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7 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

1. A&M with the 2nd best coach in the nation.

2. UCLA with Chip Kelly.

3. Florida with Dan Mullen.


I also consider Auburn being able to retain Gus as a better move than FSU getting Taggert.


Wait A&M got Urban Meyer? When did that happen? 

...God i feel dirty admitting that...

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1 minute ago, eggybucsfan31 said:

Yeah, and FSU fans were whining about a lack of "loyalty" like 5 days ago when Jimbo high tailed it, but are completely fine with a Taggart hire. 

Jimbo constantly demanded loyalty. I think that's a big difference. When his team was getting blown out by Boston College his message was to be loyal to the program and root for the team. FSU fans were whining about lack of loyalty because Jimbo literally used that word throughout the years and demanded it of everybody in Tallahassee.

Taggart just took a dream job that he never thought would open up. I think it's a sufficiently different situation. 

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11 minutes ago, eggybucsfan31 said:

Leavitt's going to FSU as well. 

That scares me more than Taggart tbh.

8 minutes ago, Phire said:

Yeah but Gators were chest thumping over McElwain. So what do y'all know?

And that shows the risk you're taking.

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2 minutes ago, Phire said:

Jimbo constantly demanded loyalty. I think that's a big difference. When his team was getting blown out by Boston College his message was to be loyal to the program and root for the team. FSU fans were whining about lack of loyalty because Jimbo literally used that word throughout the years and demanded it of everybody in Tallahassee.

Taggart just took a dream job that he never thought would open up. I think it's a sufficiently different situation. 

It's really not. There's no loyalty in this game.

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4 minutes ago, Phire said:

Jimbo constantly demanded loyalty. I think that's a big difference. When his team was getting blown out by Boston College his message was to be loyal to the program and root for the team. FSU fans were whining about lack of loyalty because Jimbo literally used that word throughout the years and demanded it of everybody in Tallahassee.

Taggart just took a dream job that he never thought would open up. I think it's a sufficiently different situation. 

Sure, but you're hiring a guy who's no better than Todd Graham. Can't complain about a lack of loyalty, then celebrate the hire of the guy who has proven to show none at all. Taggart literally met with FSU on Oregon's dime, dude is just as slimy as Jimbo. 

I say this as a UF fan who wanted Taggart to be UF's coach. It's a great hire and he'll do very well at FSU and probably won't leave anytime soon/ever, but the way he handled this is with Oregon is really, really bad and not much different than Jimbo. 

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25 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

1. A&M with the 2nd best coach in the nation.

2. UCLA with Chip Kelly.

3. Florida with Dan Mullen.


I also consider Auburn being able to retain Gus as a better move than FSU getting Taggert.


They were on verge of firing Gus during the middle of the season. He'll give them a good year followed by 3 mediocre ones.

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2 minutes ago, TENINCH said:

Mullen was what 1-16 against ranked teams. Hes got some work to do and Florida will not be beating FSU for at least a couple years.

Lol. Mullen averaged 8 wins per year in the SEC West with a Vandy-level program. Taggart has a below .500 record outside of the P5 and a 7-5 record at Oregon. Yea, he can recruit, but he sure doesn't do a lot of winning.

Mullen will have Florida back around 9 wins next year. At worst, we landed a Mark Richt.

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4 minutes ago, eggybucsfan31 said:

Sure, but you're hiring a guy who's no better than Todd Graham. Can't complain about a lack of loyalty, then celebrate the hire of the guy who has proven to show none at all. Taggart literally met with FSU on Oregon's dime, dude is just as slimy as Jimbo. 

I say this as a UF fan who wanted Taggart to be UF's coach. It's a great hire and he'll do very well at FSU and probably won't leave anytime soon/ever, but the way he handled this is with Oregon is really, really bad and not much different than Jimbo. 

I'd say it is. 

Jimbo from week 1 to pretty much the end of the season demanded loyalty. That's what a coach does. But there were rifts already known and it wasn't a secret Jimbo and FSU were a divorce waiting to happen. What should Jimbo have done? Could he have handled it better? Maybe. But as I see it, the alternative to what he did would have been to essentially not lead the program. He acted professionally in that capacity, as far as I can tell. There was, at least, the sheen of dignity. 

Taggart, as I've dug into it more (finals season has me too busy to keep up with much), is a POS. He demanded and feigned loyalty, but his exit was beyond bad. Dude literally used Oregon's money to pimp himself out after leading fans and probably players to believe he was staying. The difference in he and Jimbo's cases is that Jimbo was unhappy and left. 

It's like divorces. Jimbo and FSU split up. It wasn't pretty, but it was something that just didn't work out. Taggart is like a bigamist that got his mistress to buy him a new house and used he spouse's money to go visit before leaving for good in the dead of night. It was sleazy. And with the way he handled it, I'm disappointed that Oregon probably has no way to sue the b@$+@rd for illegal use of state funds for personal use. 

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Just now, jrry32 said:

Lol. Mullen averaged 8 wins per year in the SEC West with a Vandy-level program. Taggart has a below .500 record outside of the P5 and a 7-5 record at Oregon. Yea, he can recruit, but he sure doesn't do a lot of winning.

Mullen will have Florida back around 9 wins next year. At worst, we landed a Mark Richt.

So a good regular season team that chokes in big games. Taggert is an unknown. I like that he can pull kids out of Tampa. A place that Jimbo never could.


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28 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

1. A&M with the 2nd best coach in the nation.

2. UCLA with Chip Kelly.

3. Florida with Dan Mullen.


I also consider Auburn being able to retain Gus as a better move than FSU getting Taggert.


Fisher might be better (if this past year proves to be an outlier), but not for 70+ million dollars.

Chip Kelly is a flight risk and his aloof personality might cause problems, but sure I can get behind that.

Dan Mullen? Ehhhhhhhhh...


And where would you put Frost, knowing that Florida and perhaps FSU (no sources, making an educated guess) would have had him over their top choice if possible?


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