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50 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Ok. So the “trying to help you” could just be Jigsaws twisted version of trying to help people appreciate life with his games, as opposed to a literal “I was trying to make you better (to the civs)”


makes me feel better that cult is bad for town and not good

People have mentioned that there have been "civ sided" others in the past but more often than not "the Cult" si bad for the civ side. That said I would probably say that Jigsaw is "evil aligned" if I had to choose a side for him.

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1 hour ago, Hockey5djh said:

My Thoughts: The only descriptor is that he was pulled into a TV. This could reference The ring where the little girl comes out of a TV (would be evil aligned IMO) I also read up about a movie called "Stay Tuned" with John Ritter but that was a comedy and doesn't exactly work here. In the end I could not figure an alignment for this one.



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Man... I really, really hope lynching Bucs was a good move for town. I just don’t see a saw the cult could convert people to their faction and have it be good for town.

If he’s not the Cult Leader, they can just keep recruiting. If were not sure if they’re with us, we need to keep hunting cult members because their convert ability is tough to overcome if they get a bit of steam

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On 10/15/2017 at 4:09 PM, bcb1213 said:

Bucsfan is in shock, he is lying on his doorstep, trying to solve the puzzle of what has happened to him.  He was targeted, he knows it now.  It is only a matter of tim.....

I targeted Bucs with an invest last night, wonder if he knew about that.

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6 hours ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

Okay, so some thoughts now about what might have happened.

1. Bucs tried to convert mafia (hot chick), doesn't work, gets stabbed

2. Bucs got hit by mafia (hot chick), original Jigsaw saves him and turns him into a clone Jigsaw (would that make sense?)

3. Bucs gets turned into clone Jigsaw, hot chick thing is red herring

2/3 are probably stretching it, I think 1 makes a lot of sense given the write-up.

1. Very likely scenario

2a. Very likely scenario - Mafia either hit him, or by attempting to convert them, it caused his death scenario

2b. Don't think this makes sense. How does Bucs try to convert someone if he wasn't one until Jigsaw clones him? Bucs must be the leader and some random civ chose to revive him.

3. I don't really follow your suggestion. I think part 1 and 2 is enough.

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6 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

With the write up I'd say the first part of number two makes the most sense. He was on his way home and the person was at his door. 

Which would also make sense if mafia investigated him, just saying.


Mafia hit him, I doubt they would investigate a player they were also hitting.

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6 hours ago, Hockey5djh said:

Thats why I was so blown away at the N1 moves, its not often you see someone get saved after a hit but to see it twice in one write-up was crazy. That said Its VERY hard to interpret some of these events without defined roles.

My interpretation is that:

1. A doctor saved Bucs

2a. Someone used a protection on Mookie
2b. Someone used a roleblock on the person who hit Mookie

I don't think Mookie was saved post-hit. I think there was a preventative measure to keep Mookie from being hit in the first place.

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Just now, domepatrol91 said:

Cultist is a player that has been recruited into a Cultby a Cult Leader. They have since lost the abilities they had before recruitment.



Not all moderators take away recruits' previous abilities upon recruitment. For instance, it is possible for the Cult to have a Doctor in these types of games.


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5 hours ago, Whicker said:

Also the hit on untouchable was 100% Jigsaw. Jigsaw made it a point to make sure people could survive his games. 

So if the hit on untouchable was Jigsaw then I think there is a chance no one ended up converted unless the cult had both a hit and a conversion move. 

VERY interesting theory

I was hoping to revisit the circumstances on why Untouchable was able to be saved in such a unique manner.


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So maybe if we hadn’t got those 9 votes, untouch would’ve been converted?

that makes more sense than being able to stop a hit with 9 votes, gotta balance the cult mechanic somehow or they can run away with the game early...

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