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Houston Texans Coronavirus Mafia (Mafia Wins!)


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5 minutes ago, Lefty said:

Is this how games usually go? Minimal activity for days and then a flurry at deadline?

I need to go back and read

Some times. Seems like a lot of people are inactive this game 

Most games there is a lot of conversation during the day as well, but more towards deadlines 

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Some times. Seems like a lot of people are inactive this game 

Most games there is a lot of conversation during the day as well, but more towards deadlines 


Combination of a lot of things. 

1. Some of the more active players are not playing this game.  

2. You got the draft in a few days

3. Some players that are vanilla will just check out and go inactive 

4. Some of the players playing are notorious for being highly inactive.  

Also the deadline usually sees the most action regardless, no idea why but some people just only show up then 

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:


Combination of a lot of things. 

1. Some of the more active players are not playing this game.  

2. You got the draft in a few days

3. Some players that are vanilla will just check out and go inactive 

4. Some of the players playing are notorious for being highly inactive.  

Also the deadline usually sees the most action regardless, no idea why but some people just only show up then 

Plus 3-5 newish players 

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4 hours ago, The Orca said:


4 bcb - forge, hobo, lefty, orca

3 hobo -  bcb, swoosh, Matts

3 orca - MWil23, Counselor, ET

3 mwil - joshstradaymus, MSE, N4L

3 swag - pickle, Ron, Biggio

1 fin - fin

3 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:


3 hours ago, swoosh said:


3 hours ago, Shady Slim said:


Swoosh & Slim probably not scum (before N1) with MWil for forcing OT like that

3 hours ago, N4L said:

mwil fake invested to pull votes towards orca

no one bought fake invest n1 of the rona challenge

bigtime backfire


bcb was leading vote getter 

mwil tagged everyone voting bcb to get them to move their votes to orca

bigtime backfire


Now they are in OT and both want to die to save the other one because they both know they are covidscum


If nothing else, you're funny to read. FTR, I was voting bcb and didn't get tagged

3 hours ago, Forge said:

Sounds like town mwil

What does?

3 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Challenges etc.  Yeah I know.  Read mwil's posts he lying and its clear.  He is just trying to settle his vendetta with a gambit.  

If this is legit, and an ongoing thing here in Mafia games, I doubt I'll play again in the future tbh.

3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Guys I’m actually Dr. Fauci

3 hours ago, MWil23 said:


Your credibility is shot imo. Not asking for a CC, but at this point you just seem to be lying about anything.

3 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

I know for a fact that both Malf and myself gave host a list of potential "powered but not powerful" roles to distribute amongst the vanillas; but not to be public.

I already said this. 

I'm seeing some tweaks to the OP that I hadn't noticed before since I read it the first time, but there's really no assurance that what you think may be actually is, unless you were told.

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1 hour ago, Lefty said:

Never mind about the Bat, just checked OP again. I was confusing that with the scum’s normal team ability 

I was wrong about this too. Had to reread more carefully. Essentially the Wuhan Bat is just an extra shot of the scum team's collective power, but instead of taking a phase to 'incubate' it happens instantly. So since nobody died, someone was either converted (became a 'carrier') or they recovered, but passed the virus onto someone else.

So there's possibly 6 now that are infected & possibly 6 mafia aligned barring a good save by Xi, with a possible 7th in incubation which by the end of N2 will either die, turn Mafia, or pass it on to someone else.

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And now from 10 Downing Street...


Allo Guvnah it's Boris Johnson here to give you your daily Coronavirus Briefing, God Save The Queen and may the sun never set on the mighty British Empire!

Pay attention to the people who switched quickly on to bcb! We'll talk to our scientific experts over a spot o tea to find out why they did that, innit? Maybe we should get all of em to front the House of Lords tomorrow morning to explain why they dunnit!

The TaskForce has decided we must keep the morale of the people up during this crisis time - Keep Calm And Carry On as Her Majesty the Queen would say! So we're giving the people a special supply drop with every Coronavirus Briefing to ensure that the morale in the Empire remains high through the crisis!


Odette Annable House Actor Nola Longshadow Television PNG, Clipart ...


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