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Red Dead Redemption II Mafia - Game Over - Pinkertons and Dutch Wins!


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I’m feelin’ similar to Rack, right bout now. My role don’t got too many bells and whistles, but the role Orca is claiming seems bout as messy as a locomotive wreck? Though if Orca had been claiming Arthur and was lyin’, I would think someone would be quick to call him out. And there ain’t no way Arthur ain’t in the game? So I’m not so sure where I sit right bout now.

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37 minutes ago, Llamalover said:

I’m feelin’ similar to Rack, right bout now. My role don’t got too many bells and whistles, but the role Orca is claiming seems bout as messy as a locomotive wreck? Though if Orca had been claiming Arthur and was lyin’, I would think someone would be quick to call him out. And there ain’t no way Arthur ain’t in the game? So I’m not so sure where I sit right bout now.

My role is pretty simple too... but to make a hypothetical case for Orca. Given the significance of Arthur to the story, I could see him having a more complex ability. If he's telling the truth I imagine his role ability read something like this:

Passive, night action: You protect John Marston from the an attack. If you succeed, you gain an item or ability to use the next night. 

Without knowing much about mafia roles and abilities, I have a hard time knowing deciding if that's OP, given that it's extremely limited in what it can do. It would be sheer luck that the mafia decided to try to kill whoever John is two nights in a row. It seems just as likely that this ability could do nothing at all in a game. That's my case in favor of Orca at least.


That said, wolf claiming him to be an O'Driscoll is pretty damning. The O'Driscoll's are definitely not with the gang. On top of that, going back to what I said about Arthur being a more significant character who could have a more impactful ability, if it's as I described above with a chance to do nothing at all, that just doesn't make sense to me. Orca is probably the right move, but if he flips with the gang, I'm turning my head toward wolf for sure. 


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26 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

My role is pretty simple too... but to make a hypothetical case for Orca. Given the significance of Arthur to the story, I could see him having a more complex ability. If he's telling the truth I imagine his role ability read something like this:

Passive, night action: You protect John Marston from the an attack. If you succeed, you gain an item or ability to use the next night. 

Without knowing much about mafia roles and abilities, I have a hard time knowing deciding if that's OP, given that it's extremely limited in what it can do. It would be sheer luck that the mafia decided to try to kill whoever John is two nights in a row. It seems just as likely that this ability could do nothing at all in a game. That's my case in favor of Orca at least.


That said, wolf claiming him to be an O'Driscoll is pretty damning. The O'Driscoll's are definitely not with the gang. On top of that, going back to what I said about Arthur being a more significant character who could have a more impactful ability, if it's as I described above with a chance to do nothing at all, that just doesn't make sense to me. Orca is probably the right move, but if he flips with the gang, I'm turning my head toward wolf for sure. 


He’s not even claiming that though. He’s saying he gets an ability if John survives a lynch. He doesn’t even have to be “successful.” He still doesn’t answer if it’s an actual move or a static effect. Like can he be roleblocked? Watched/tracked? Would a block/jail stop the John protect or just his item? 

My move is very simple too. Idk. 

I really don’t trust Wolf but Orca’s claim is hard for me to follow personally


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12 minutes ago, Whicker said:

He’s not even claiming that though. He’s saying he gets an ability if John survives a lynch. He doesn’t even have to be “successful.” He still doesn’t answer if it’s an actual move or a static effect. Like can he be roleblocked? Watched/tracked? Would a block/jail stop the John protect or just his item? 

My move is very simple too. Idk. 

I really don’t trust Wolf but Orca’s claim is hard for me to follow personally


Ok I read it all again, his role claim is that he doesn't protect John, he just gets some "random" ability each night that John is alive? The fact that he didn't just phrase it like that and started with the "protected" John when really he didn't take any action to do so does come across as making it up on the spot. 

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11 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

Did you just claim Ben Wade? A character from a different western, in a different medium? That's bold. 



2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

One of my favorite movies…but I’m more of a Charlie Prince guy myself:


At this point we should just make a mafia for literally everything. The FF rule 

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:


At this point we should just make a mafia for literally everything. The FF rule 

Looking at up and searching for a gif of Russell Crowe from the movie, I thought of a Russell Crowe mafia wherein every role is a different character Crowe has played.

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3 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

So he's claiming he protects John(passively) and gets bonuses for him being alive? That's definitely OP, and like I just said, comes across as something he made up on the spot. 

Yeah I am having a hard time coming up with how Butters arrives at this if nothing else. 

He gets a new power every day if John isn’t lynched. But he doesn’t know who John is so it’s not like he can “protect” him from a lynch. Then he just actually protects him at night for some reason? And then he gets to use his power on top. There’s also so far no evidence of a strongman kill so is John just invincible? Or do scum have a one time strongman that they somehow know they have to use on John? Something doesn’t add up 

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