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Overwatch Mafia: Night 6, Thursday 9 PM EST


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5 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

But at the same time he talks about there being cover roles but talks about a person CCing them? Cover roles wouldn't have a CC

Go back and look at some of RMIB's posts.  He was on dome early and often.  

All read up. This might be my last post until night time.


I see no reason to hold onto this observation at this point: Based on my ability and how it was described to me, I am confident that CLASS MATTERS. If you're unfamiliar with the game, there are 4 classes, offense, defense, tank and support. I theorize that certain heroes will have a hit that only works on certain classes. So when thinking about mafia, among them are usually 1 or 2 roles that can make hits, yes? My guess is that 2 out of the following 3 (all characters whose primary role in the game is to get kills): Reaper, Widowmaker, Doomfist, have hits that are class dependent. Reaper is a tank killer, Widow can one shot every non-tank in the game except Bastion (defense), and Doomfist can also one shot every non-tank except Bastion, but only in certain situations (victim must be hit into a wall). As Mcmurry also pointed out, Sombra is most definitely a role blocker. 



I have a few mafia reads after reading up

McMurry- was letting his OW knowledge flow early, but then started getting a bit tight lipped about it. Perhaps he realized how little most players here know about OW and that in trying to pose civ he was helping a bit too much? I don't have a strong mafia read on him, but if he's mafia then that is going to be very troublesome. Just think we should keep an eye on him, definitely too valuable to lynch.

Dome- Just scummy post after scummy post. Plays dumb. Tries to be helpful and get a vote down without actually providing anything of substance.

Matts- I am always weary of people who suddenly decide to start taking control/leading a bandwagon. He is a big gamer, I know that doesn't automatically make you knowledgeable of OW but I get the feeling that he is feigning ignorance.

This post was early last week.  I'm gonna go see how he responded when dome was actually getting lynched, but this gives me pause.

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On 9/29/2017 at 12:34 PM, RandyMossIsBoss said:

Image result for sweating gif




I missed Dome's latest shenanigans when I made my last post. So @domepatrol91 is soft claiming that he essentially role blocked KSJ N1? Why would you use your role block N1, and on KSJ no less? 

Sorry, I don't think I'm buying a bus here.  It would be one hell of a ballsy bus.

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

@Tk3 care to explain you're late maneuver to try and get people off mookie?

Feel like it's obvious.

We have conflicting claims AND both FTW and Mission red lettered a civ.

Seemed obvious to me that we need to address those things ASAP.

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On 9/29/2017 at 12:36 PM, RandyMossIsBoss said:
On 9/29/2017 at 12:34 PM, MookieMonster said:

If this is true we should be looking at inactives from last night

Why should we waste our efforts trying to find out who Bastion (civ) is?

Also, does this come across as scum-scum interaction?

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

Go back and look at some of RMIB's posts.  He was on dome early and often.  

This post was early last week.  I'm gonna go see how he responded when dome was actually getting lynched, but this gives me pause.

If anything It should cement it further. Putting a mafia on your list is a good move because if that person ends up getting lynched, that's the first thing someone thinks. I wouldn't put it past him to include dome on his list. The other portion of it is that utley had no real reason to come out when he did. Rmib came out when mookie was in the lead and started the process of votes getting off of mookie.

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On 10/2/2017 at 5:10 PM, RandyMossIsBoss said:

...because I am. If you don't believe me, that's fine too, since I can survive the lynch which will give us a clear and confirm utley is mafia, although I'd prefer we just lynch him tonight. If I'm wrong. Then get Mookie, then TLO.


My ability is recall, I can use it to escape the lynch or the ability of a defensive hero (latter part is irrelevant now since all the defensive heroes have used their ability and the only defense hero in mafia is dead).

Here he includes mookie.  

Could he be the type to always include a scummate in his lynch groups?

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Not really, at that point I had already came out and said that dome visited KSJ N1. It makes total sense for a mafioso to semi hop on and get in on it.

I could see that.  I'm just trying to read everything he's said and get some sense of him.

This game is hard when you've never interacted with most the players.

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2 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

Feel like it's obvious.

We have conflicting claims AND both FTW and Mission red lettered a civ.

Seemed obvious to me that we need to address those things ASAP.

FTW ran hard after malf and TLO. He's not clever enough to pull that off as part of a plan. i don't see him going that hard that early after malf if he was mafia. 

Mission did red letter a civ. His move gave him knowledge that TLO visited malf the night malf died. Could he have been lying? Yea but I see the possibility as low. If he was mafia he had no reason to come into the thread during the middle of the day unless he too was trying to pull votes off of mookie. Which is entirely possible but I doubt it.

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3 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

Here he includes mookie.  

Could he be the type to always include a scummate in his lynch groups?

Think of it this way. Mookie was clear and away the favorite to be lynched at this point. Mookies role gave the mafia an extra hit making him, most likely, the most important role. If you were mafia and wanted to try and pull votes off of that player, wouldn't you also set it up to look good should mookie get lynched? 

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Think of it this way. Mookie was clear and away the favorite to be lynched at this point. Mookies role gave the mafia an extra hit making him, most likely, the most important role. If you were mafia and wanted to try and pull votes off of that player, wouldn't you also set it up to look good should mookie get lynched? 

Oh, of course.  

I'm more struggling with his earlier posts about dome.

He was on him very early.

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Just now, Ragnarok said:

Now, RMIB did flip-flop between mookie and utley a couple times.

I'm just having a difficult time seeing a scum mention dome having "scummy post after scummy post" so early in the game.  

It's a tactic that's used quite often. Typically they'll mention that player as part of their list and they'll toy around with it but never really bang the table to go after them. 

The biggest hang up I have on RMIB is if he was truly CCing utley, there's no chance he should have backed down from that vote. Period. The fact that he came out and somewhat toyed with the idea of CCing and then wasn't 100% after utley, leads me to believe it was a lie. It seemed as though he wanted someone else to pick up on his CC and announce it for him. 

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