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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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Just now, SwAg said:

So, when do you use these abilities?  Since I assume you copied an ability on N1, and now you're claiming you copied another ability on N2.

You made a poor assumption. I quit the game on D1 and didn’t come back until D2 if you may recall. And I get it tonight 

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21 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

So in review, Whicker didn't quit 

Pickle can't read and is running gambits

Dome.... Just posted while I was writing this delete delete 

Lots of people voted dingo off a not red letter 

I was about to be confused/impressed how dome would target dingo or Xmad night one 


21 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

Well Xmad died so if you watched him.  Suppose you could have watched squire too in retrospect 


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