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2010s Horror - Official FF BMET (Nominations Closed)


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12 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

has to be Night of the Living Dead

Night of the Living Dead is 2nd, Rosemary's Baby 3rd but to me both are far behind Psycho which is artistically amazing, story is great and it is really groundbreaking for its time.  It has it all, but sure is a little tame compared to what they put on screen now a days.  Still to me there is no question about it Psycho #1 for the 1960s period.  



And probably will not win its time frame because of the time period and Frankenstein taking it, but The Body Snatcher is a crazy underrated horror movie, Karloff is great in it!



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5 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

I dont see Psycho as horror though

Night of the Living Dead represented the horror genre better imo

Horror, Mystery, Thriller whatever it is a far better movie.  

At the time a murder was a big deal, now it is on TV so much you literally slaughter 10-100 people a show, one killing is nothing.  Desensitization of your freaking society how about that.  If that is a Thriller than many others could be Split, The Blair Witch Project, Rosemary's Baby, Jaws, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Omen, Poltergeist, Manhunter, The Hitcher, Killing of the Sacred Deer, Suspira, Upgrade...  hell what Frankenstein is a thriller as well then?  Could argue Psycho is more scary than Frankenstein which is a freaking classic and one of the most creative movies ever made.  But one has a monster the other does not so one is a horror movie?  Going to be a tough call but I would say most consider it a horror movie.

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Just now, Malfatron said:

i appreciate Psychos plot structure for sure

I personally like NotLD better

That is fine, but fact is if Psycho is not considered a horror movie than a ton of ones nominated in this or other time periods are not either, so it could become a problem.  

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Haven't seen too many recent horror films, but I loved "Train to Busan" (purchased a copy) and I was very pleasantly surprised by "Cabin in the Woods."  (Will buy a copy when I see one.)

CITW, to me was a very inventive film, and really threw me for a loop.  I didn't know anything about it going in, and really enjoyed the story.  

I don't know if "Mayhem" qualifies as horror, but it had a rather interesting storyline, and it was nice to see Steven Yeun on the screen again.  Oh, and finding out that Samara Weaving exists is a good thing as well.  As I said, I'm not sure if it is horror, or comedy, or sci-fi.  I just enjoyed it.

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28 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

Horror, Mystery, Thriller whatever it is a far better movie.  

At the time a murder was a big deal, now it is on TV so much you literally slaughter 10-100 people a show, one killing is nothing.  Desensitization of your freaking society how about that.  If that is a Thriller than many others could be Split, The Blair Witch Project, Rosemary's Baby, Jaws, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Omen, Poltergeist, Manhunter, The Hitcher, Killing of the Sacred Deer, Suspira, Upgrade...  hell what Frankenstein is a thriller as well then?  Could argue Psycho is more scary than Frankenstein which is a freaking classic and one of the most creative movies ever made.  But one has a monster the other does not so one is a horror movie?  Going to be a tough call but I would say most consider it a horror movie.

I know we just argued, and imana try to not be a ****, but there’s a very clear and obvious distinction to all of this and it is as easy as looking at all known types of conflict.  Man versus self, man versus nature, man versus society, man versus man, man versus machine and man versus cosmos.

Cosmos being what we do not currently understand.  

Psycho is very clearly not an example of cosmos.  

Split = horror.

Blair Witch = horror.

Man hunter = thriller.

Obviously there’s leeway in some.  You brought up Frankenstein.  You could say that’s thriller because it’s science that’s used to bring someone back to life, but the horror is in the unknown of life manifested out of pieces and the experience of the monster, etc.

Psycho is very much a thriller and nothing else.

Some people try to differentiate horror and thriller other ways and they all fail.  One of the most commonly accepted differentiations is blood and gore and what is SEEN (horror) as opposed to the THREAT of the above, less gore, more psychological.  If that worked, you’ve just turned Hereditary into a thriller when everyone knows it’s horror.  You’ve just turned Rosemary’s Baby into a thriller when everyone knows it’s horror.

My advice to you is to stick with Psycho as a thriller.  This game has a category for each.  Psycho is a shoe in for thriller in the 60’s, and if you try to get it in horror it likely won’t beat Night of the Living Dead, which nearly single-handedly created the zombie sub genre.  

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31 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

its fine

like deadpool said, it will by up to the voters

It’s not fine.  Without order there is chaos.  Without a distinction, it will fail in horror and yet thrive in thriller.  We’re talking about the 60’s here.  What’s gonna beat psycho in thrillers?  In the Heat of the Night?  Wait Until Dark is the only one that could even raise its hand compared to Psycho and half the people here haven’t seen nor heard of it.

Then look at horror of the 60’s.  Rosemary’s Baby.  NOTLD.  Black Sunday.  Carnival of Souls.  The Haunting.

Rosemary’s Baby or NOTLD could both beat it.  

There must.  Be.  Order.

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53 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

its fine

like deadpool said, it will by up to the voters

If Psycho is a Thriller, then Silence of the Lambs is as well, and one of those two will win that category easily and it is not even a question.  But then Insomnia is out, and what Fargo is as well.  Instead of a thriller category there should be called Mystery/Thriller.  In both cases then Psycho and Silence of the Lambs fit better into it.


Still say they are horror and or scary movies, not like a standard mystery thriller like Insomnia, Fargo, Bloode Simple or Prisoners.  My guess is Psycho is clearly put into Horror by voters and will go quite far as will Silence of the Lambs but will see.  You better hope Psycho is not a horror category because it would kill Night of the Living Dead I feel easily.  Regardless of time frame, I feel few would consider Psycho and Frankenstein a thriller but will see.  

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6 hours ago, Malfatron said:

there are way too many good thrillers

Not really, and if Silence of the Lambs and Psycho are in that category just give it to them and move on.  But seriously all the bold ones I would still consider horror because there is a difference between a thrilling movie and a movie supposed to scare you.  Psycho was very scary for its time, and so was Silence of the Lambs, just the thoughts brought up in both films make them horror to me, Fargo sure the wood chipper is a scary thing but nothing about that film is horrifying, Manhunter on the other hand, yeah that is scary especially the end.  Fargo is a mystery like Silence of the Lambs, but just because a movie is a Mystery does not mean it is instantly a 'Thriller'.  If a movie has a character that most regarded as one of the scariest in film history, yeah it should probably be a freaking horror film section, Psycho and Silence of the Lambs check both of those.




Silence of the Lambs

No Country for Old Men
The Fugitive
Mississippi Burning
Blood Simple
Manhunter (1986)
Reservoir Dogs
Wind River
Cape Fear (1991)

Glengarry Glen Ross
Michael Clayton
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Doctor Sleep
Funny Games
Rosemary's Baby

Animal Kingdom
The Deer Hunter
Alice Sweet Alice
The Blair Witch Project

The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
Dolores Claiborne
Little Children
Blue Velvet
The Imitation Game
The Dead Zone (1983)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Winter's Bone
The Purge
The Ring
One Hour Photo
The Sweet Hereafter
Shotgun Stories
Chapter 27
True Story
Frozen River
Old Boy
Lore (Foreign)
Dog Day Afternoon
Marathon Man
The Killing (1956)


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