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Houston Texans Coronavirus Mafia (Mafia Wins!)


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24 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I'm curious as to who is going to give 100% as Town for the duration of the game, aware that they could at any point be dealing critical damage to the faction there is a significant chance they eventually become.  Bless all ya innocent goofballs.


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On 4/20/2020 at 8:59 PM, SwAg said:


The VC prior to 8:59 was:

bcb - 4 - Forge, Hobo, Lefty, Orca

Hobo -  3 - bcb, swoosh, Matts

Orca - 3 - MWil, Counselor, ET

MWil - 3 - Josh, MSE, N4L

SwAg - 3 - Rick, Ron, Biggio

Rick - 1 - Shady Slim

Finn - 1 - Finn

Then I tied it to between Orca and bcb.

On 4/20/2020 at 8:59 PM, Pickle Rick said:


Rick reacted to save Orca, rather than voting for MWil, the person who did a fake guilty on him.  Not sure it's meaningful because they sorta just do this type of thing for each other.

On 4/20/2020 at 9:00 PM, swoosh said:



On 4/20/2020 at 9:00 PM, Shady Slim said:


Swoosh and Shady both voted MWil inexplicably.

Maybe Shady voted MWil because Rick voted bcb and his vote was previously on Rick, who was not in danger then.

No idea why Swoosh changed.

Either way, I don't see either as original Mafia because of their late Finn swap the next day.  (See below).

On 4/20/2020 at 9:03 PM, swoosh said:

well with that we have a tie between bcb and mwil. just what i wanted.


5 bcb - forge, hobo, lefty, orca, pickle

5 mwil - joshstradaymus, MSE, N4L, swoosh, slim

4 orca - MWil23, Counselor, ET, swag

2 hobo -  bcb, Matts

2 swag - Ron, Biggio

1 fin - fin



On 4/20/2020 at 9:04 PM, daboyle250 said:

So OT between bcb and mwil

Daboyle is present, and present 10 minutes before the deadline.  Previously voted for matts because he "did not want to break a tie," and foreshadowed not voting by wanting to see how it played out.

On 4/20/2020 at 9:05 PM, MWil23 said:



On 4/20/2020 at 9:06 PM, MWil23 said:

Vote me 


On 4/20/2020 at 9:06 PM, MWil23 said:

Hey everyone vote me please


On 4/20/2020 at 9:07 PM, MWil23 said:

Vote me

MWil goes full apathy mode.  I'm not going to quote it all, but there are like 15 posts asking to die, and he eventually claims Vanilla Town, Jernigan, when the reason being pushed for bcb is that he claimed Vanilla, so no risk involved.

On 4/20/2020 at 9:09 PM, mse326 said:



On 4/20/2020 at 9:10 PM, daboyle250 said:



On 4/20/2020 at 9:18 PM, N4L said:


he didn't tag anyone that was voting for anyone other than bcb voters. that is significant to me

This seems like a non-clueless attempt to analyze in a runaway lynch, so I think N4L looks pretty decent there.

On 4/20/2020 at 9:21 PM, The Orca said:

He did tag, Bcb who was voting Hobo

He tagged Swag and Daboyle who weren't vlring and Daboyle didnt vote until OT


On 4/20/2020 at 9:22 PM, daboyle250 said:

Mostly because I wanted to be included

I think his gambit is a load of baloney

This is the first real indication of daboyle's thoughts on the game.  At this point, I would be skeptical of an MWil/Daboyle scum pairing because this does not read as scum-on-scum distancing to me at least.

On 4/20/2020 at 9:24 PM, N4L said:



On 4/20/2020 at 9:27 PM, ET80 said:


Not really sure either of you went with bcb either other than it's essentially a runaway and claimed Vanilla.

On 4/20/2020 at 9:33 PM, Pickle Rick said:

11 bcb - forge, hobo, lefty,  Pickle, bcb, shady, matts, daboyle, n4l, et, orca

4 mwil - joshstradaymus, MSE, Swoosh, mwil,

Absent from the OT Final VC are:  Finn, Counselor, SwAg, Dome, Ron, Biggio, MD4L, Ted (now Bcb), and Mookie.  Compare this list with the cross-section of the Regulation Final VC:

On 4/20/2020 at 9:03 PM, swoosh said:

well with that we have a tie between bcb and mwil. just what i wanted.


5 bcb - forge, hobo, lefty, orca, pickle

5 mwil - joshstradaymus, MSE, N4L, swoosh, slim

4 orca - MWil23, Counselor, ET, swag

2 hobo -  bcb, Matts

2 swag - Ron, Biggio

1 fin - fin


Dome did not vote.  Mookie did not vote.  MD4L did not vote.  Ted (now bcb) did not vote.  Counselor voted for Orca; Finn voted for himself.  Ron and Biggio were on me with Rick until Rick switched at the end of regulation.

Bcb is lynched.  Fast forward to the end of the next day phase...

This is the VC at 8:59 EST.



Swoosh - 5 - Forge, ET, Hobo, mse, Rick

Rick - 6 - Bcb (II), Shady, MWil, Lefty, Swoosh, Finn

Matts - 3 - N4L, Biggio, Daboyle

Finn - 3 - Orca, Matts, Counselor

N4L - 1 - SwAg 

SwAg - 1 - Mega Ron



4 hours ago, SwAg said:



4 hours ago, swoosh said:




4 hours ago, Shady Slim said:


These votes swung the lynch from the three leading candidates (Rick, Swoosh, Matts) to Finn, who had only two votes at the time.  I'm not sure if Orca's vote on Finn is a teammate distance gone awry with an unpredictable late swing, or genuine.  But, I am certain that the three swing votes there are all Town (or BoB) as of yesterday at the time of the voting.



Swoosh - 5 - Forge, ET, Hobo, mse, Rick

Rick - 4 - Bcb (II), MWil, Lefty, Finn

Matts - 3 - N4L, Biggio, Daboyle

Finn - 6 - Orca, Matts, Counselor, SwAg, Swoosh, Shady

SwAg - 1 - Mega Ron


Finn is lynched.  So, let's recall the list of people who had curious voting on the previous day and see how they look through all of this:

Day 1:  Dome did not vote.  Mookie did not vote.  MD4L did not vote.  Ted (now bcb) did not vote.  Counselor voted for Orca; Finn voted for himself; both off the main lynch lines.  Ron and Biggio were on me with Rick until Rick switched at the end of regulation.

Day 2:  Dome did not vote.  Mookie did not vote.  MD4L did not vote.  Josh did not vote (but voted on D1).  Counselor and Finn are resolved with death.  Biggio is off the main line, again, no longer voting for me, but voting for matts before he role claimed, and seems to have been absent at phase shift / matts' claim.  Ron continued to meme vote for me.


Something to think about:  Dome, Mookie, and MD4L do not seem at all concerned about Rule 13 because they've yet to vote in this game, or maybe their activity in Discord is sufficient to avoid repercussion, or MoL simply do not enforce rules, but given the reaction to Night posting on the first Night, I may be slightly skeptical on that.

Otherwise, the relevant information of note from re-reading is:
- Forge seems to like being the first vote on people who are almost certainly Town at this juncture; Hobo seems to be in lockstep with Forge.
- Mega Ron has abstained from actual participation while meeting the requirements of the game; contrast with Dome/Mookie/MD4L (see preceding paragraph).
- N4L has some Town game-solving points, but looked poor with the transition to today, starting here and continuing for the next 4-5 pages.
- MSE seems interested in game-solving, and thus I would lean Town thus far based solely on interactions.  If he's Mafia, and aware of the identities of other Mafia, then he's a psychopath to have brutalized his teammates like he has so far.
- Daboyle sat on the matts lynch even though he claimed, and was present to tell Swoosh that he was Town precisely 1 minute after vote deadline.

2 hours ago, swoosh said:


10 daboyle - swoosh, daboyle, MWil, forge, lefty, N4L, Orca, Matts, shady, swag

2 pickle - ET, bcb

1 MWil - mse

1 ET - pickle

Of note:
- Daboyle went from WIFOM to "kill me" in about 8 minutes.
- MWil's response to MSE calling him scum was weird.
- Still dealing with absenteeism, and that is going to be a significant issue in an outbreak setup.
- A lot of people are going with the vote, but needlessly expressing their rationale.

So, I do not have enough to make an accurate read list for today yet, but as of the Finn lynch, I would be very confident in this list:


Mookie (Significant behavior change from D1 to D2; reminiscent gameplay from previous scum games (see Burn Notice, Star Trek)).
Hobo (Seems to be cozying up to people who could offer thread protection and not rocking the boat)

Dome (Absenteeism and under-the-radar at present; reminiscent gameplay from previous scum games; 
Biggio (Absenteeism; avoiding main lynch lines)
Ron (Absenteeism; abstaining from bona fide participation)
Forge (Seems to enjoy killing Town, null tell)
MWil (The Rick gambit can go either way in terms of a tell because it's guaranteed to collapse because of the open setup, and appeal to absurdity WIFOM)
N4L (See above section about the poor transition this day phase).

bcb (II)

If you do not have a description, you're either (1) so far gone as scum in my eyes that I do not need to explain it; (2) provided me with enough that I am comfortable with my read, or are otherwise "cleared" for the snapshot time period of yesterday; or (3) so non-descript thus far that I have nothing to say about you.

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25 minutes ago, SwAg said:

N4L has some Town game-solving points, but looked poor with the transition to today, starting here and continuing for the next 4-5 pages.

I think I was fine. Im town. My positions are non-ambiguous. I am trying to find the pattern in the votes and fake role claims. trying to work through the facts. Your recap was appreciated, but obviously its impossible to summarize 60+ pages of gameplay in one post. 

I find it interesting you did not explicitly address the fact that both rickle and et are claiming to be Donald. 

I think this is going to be a main sticking point moving forward. Donald only has powers on certain nights

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6 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Why would I need to specify that in that post?

you wouldn't. Im just saying finding a definitive answer to that question is the biggest domino in the thread

trying to stick to the facts

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