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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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19 minutes ago, pwny said:

People are still crying about Brie Larson saying that people who aren’t a target demo’s opinions don’t hold as much weight as a target demographic’s opinion does?

Wait until you find out the makers of Sesame Street don’t care if you think it isn’t smart enough for you as an adult and that Ryan Reynolds doesn’t care that Deadpool is too violent for a 4 year old. 

Would you like some other quotes from here making it abundantly clear that she's distasteful of white men?

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6 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Would you like some other quotes from here making it abundantly clear that she's distasteful of white men?

Do I want to read more quotes that you misattribute the meaning of and even the context they were said in? Not really.


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Lmao, yea ok. She took insult to Chris Hemsworth giving her a compliment on being the 2nd Tom Cruise and you could tell it was because Tom Cruise is a man.

She is definitely anti-male, but hey gotta love those "paid" journalists.

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

Lmao, yea ok. She took insult to Chris Hemsworth giving her a compliment on being the 2nd Tom Cruise and you could tell it was because Tom Cruise is a man.

She is definitely anti-male, but hey gotta love those "paid" journalists.

Yeah, it couldn’t possibly be because Tom Cruise is certifiably insane and no one wants to be compared to him now. Must be that she hates men, because that fits your narrative of white men being persecuted. 

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4 minutes ago, pwny said:

Yeah, it couldn’t possibly be because Tom Cruise is certifiably insane and no one wants to be compared to him now. Must be that she hates men, because that fits your narrative of white men being persecuted. 

Or maybe the fact they were talking about doing personal stunts which Brie like the tool she is has too point out she does some of her own stunts to which Hemsworth replied with the Tom Cruise comparison/ compliment who is notorious for doing all his own stunts almost as much as Jackie Chan and she took offense too it.

No, I want to be the first me, not the next Tom Cruise, thank you very much,”

Seriously stop. She's a stuck up tool of Disney.

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3 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Or maybe the fact they were talking about doing personal stunts which Brie like the tool she is has too point out she does some of her own stunts to which Hemsworth replied with the Tom Cruise comparison who is notorious for doing all his own stunts almost as much as Jackie Chan and she took offense too it.

No, I want to be the first me, not the next Tom Cruise, thank you very much,”

Seriously stop. She's a stuck up tool of Disney.

You really gotta work on that persecution complex. Nothing about what she said implied it was because he’s a man. You’re putting that in there because you want a reason to be outraged.

I get it though. That’s your thing. Gotta be mad about any time someone doesn’t fawn over the white man. Don’t bother replying, I’m putting you on ignore.

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7 minutes ago, pwny said:

You really gotta work on that persecution complex. Nothing about what she said implied it was because he’s a man. You’re putting that in there because you want a reason to be outraged.

I get it though. That’s your thing. Gotta be mad about any time someone doesn’t fawn over the white man. Don’t bother replying, I’m putting you on ignore.

Oh yea? Go watch the video, she was clearly irked by the comparison. She snapped back and it was all over the news that she did, plus there was nothing about that comparison to have offended her other then the fact she was being compared to a white male which she clearly has issues with which she has brought up time and time again. Unless you're going to ignore and overlook the deal with the white male journalists for the CM tour.

Too bad you can't debate with facts huh? But go ahead, live on cloud 9 in your superficial reality.


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17 minutes ago, pwny said:

Do I want to read more quotes that you misattribute the meaning of and even the context they were said in? Not really.


But pwny, why would I want a clear and understandable context to what she’s saying? Then I can’t be outraged by woefully and intentionally misrepresenting what she said to suit my own ridiculous agenda! 

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Just now, fretgod99 said:

But pwny, why would I want a clear and understandable context to what she’s saying? Then I can’t be outraged by woefully and intentionally misrepresenting what she said to suit my own ridiculous agenda! 

Lmao. We heard the same thing with the "You didn't build that! Someone else did." blunder that they took like 5 to 6 months to come up with an excuse to say what he "really meant by that".

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

Lmao. We heard the same thing with the "You didn't build that! Someone else did." blunder that they took like 5 to 6 months to come up with an excuse to say what he "really meant by that".

I’m not surprised you misunderstood that, either. Par for the course.

Seriously, you get so angry about everything, even really insignificant stuff. I worry about your health.

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2 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

I’m not surprised you misunderstood that, either. Par for the course.

Seriously, you get so angry about everything, even really insignificant stuff. I worry about your health.

Not angry in the least..... ust because someone responded to your post because they thought it was funny it does not mean their angry. And I didn't misunderstand what that betamale said, he's just very apologetic.

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1 minute ago, fretgod99 said:

I’m not surprised you misunderstood that, either. Par for the course.

Seriously, you get so angry about everything, even really insignificant stuff. I worry about your health.


How do you deal with consistently being told you're angry all the time? There was no point in that post that indicated you were angry. Why do the supporters of these trash books and films feel the need to keep calling you angry? It's honestly amazing that they manage such remarkable consistency in the defensive approach.

Here's the playbook as I've observed it (feel free to chime in with your notes, I feel like you've been fighting this fight longer than I have):

1. Start with a vague insult,

We can't have mods outright insulting people. It's much better to say, "You misunderstanding my point is par for the course". Can't just come out and say, "You're an idiot." Have to say, "You find diversity distasteful" can't say, "You're a racist". They act like this is somehow better. Much better to insult with a smile.

2. Rather than address the point, make some kind of distracting comment.

Fretgod didn't feel the need to do so here, but there's enough in the thread to back it up. Often times it has to do with how you've insulted them.

3. Circle back around to your point, and misrepresent it by rephrasing it. 

Got to get that strawman in.

4. Accuse you of being angry.

They feel that this somehow disqualifies any of your points. After all, they're the cool ones, not you who they imagine huffing and puffing behind a keyboard. Caring about stuff is for losers.

5. Give you a sarcastic comment advising you to change your behavior to what they believe, for the good of your health/future of course.

Could be about staying on the computer on 4Chan or just worrying about your health as Fretgod did here. 


I feel like I'm missing something about clarifying how diversity is a positive thing even though nobody is making the argument that diversity in a vaccum is a bad thing. It might be about how persecuted a minority class is or about how we're unaware of our privilege. 




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Just now, Calvert28 said:

Not angry in the least..... ust because someone responded to your post because they thought it was funny it does not mean their angry. And I didn't misunderstand what that betamale said, he's just very apologetic.

So delicate. Seriously, don’t get so worked up! Life is great if you take the time to appreciate someone else’s perspective. You might even learn a thing or two in the process!

Well, you probably won’t. But I meant generally. People can learn a lot by listening to people speak from experiences outside their own. It’s pretty incredible, really.

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I mean, I only commented about him being angry because he gets worked up about every minuscule thing and has to rant about it all the time. It’s like his thing. If there’s something that could even be tangentially, maybe, kind of interpreted as sort of feminist in a little way, it seems to bother him. And then he talks about it. A lot. It’s just a trend I’ve noticed. So I worry about him, that’s all.

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4 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

So delicate. Seriously, don’t get so worked up! Life is great if you take the time to appreciate someone else’s perspective. You might even learn a thing or two in the process!

Well, you probably won’t. But I meant generally. People can learn a lot by listening to people speak from experiences outside their own. It’s pretty incredible, really.

What did I score here:

I definitely have a "You're angry"

I definitely have a veiled insult.

I definitely have a sarcastic piece of advise.

I definitely don't have a point being adressed directly.

Only thing I don't have here is a strawman argument. We managed to go 4/5 in only two lines. Absolutely amazing work.

Brilliant job sticking to the script. @fretgod99

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