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Overwatch Mafia: Night 6, Thursday 9 PM EST


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Here's the scenario that RMIB painted. By CCing his hope was that utley would either be the lynch, then him but it would take two nights before he dies. In the meantime, doomfist still would have been alive and we would lose 3 civs the first night, 1 civ and then another 2 civs before RMIB was even gone. That would bring the total civs down to 6 I believe with 2 mafia still remaining, doomfist being one of them. It was an endgame ploy.

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Here's the scenario that RMIB painted. By CCing his hope was that utley would either be the lynch, then him but it would take two nights before he dies. In the meantime, doomfist still would have been alive and we would lose 3 civs the first night, 1 civ and then another 2 civs before RMIB was even gone. That would bring the total civs down to 6 I believe with 2 mafia still remaining, doomfist being one of them. It was an endgame ploy.

Sure sounds like exactly what I said when he claimed....

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Touch I don't understand the confusion. I said that Pharah could either be a cover role, or a real role that hasn't been CC'd since only about 5 of us even say him claim it. Jlash, Jfin, and sanchez were all MIA after mookie's claim (and I believe those are the only 3 who haven't claimed). 


Anyway, these are the only unclaimed roles left:

  • Torbjorn
  • Reinhardt
  • Winston
  • McCree
  • D.Va

Be wary of anyone claiming these 4 since it's safe to assume mafia got all the cover roles or have been getting 1 a night. 


Jfin, Jlash, Lions, Sanchez, Lions, TK3----> 1 of them is sombra (mafia). The other 4 are dispersed among the 5 roles I listed. 1 of the roles listed is not in the game.

Utley is reaper


I believe our clears now are

  • ragnarok (100%)
  • touch
  • sanchez
  • mission? (someone needs to remind me why he is cleared)
  • Cwood? (someone needs to remind me why he is cleared)


1 minute ago, utley4568 said:

I'm convinced you're the last mafia.

Also, anyone notice how bad Mookie wanted me lynched at the end and never pushed for RMIB. Yeah. There ya go.

I would actually say it was pretty convenient and if anything makes you look a bit sketchy. Mafia bussing mafia is such a common tactic that it'd be odd if it weren't happening, and mookie was desperately trying to bus you (knowing it would be futile and not gain traction) right before he died. Almost too obvious of a lolcear attempt, but I know you're Reaper or Sombra (probably Reaper hence why you claimed out of the blue when Mookie had the most heat).


Also did you ever explain why you suddenly felt the need to claim Tracer? Let me guess, you're just chalking it up to being drunk?

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2 minutes ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

Touch I don't understand the confusion. I said that Pharah could either be a cover role, or a real role that hasn't been CC'd since only about 5 of us even say him claim it.

I'll start here.

When did you say pharah could be a cover role or the other?  When did you ever mention the name pharah?

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7 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

I'll start here.

When did you say pharah could be a cover role or the other?  When did you ever mention the name pharah?

This is after Mookie claimed Pharah on the last page and people were wondering if his proposed ability made sense.


6 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

@RandyMossIsBoss not confused in the least bit. We weren't even discussing pharah or mookies discussion. It was a previous post you made that rag had taken a look at.

ask yourself what motive utley would have coming out like that if he was lying?

Oh, ok. 

Well, going back and reading those pages (185ish), there was no clear lynch candidate. Mission and utley were the two who I saw votes on. Utley, after getting the slightest amount of pressure for the first time, then shows up and decides to claim Tracer for no reason. Anti-town move aside, if you think of him as Reaper, and we follow that Reaper's ability is to survive a lynch, then it it makes perfect sense. Draw out Tracer, and keep Mookie (Doomfist) alive for 2 nights (we'd have had to use both our N3 and N4 lynch to get rid of utley (Reaper)). Of course, best case scenario, people choose the real Tracer over him for the lynch and it takes 3 nights to get rid of him. Risky move, but considering he was drunk, and if we follow the line of thinking that Mookie would have gotten another hit or some important ability had he made it to D5, it makes sense why he was "pounding the table" so hard. He needed it to be either myself or him as the lynch N3, that was the only way to ensure Mookie's survival to D5. tl;dr- he wanted to draw the lynch.

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9 minutes ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

This is after Mookie claimed Pharah on the last page and people were wondering if his proposed ability made sense.


Oh, ok. 

Well, going back and reading those pages (185ish), there was no clear lynch candidate. Mission and utley were the two who I saw votes on. Utley, after getting the slightest amount of pressure for the first time, then shows up and decides to claim Tracer for no reason. Anti-town move aside, if you think of him as Reaper, and we follow that Reaper's ability is to survive a lynch, then it it makes perfect sense. Draw out Tracer, and keep Mookie (Doomfist) alive for 2 nights (we'd have had to use both our N3 and N4 lynch to get rid of utley (Reaper)). Of course, best case scenario, people choose the real Tracer over him for the lynch and it takes 3 nights to get rid of him. Risky move, but considering he was drunk, and if we follow the line of thinking that Mookie would have gotten another hit or some important ability had he made it to D5, it makes sense why he was "pounding the table" so hard. He needed it to be either myself or him as the lynch N3, that was the only way to ensure Mookie's survival to D5. tl;dr- he wanted to draw the lynch.

That last part contradicts what you said earlier. And really that whole argument fits against you too.

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8 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

That last part contradicts what you said earlier. And really that whole argument fits against you too.

Also, it doesn't add up either. If utley wasn't the real tracer and would survive a lynch then why wouldn't he use that as his cover ability? (You know, just like you did). If he had the ability to survive a lynch, why lie about it? Because then if he wasn't able to persuade people and they voted him, they would absolutely know he was lying. Whereas in the scenario you painted you would have "cleared" yourself after surviving the first lynch then people would go after him and it would have the same affect. 

Furthermore, you keep going back and forth on cover roles and no cover roles, CCing a cover role, guessing as to the abilities etc etc etc. now utley hasn't paid enough attention to the game and I don't think he has any real knowledge of the game. What in the world would make him want to come out (early just as you had said) and say I'm tracer my ability is this? 


Its far more likely that utley was drunk, got worried and spilled the beans. You saw that as oppurtunity to sway the votes off of doomfist and hopefully extend the drama out a few nights to get a few more hits. That is a far more plausible scenario than utley coming out to try and flush out the "real" tracer. 


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Also, it doesn't add up either. If utley wasn't the real tracer and would survive a lynch then why wouldn't he use that as his cover ability? (You know, just like you did). If he had the ability to survive a lynch, why lie about it? Because then if he wasn't able to persuade people and they voted him, they would absolutely know he was lying. Whereas in the scenario you painted you would have "cleared" yourself after surviving the first lynch then people would go after him and it would have the same affect. 

Furthermore, you keep going back and forth on cover roles and no cover roles, CCing a cover role, guessing as to the abilities etc etc etc. now utley hasn't paid enough attention to the game and I don't think he has any real knowledge of the game. What in the world would make him want to come out (early just as you had said) and say I'm tracer my ability is this? 


Its far more likely that utley was drunk, got worried and spilled the beans. You saw that as oppurtunity to sway the votes off of doomfist and hopefully extend the drama out a few nights to get a few more hits. That is a far more plausible scenario than utley coming out to try and flush out the "real" tracer. 



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