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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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22 minutes ago, SwAg said:

How do you resolve this:

MWil claimed to be blocked by Green/Yellow force field.

That sounds like it would fit an ability for Green Lanturn.

Rick claims Green Lanturn Corps.

In order for Rick's claim to be a lie, he would have to be with MWil or gamble on the idea that MWil was lying and there would be no one around to contradict him.

He isn't with MWil because you investigated him as Crime Syndicate; or he's with MWil and was still framed because you investigated him as Crime Syndicate.




I'm unwilling to gamble with the un-CC'd roleblockers life in a Cult game.

There's no way around the thread posture.  Either Rick gambled and it paid off huge, or the investigation was manipulated.

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47 minutes ago, daboyle250 said:

At the end of D1, Malf was prob the only guy I felt certain was town (besides Rags)

Not xmad who claimed and was saved from the lynch? 

2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You're somehow annoying me more than Rick or Orca ever managed to achieve.

Its bc we are not completely blind to the events put forth in front of us. xD


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