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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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13 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

If thats the case, matts and gopher have some explaining to do

Im thinking slappy just got flat out redirected right to me, and you werent involved in the equation

It really doesn't make sense that Matts targeted you and ended at Raves. I don't know what role doesn't show up as a visitor, but it can't be coincidental that Matts and I switched targets.

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Tomorrow, i promise.

Bcb will need to post another result.


I’m sick of all this “I promise” crap. He full claims immediately or I will derail this game. I need to know who he targeted, what his role PM says, why it says he can do it, and who the investigator is 

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11 minutes ago, Whicker said:

You’re hoping to bite him or have him bite you?

I literally give out potatoes...

I would prefer to not be bitten. I would imagine that Raves would not bite me even if he was zombified, due to our bond. If there were a different zombie that bit me, that would still suck.

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Just now, Malfatron said:

Also @Whicker bcb claims to have narrowed down exactly who the investigator is.

I didnt want the investigator to possibly be outed so early, but now with another night its good

(plus, yesterday i figured out who the investigator based on what bcb said if hes telling the truth in thread)

Yeah and he should have been pressed into giving us his targets especially since he claimed that he did so while being freaking jailed. 

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6 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

well if raves is telling the truth, i'm down to two possible players as being the investigator

And after gopher softclaimed something

4 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

Welp if everyone is telling the truth I know who the investigator is lol 


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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

I literally give out potatoes...

I would prefer to not be bitten. I would imagine that Raves would not bite me even if he was zombified, due to our bond. If there were a different zombie that bit me, that would still suck.

Why do you give out potatoes? What we’re you doing when the police locked it down? Why do you have a different win condition as town? What does you different win condition add or take away from the game?

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

He did, but subtley



1 minute ago, Whicker said:

Okay. I don’t play those games so im not good at them. Full claim. Targets. Role name. Role description. Ability description. Win condition. 


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