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Saw 13 Game - JoshstraDaymus WINS!!!

Pickle Rick

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Final comp, good luck @rackcs @JoshstraDaymus @TedLavie



Most of you like to gamble, well, it's now time to see how well you do when you are gambling for your lives.  This is a game of chance and strategy.  You will all be chained to a table, I will make escape simple.  Whoever has the most money at the end will receive the key.  

Live or die, make your choice!!!!


1. The player with the most money at the end of this competition will receive the key.

2. Each if you will begin this competition with $100

3. You must make at least 1 bet on each roll.  The minimum bet is $2.  You MUST wager all of your money.

4. You will be betting on the game Chuck-a-luck

5. There will be 15 rolls (rounds)

6.  You may place as many bets per roll as you would like, but remember you only have $100 to allocate to all of your bets and you must bet at least once on each roll. 

Types of wagers:

Single die bet: that a number will appear on 1 of the 3 die.  Must specify the number. (1:1)

Double die bet: that a number will appear on 2 of the 3 die.  Must specify the number. (5:1)

Triple die bet: that a number will appear on all 3 die.  Must specify the number. (50:1)

Triples: that all 3 dice will show the same number. (30:1)

Big Roll: the total of the 3 die will be 11 or higher.  (1:1)

Small Roll: the total of the 3 die will be 10 or lower.  (1:1)

The field: the total of the 3 die will be outside of the following range, 7-12. (1:1)


If you win you will receive your original money back, plus the first number multiplied by your bet.  So if you bet $10 on double die (5:1) and you win, you will receive your original bet ($10) plus what you won ($50) for a total payout of $60.  

Edited by Pickle Rick
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I would have had zero moral issue in taking @rackcs to the F2 despite him missing the last challenge. It was actually very tempting. However, @Pickle Rick put together a great game which unfortunately became less interesting because many contestants suddenly dropped out, especially at the middle of it. So I want to offer him at least a final with two competitors who did every challenge to the best of their abilities.

So @JoshstraDaymus I'm picking you for the final 2 with me. Congrats on making it until the end.

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