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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

also, i want you to weigh in on this as well.

i have a scum read on daniel/gopher interactions, but i want it to be correct

so what do you see there?

I was already sketchy on Daniel which is why he was my target last night. Gopher I’ll have to look more into.  I can see the difference in those interactions you posted but I need to look at more. 

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1 hour ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

3 shots. I can find out how many people are remaining in a given given faction. I used it prior to Forge getting killed at that time I was told 4. Forge dying took my count down to 3.


also, I have a nice little nuclear deterrent so that scum or Indy factions wouldn’t want to kill me.

Were you told what factions there were?

it might actually be useful to check the thunderbolts faction to see how many town we have

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Just now, Malfatron said:

Were you told what factions there were?

it might actually be useful to check the thunderbolts faction to see how many town we have

on the other hand, i think we can win with the other factions, so sticking with red might actually be a better option

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okay lets talk about daniels moves that didnt work.

roleblock claims already from people who were told they were roleblocked

n1 - nacho (likely town blocked)

n1 - md4l (likely scum blocked)

n2 - counselor (likely scum blocked)

n2 - no claim yet. its possible/likely the town roleblocker went for swag


so....i dont see how Daniels moves wouldnt go through here. his claimed flavor is different. he wasnt roleblocked. he didnt visit a jailed target because the flavor in the pm was roleblocked.


and if anyone asks "why would he fake claim this as scum", it might be because hes trying to get ahead of a result that he thought might be coming for him

and like daniel said, theres always wifom in mafia.

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On 1/25/2021 at 12:32 PM, Blue said:

Day and Night writeups posted in-thread will have some flavor; Night PMs will not.

also, daniel may have swung and missed regarding Blues posts in the rules about night pms not having flavor. 

he assumed incorrectly imo of what the role pm would say. notice Daniels specific use of the word "flavor", ripped right out of Blues rules.


check out this interaction


3 hours ago, Daniel said:

Counselor, did you get flavor for the block, or were you just unable to complete your action?

anticipating that counselor didnt get flavor because thats what blues rules say.


3 hours ago, Counselor said:

I am not saying anymore at this time. I have a feeling on this and will watch the thread play out. 


3 hours ago, Daniel said:

Aight.  We should circle back to this later though.  I might know something, but it's kind of a guess.

what do you know? what guess did you have? that comment doesnt make too much sense.


3 hours ago, Counselor said:

I’ll say this it wasn’t a jail/protection 

this seems to trigger daniel to think that "not completing" his action would be the proper response to a flavorless roleblock action. 

so he goes for it...


3 hours ago, Daniel said:

I'll just put my info out there, then.

I've been unable to complete my action for both phases.  No flavor, but that's what I got.

I'm wondering if we either have multiple scum roleblockers or a roleblocker who gets multiple targets.

Realistically, anyone who's roleblocking someone other than Swag is scum.

Daniel mentions "no flavor" yet again. hes clinging to what he knows from Blues PM


3 hours ago, Counselor said:

By no flavor what does it tell you? Just that you can’t complete your action?


3 hours ago, Daniel said:

Yes.  Let me message Blue and see what I can say about what the PM said without breaking a rule.


3 hours ago, Daniel said:

I was just told that I was unable to INSERT MY ABILITY AND TARGET HERE.


2 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

that is inconsistent with what I got n1.


2 hours ago, Counselor said:

Okay well I was told I was roleblocked so...


2 hours ago, Daniel said:

Dang.  Well, there goes that theory.


what theory?

translation: Whoops, i messed up

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18 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

okay lets talk about daniels moves that didnt work.

roleblock claims already from people who were told they were roleblocked

n1 - nacho (likely town blocked)

n1 - md4l (likely scum blocked)

n2 - counselor (likely scum blocked)

n2 - no claim yet. its possible/likely the town roleblocker went for swag


so....i dont see how Daniels moves wouldnt go through here. his claimed flavor is different. he wasnt roleblocked. he didnt visit a jailed target because the flavor in the pm was roleblocked.


and if anyone asks "why would he fake claim this as scum", it might be because hes trying to get ahead of a result that he thought might be coming for him

and like daniel said, theres always wifom in mafia.

I’m comfortable going Daniel today. This was my gut feeling last night anyway. 

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