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LyLo Mafia Tournament


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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

VP Touch seems deflated by the failed attack.  Someone who is very troubled by the failure, not someone that would be an alien.  To mimic those human tendencies are very difficult.  

1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Vice President @theuntouchable sat on the couch with his fingers pressed against his temple.

VP Touch seems to be invested and interested in solving who is the leak.  

1 hour ago, rackcs said:

Vice President theuntouchable glanced at the other two men.

"Yeah, how could they have? We three were the only ones who knew about the attack in advance of the operation."


Looks like touch is a human to me 

@Pickle Rick  since when have you started commenting on part of a quote above that section of the quote?

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The three men were in each other's faces, arguing back and forth.

"You were worried about the leak!"

"I didn't even know there was a leak yet!"

"You show no emotion!"

"You make no sense!"

At one point they came to blows with one another. They threw a few punches and then backed off of each other. President @Pickle Rick was alone facing Vice President @theuntouchable and General @squire12. The VP and the General looked at each other and nodded. @squire12 pulled out his firearm and fired a bullet right into @Pickle Rick's skull. He fell to the floor, dead.

@squire12 walked over to the body and kicked it a few times. Nothing happened. It wasn't changing back to an alien form.


@squire12 turned around just in time to see @theuntouchable's tentacles as the begin to cover his body, suffocating him slowly. Once @squire12 was dead, @theuntouchable changed back to his human form and smiled. He was the President now. Time for the invasion to really begin.

@theuntouchable has won, he was the alien. @Pickle Rick and @squire12 now have one loss apiece.

Next game will begin soon.

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