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UPDATED: Future Head Coaching Options Discussion


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3 minutes ago, topwop1 said:

I mean there's a chance he could bring DeFillipo. There is a semi connection there with knowing Doug Pederson.

I like Toub but I don't think he ends up in Chicago. Bears hiring him would tell me that Pace isn't really in charge and I think I'd much rather them hire an offensive HC to pair with MT10.

Me too, but if we got Toub and, say, Dirk Koetter as OC (since he’s not getting any more HC looks any time soon) I’d be cool with it. I just don’t want a non-offensive HC to bring an OC who may be a one-and-done in Chicago. 

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2 minutes ago, AZBearsFan said:

Me too, but if we got Toub and, say, Dirk Koetter as OC (since he’s not getting any more HC looks any time soon) I’d be cool with it. I just don’t want a non-offensive HC to bring an OC who may be a one-and-done in Chicago. 

I used to be on the Koetter train, but man... he's had 3 top 12 scoring offenses in 11 years.

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3 minutes ago, AZBearsFan said:

Me too, but if we got Toub and, say, Dirk Koetter as OC (since he’s not getting any more HC looks any time soon) I’d be cool with it. I just don’t want a non-offensive HC to bring an OC who may be a one-and-done in Chicago. 

Ya that wouldn't be good for the development of Trubisky which is why I still strongly feel that they'll bring in an offensive guy.

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Do we have a solid idea of the coaches that are getting fired? Maybe if we did go with a Dave Toub type of hire, we could bring in an OC/DC that fall in that Todd Haley category of likely never going to be a head coach again.

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2 minutes ago, topwop1 said:

Ya that wouldn't be good for the development of Trubisky which is why I still strongly feel that they'll bring in an offensive guy.

I go back and forward between Nagy and LaFluer...I like really like Nagy but I just can't get over the change in Goff from year one to two...like when have you ever seen such a QB turn around?...it's such a huge draw and add in the fact that offence overall has been dominant and it's tough to not want that.

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I think with Goff... he's in an amazing system and really, I don't want to take too much away from him, but McVay is literally telling him what to audible to based on what the defense is doing, and that often times will tell him exactly where to go with the ball. I'd have to think NFL defenses will figure out a way to show one look and immediately change it post snap and Goff will start to suffer.

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On 12/17/2017 at 10:40 PM, topwop1 said:

Read up on DeFillipo more dude. A lot of people have said and are continuing to say that he has that "it" factor to be a successful head coach in this league because of his special interpersonal skills in addition to his knowledge of the game.  Would be quite a jump from QB coach to head coach but he's getting a lot of hype for a reason.

Plus remember he was an OC for a season too, and he was not fired for lack of production. It's only a later of time IMO. 

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4 minutes ago, G08 said:

I think with Goff... he's in an amazing system and really, I don't want to take too much away from him, but McVay is literally telling him what to audible to based on what the defense is doing, and that often times will tell him exactly where to go with the ball. I'd have to think NFL defenses will figure out a way to show one look and immediately change it post snap and Goff will start to suffer.

That is a good point. 


The NFL allows the coach to speak with the QB until 15 seconds is left on the playclock. That is why the Rams get the call in and get to the line so damn fast. That is why the McVay is always roaming around the LOS, to get as much info to Goff as possible presnap. 

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7 minutes ago, G08 said:

I think with Goff... he's in an amazing system and really, I don't want to take too much away from him, but McVay is literally telling him what to audible to based on what the defense is doing, and that often times will tell him exactly where to go with the ball. I'd have to think NFL defenses will figure out a way to show one look and immediately change it post snap and Goff will start to suffer.

I just don't feel there is any way of saying that about any QB in the NFL with any certainty...who say's Wentz doesn't have one of the guys in his ear?...we really can't know the ins and outs on that kind of thing...

I also would have no issues with doing that with Trubisky.

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16 minutes ago, G08 said:

I used to be on the Koetter train, but man... he's had 3 top 12 scoring offenses in 11 years.

I think some of that has to be taken with a grain of salt. Those Jacksonville teams outside of MJD had nothing at the skill positions. If the primary concern is QB development it should be noted that Koetter oversaw that out-of-nowhere David Garrard Pro Bowl year, and that Matt Ryan went from a 61% thrower to a 67% thrower under Koetter and had his 2 top QB Rating seasons outside of last year’s MVP season under Koetter in a 3-year span. Could Koetter develop Mitch into a Matt Ryan level player? I think maybe he could. I’d still prefer an offensive HC, but as an alternative I wouldn’t be upset.

Take that endorsement under the context that Koetter was ASU’s head coach the bulk of my college years there and he was a colossal failure in that regard, but he took bum supreme QB Andrew Walter and developed him to a 3rd round pick while there too. As a HC Koetter is trash, but he runs a real NFL offense and he knows QB development IMO. And he’s highly unlikely to get another HC gig. 

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12 minutes ago, Madmike90 said:

I just don't feel there is any way of saying that about any QB in the NFL with any certainty...who say's Wentz doesn't have one of the guys in his ear?...we really can't know the ins and outs on that kind of thing...

I also would have no issues with doing that with Trubisky.

I'm sure they are in their QB's ears, but they aren't at the LOS with 22 seconds or so on purpose. This is all by design, Google it

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Just now, G08 said:

I'm sure they are in their QB's ears, but they aren't at the LOS with 22 seconds or so on purpose. This is all by design, Google it

I am aware it is by design with the Rams...my point is we can't say what is being said to the vast majority of QBs so I don't think it is fair to say Goff hasn't made a significant improvement and that's it's mainly down to McVay telling him what to do pre snap.

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Just now, Madmike90 said:

I am aware it is by design with the Rams...my point is we can't say what is being said to the vast majority of QBs so I don't think it is fair to say Goff hasn't made a significant improvement and that's it's mainly down to McVay telling him what to do pre snap.

Well, none of us really know anything then if we're going off what is being said to the vast majority of QBs.

All I know is, he's getting the answers to the test and he's performing well. I won't say that's the only reason, but I'm willing to bet it's a huge part of it.

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Just now, G08 said:

Well, none of us really know anything then if we're going off what is being said to the vast majority of QBs.

All I know is, he's getting the answers to the test and he's performing well. I won't say that's the only reason, but I'm willing to bet it's a huge part of it.

I don't think you can say he is getting the answers 15 seconds out from a play starting then having 11 guys wanting to take the ball away from you...he is getting a cheat sheet sure...but not the answers...and like I said why would you not want that for Trubisky? If we can bring some of those concepts then we make his job so much easier.

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Communication shuts off at 15 seconds, so he's actually getting the answers well before that. It's why they have one word concepts like Tupac (loved that they used that) which tells everyone their assignment. It's pretty awesome to see and well executed, but it's a gimmick.

And yeah I'd love to have Trubisky do that, but it's the NFL man, teams will adjust at some point.

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