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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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More haunting sounds drifted in from the forest last night but once again the villagers lasted peacefully through the night.

It is now Day 5! With 8 alive and 8 voting, it's 5 to kill! Again! The deadline will be tomorrow, 8/29 at 10 PM EST.

Edited by rackcs
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we got 8 live

both Naz and Swag were not the killer on N3

squire was blocked
josh blocked squire
KSJ was redirected to naz
daboyle enhanced Josh (caused the extra on me getting silenced
bcb is the double vote, so I am thinking he could not do both kill and use his double vote

that leaves counselor, Forge and ET as options

counselor redirected KSJ, so he is likely not a lone wolf remaining, they could be a pair

so it is down to ET or forge.  ET outed he tracked me after josh had claimed to block me.   He posted about my write up and suggested vs stating I went no where.  only claimed to track me after josh claimed the block on me.  

Forge move to target josh and bcb is not ideal, but whatever......


looks like racks is posting!!!!!!!!!!

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