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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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Well there's only a few options left for us here, let's start questioning people. ET?

Idk man I'm an indy and I have to kill...squire, I guess? 

Why squire?

Idk man I just do what I'm told

The villagers, unimpressed with ET80's answers, grab their pitchforks and surround him. They close in tight and when he has nowhere to go they begin jabbing at him over and over again until any ordinary man would be dead. But ET80 is not ordinary. The pitchforks phased right through his translucent body. Weird that nobody noticed he was translucent before they started attacking.

"Murderers! All of you, murderers!"

ET80 became angry and moved towards the crowd, who began to panic and run away. As his rage grew his body began to solidify. 

"Vengeance! I proclaim vengeance on all ye murdering demons!"

One man took notice and decided to take one more shot. He rushed back through the crowd and jabbed ET80 right in the chest. ET80 looked down in shock as blood began to pour from his wound.

"Murdered...again? But how? Curse this earth and all the devils who inhabit it!"

@ET80 is dead. He was The Spirit, Vengeance-Aligned


It is now Night 5! You have until 10:30 PM EST to get your moves in! If I receive all moves prior to the deadline, night will end early.

Edited by rackcs
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9 hours ago, squire12 said:


I am going off the concept of the werewolf group kill being passed down from Alpha (Blue) -> Beta (Mwil) -> ???

the N3 werewolf killer is in a limited pool

squire was blocked and silenced by Josh
josh blocked squire and was motivated by Daboyle
Daboyle motivated Josh
bcb had his double vote (in the Nazgul vote elimination)

I think that fully removes that group from being the N3 killer

That leaves the options of:   ET, Forge, KSJ, Counselor.

KSJ and counselor have confirmed the counselor redirect of KSJ to Naz.....if there is 2 wolves remaining, they could be that pair

Forge compared Josh and bcb getting a match.   can't be verified unless both are dead or both admit to being in some other scum group....unlikely route to pursue at the moment

ET "tracked" squire N3, but if you look back at the timeline of posts from start of D4, it looks sketchy from my POV, coupled with him being roleblocked last night and there being no kill points to ET being the "best" vote option for today.  


If you have other trains of thought on things, please speak up and lay them out for us to discuss


Forge, Counselor or KSJ 

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