cringeworthy side quests that meant nothing.

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1 minute ago, thrILL! said:

And both answer to Iger who answers to shareholders.  There are so many moving parts. It’s way more complicated than “I don’t like these new Star Wars movies therefore Kennedy is the problem” attitude prevalent on these forums.  It’s tough enough to oversee a short film much less oversee projects with thousands of employees.  


Sure, but a studio head is usually given complete authority over the studio granted they follow certain guidelines and rules.

That's why most people think Feige is a Hollywood demiGod while Kennedy is viewed as the source of the plague. 

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2 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

And both answer to Iger who answers to shareholders.  There are so many moving parts. It’s way more complicated than “I don’t like these new Star Wars movies therefore Kennedy is the problem” attitude prevalent on these forums.  It’s tough enough to oversee a short film much less oversee projects with thousands of employees.  


You’re right in that she likely does not deserve all the blame.  I will grant that.  However, heavy lies the crown and she wore it.  She has to be held accountable for the result of the kingdom so to say.

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3 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

The only 2 movies that has met or exceeded the hype expectations at the box office has been TFA and Rogue One out of all the projects that has come out. Only the Mandelorian has been getting good reviews so far from both critics and the audience itself. 

The bolded is the part where it’s easy for the artist in me to go Billy Walsh (for those fans of Entourage) on those who worry about critics and what the suits have to say.  LoL.  Box office receipts =/= quality either.  We’ve seen enough garbage artists go multi platinum and movie franchises that suck make crazy money.  

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5 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Exactly, even with IM3 and Dark World he rebounded with Winter Soldier and GotG, neither of whom had a huge amount of hype behind them. Most people were scratching their heads of what GotG even was or if it was even Marvel. 

Sure but Black Panther and Captain Marvel were  critical darlings but extremely lackluster films.  Both did very well at the box office but I’ll prolly never watch either again.  And there are others that were even worse.  

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1 minute ago, thrILL! said:

The bolded is the part where it’s easy for the artist in me to go Billy Walsh (for those fans of Entourage) on those who worry about critics and what the suits have to say.  LoL.  Box office receipts =/= quality either.  We’ve seen enough garbage artists go multi platinum and movie franchises that suck make crazy money.  

So tell me then, if you write a script, pitch the actors, direct the movie and whether it does good or bad who should the bulk of the credit or blame go to, you or the person who hired you?

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2 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

You’re right in that she likely does not deserve all the blame.  I will grant that.  However, heavy lies the crown and she wore it.  She has to be held accountable for the result of the kingdom so to say.

Except not everyone hates recent Star Wars projects.  I loved TFA and Solo.  TLJ was a mixed bag.  I enjoyed TROS.  Mandalorian is great.  Rogue One is the most overrated SW film by a mile and if it weren’t for Tony Gilroy, would’ve been a cataclysmic failure.  Yet everyone cherry-picks where to lay blame and refuse to give credit.  

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2 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Sure but Black Panther and Captain Marvel were  critical darlings but extremely lackluster films.  Both did very well at the box office but I’ll prolly never watch either again.  And there are others that were even worse.  

I didn't care for both either. But they succeeded in what their goal was for Disney and that was to make money. But even with the controversy and such, people still came and turned out for the other movies. IW and Endgame are two of the most critically acclaimed bridge movies of all time now. Mission success by Feige to do what he did. 

But with Star Wars, the hype behind the secret project by Rian Johnson for a completely new trilogy has been ghosted, then D&D come along and after their backlash they are not even with the company anymore. The studio it seems is poking around to see what works and what doesn't without a clear direction of where it can go. 

Again under someone who supposedly is as experienced and talented as Kennedy. This should not be going on considering she is Ceaser at her own studio.

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4 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Except not everyone hates recent Star Wars projects.  I loved TFA and Solo.  TLJ was a mixed bag.  I enjoyed TROS.  Mandalorian is great.  Rogue One is the most overrated SW film by a mile and if it weren’t for Tony Gilroy, would’ve been a cataclysmic failure.  Yet everyone cherry-picks where to lay blame and refuse to give credit.  

Thrill you're not getting it. All of these projects were selected and handpicked by Kennedy herself. She oversaw each and everyone of them, she picked the directors, fired the ones she didn't want to work with, decided whats goes in, what comes out, when to release them, everything. 

People both fans and those who hate the Disney trilogy have even come out and said the whole thing was not very coherent, that nothing really meshed together that made it feel like a real trilogy and RoS felt like it was trying to fix the plot holes of the last movie. These were things Kennedy approved of, all of the problems that made it to the screen had to have her signature in order to be released, with her watching everything before it was released. 

So how did she not (as a creative producer) with final say over the direction of the studio and the stories not see what was happening with all of this? 

Even though you do like it Thrill! you cannot deny there has been alot of problems that just should not be happening with the studio since Disney took over.

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