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Overwatch Mafia: Night 6, Thursday 9 PM EST


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11 minutes ago, MookieMonster said:

lol difference between being caught up and reading the page last night where Mission clearly states he knows TLO is mafia. If you think me knowing what happened on a span of 3 pages is read up...well...i dont know what to tell you.

I've probably read a total of 10-15 pages of this entire game. Clearly your minds are made up and I cant wait to watch you throw the game away because you're to incompetent to make reads outside of "he's super inactive man".

Sure but you somehow missed the reasons that were given but knew you were getting voted.

give me something here.

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Just now, MookieMonster said:

Random. Why not? Tough to get insight on who is going to visit who. He was active and seemed like a good choice I guess?

You didn't think that malf would have been a good idea considering I'd cleared him as town.   

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