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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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On 1/27/2021 at 8:51 AM, gopherwrestler said:
On 1/27/2021 at 8:13 AM, squire12 said:

I had you as 1 of 4 people that need to be sorted out.  Giving you information could have easily helped you create a claim fitting in that information.  Hence why I was asking you for more before giving you some info.  When I did,  you were still wondering why you were catching heat.

See what I was trying to do there was to gather more information on people before I knew anything, yet nobody jumped in but already basically claimed town, you and TK, that even questioned it. Should have been more obvious to me why that was, and failed at it.
I was doing that on purpose. 

exhibit A: heres gopher commenting to squire. notice that gopher is trying to convince squire that hes town. hes not blindly attacking squire

this reads like a scum/town interaction to me.

next I will post the daniel/gopher interaction

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On 1/27/2021 at 9:00 AM, gopherwrestler said:
On 1/27/2021 at 7:58 AM, Daniel said:

As above, it’s pretty obviously a bad idea.

And why’s that? Am I not aloud to move my vote? Currently right now I’m the only one voting for known scum, where your vote at?


On 1/27/2021 at 7:58 AM, Daniel said:

One of the worst late era Floyd songs

One of the most overrated bands of all time, Comfortably Numb was okay

On 1/27/2021 at 7:58 AM, Daniel said:

This seems forced

And again, it was swag, yet you forgot to quote tweet later on when I explained why I do this to swag every game..... was you quote grabbing forced? Are you now starting to get worried I am being active? I don’t think you played when I used to actually play.


On 1/27/2021 at 7:58 AM, Daniel said:

Gopher screams scum to me right now. Inactive from the last few games shows up when his name is called, votes Swag, then follows Malf’s already well drawn out attacks, and trades lyrics with twins.

Screams scum, you know, we used to have a pretty big scum tell early in games. Those who scum hunt inactives are just those “pretending” to scum hunt. Are you pretending, or worried?

check the very different tone when gopher is directing his comments toward daniel.

it feels a bit too unnatural; too over the top.

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Just now, Counselor said:

I trust you Malf you nailed Buff. You better not be converted or I will have to slap you silly. 

if i got converted after nailing buff at some point, i promise you...i will be the ****tiest conversion target ever seen. i will be bitter at hell and everyone will know

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Just now, Malfatron said:

if i got converted after nailing buff at some point, i promise you...i will be the ****tiest conversion target ever seen. i will be bitter at hell and everyone will know

plus i definitely would immediately stop scumhunting and just put in votes/moves

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3 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I trust you Malf you nailed Buff. You better not be converted or I will have to slap you silly. 

also, i want you to weigh in on this as well.

i have a scum read on daniel/gopher interactions, but i want it to be correct

so what do you see there?

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