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John Fox is still employed


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Given Trubisky's slow, wasted year in 2017, it's reasonable to think we won't have a true evaluation of him until 2019 (ugh) and that is the single most important factor on whether Pace stays.


I hope he does, it's a little Brownsy to clean house every 2-3 years. Fox clearly is a steaming pile, but Pace has shown enough good to stay. FA is mostly bad (but then again Hicks, Amukamura etc) and I feel the drafts have been above average even counting White.  Perhaps it's my unflagging optimism, perhaps it's the cold medicine but I feel like the Bears are a lot better than they look, and we'll see that next year (*says idiot who says that every year)

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44 minutes ago, G08 said:

Years and years and years of AWFUL drafting by Jerry Angelo and Phil Emery has finally caught up to us, and Pace is the one cleaning up the mess.

I'm not pinning this on him... I like a lot of the foundational pieces that he's acquired. His FA approach needs work, and I'm willing to bet he'll loosen up the checkbook now that he knows his *** is on the line.


It may be just me, but I feel like Pace knew Fox was a 3 year rent-a-coach as well. So he didn't want to go all in on a free agent that was going to be extremely expensive only to have them be a mismatch in the scheme for whoever the next head coach was. 


I believe that was part of the reason some of the players have been drafted and signed for us as well - scheme versatility. Aside from thr 3-4 roles they play Hicks and Goldman can be DTs in a 4-3. Bullard can be a 4-3 LE or 3T. Trevathan can play any LB spot that is not dependent on pass rushing. Howard and Cohen can be used in more than zone schemes and have a power/speed cpmbo most teams cant match. Shaheen can be a traditional TE or pass offense safety net, etc. 


Hopefully that allows us to get the best HC possible, and drives up the desire for our next HC candidates to want to come here. 

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Pace gets a two year extension after this season and the new coach gets a 4-year deal so they are tied to the hip for the next few years.  That's how it will likely go folks.

It's no coincidence that Pace was given a 5 year deal to be GM when he was first hired and Fox was only given a 4 year deal.  Further proof he is not getting let go.

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Yeah, I think as Pace interviews these candidates he should be able to tell them that as they sign a 4 year deal, Pace himself will get a 2 year extension so that the two will be tied together. Smart move that likely will get some media backlash and the Haugh's of the world will say Fox was made scapegoat and blah blah blah.

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27 minutes ago, G08 said:

Yeah, I think as Pace interviews these candidates he should be able to tell them that as they sign a 4 year deal, Pace himself will get a 2 year extension so that the two will be tied together. Smart move that likely will get some media backlash and the Haugh's of the world will say Fox was made scapegoat and blah blah blah.

I do not think you give Pace an extension.

I do not think his record or resume to this point requires or deserves that. Maybe if it is a deal breaker for the coach you really want, but I am not rushing to extend Pace and I doubt after this disaster he is going to push for it.

Pace at best is unknown, at worse is 12-32 and has more misses than hits.

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4 minutes ago, WindyCity said:

I do not think you give Pace an extension.

I do not think his record or resume to this point requires or deserves that. Maybe if it is a deal breaker for the coach you really want, but I am not rushing to extend Pace and I doubt after this disaster he is going to push for it.

Pace at best is unknown, at worse is 12-32 and has more misses than hits.

Bro, the McCaskeys would never sign off on a huge Halas Hall renovation/upgrade that Pace had a major hand in developing if they didn't see him in their future plans.

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2 minutes ago, WindyCity said:

I do not think you give Pace an extension.

I do not think his record or resume to this point requires or deserves that. Maybe if it is a deal breaker for the coach you really want, but I am not rushing to extend Pace and I doubt after this disaster he is going to push for it.

Pace at best is unknown, at worse is 12-32 and has more misses than hits.

If they fire Fox and keep Pace as expected then I think they have no other choice but to give Pace an extension because no coach worth their salt is going to want to come here under Pace knowing that he only has 2 years left on his current deal.

These things are the determining factors when free agent coaches decide whether or not to take jobs.

If Bears don't do this then you can say goodbye to all the top candidates and expect a guy like Tom Cable to be the next head coach.

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I am giving Pace 2 years, which he has left on his contract, for Trubisky and his coach to show something. If that happens like the Rams this season I will extend him next year during the season.

At this moment we do not know what Trubisky is. I think he could be good, I hope that he can be good, but at this moment we have seen next to nothing that confirms that and that is on Pace.

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5 minutes ago, G08 said:

Bro, the McCaskeys would never sign off on a huge Halas Hall renovation/upgrade that Pace had a major hand in developing if they didn't see him in their future plans.

2 years of the future plans.

I doubt coming off 36 loses in 3 years they are going to hand extensions to anyone. Even the McCaskeys know the optics of this is horrendous.

The Halas Hall renovation is being led by Pace, but it is not his personnel project, the next GM will use it as well.

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2 minutes ago, topwop1 said:

If they fire Fox and keep Pace as expected then I think they have no other choice but to give Pace an extension because no coach worth their salt is going to want to come here under Pace knowing that he only has 2 years left on his current deal.

These things are the determining factors when free agent coaches decide whether or not to take jobs.

If Bears don't do this then you can say goodbye to all the top candidates and expect a guy like Tom Cable to be the next head coach.

The extensions does not provide as much security as everyone thinks. 

1. GMs do not make cost prohibitive money to fire with years left like coaches do.

2. The coach still knows that their is a target on Pace because of the 36 loses.


I do not think the years on Pace's deal will matter. The coaches will know that they have 2 years to get the team winning and that is about what you would get anywhere. If you go to NY and spin your wheels for 2 seasons there is a good chance you are fired all on your own.

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2 minutes ago, WindyCity said:

The extensions does not provide as much security as everyone thinks. 

1. GMs do not make cost prohibitive money to fire with years left like coaches do.

2. The coach still knows that their is a target on Pace because of the 36 loses.


I do not think the years on Pace's deal will matter. The coaches will know that they have 2 years to get the team winning and that is about what you would get anywhere. If you go to NY and spin your wheels for 2 seasons there is a good chance you are fired all on your own.

I disagree. Usually when a GM hires a new coach he will be tied to that coach with at least the same term of contract.  No coach is going to sign a 2-year deal this off season to coach the Bears, nor will the Bears allow Pace's deal to be shorter than the new coach's deal.  You are wrong on this Windy.  If Pace stays and Fox goes as expected then you can pretty much take this one to the bank.

As you said, GMs do not make cost prohibitive money so extending Pace shouldn't be an issue for management.

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Windy I think you are being a bit blinded by your hate/anger.

George McCaskey has already fired Angelo, Lovie, Emery, and Trestman. Now Fox.


He's not going to be in some rush to fire Ryan Pace after not even one year ago he reminded us that Pace told him to be patient and that this was going to take time.

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1 minute ago, topwop1 said:

I disagree. Usually when a GM hires a new coach he will be tied to that coach with at least the same term of contract.  No coach is going to sign a 2-year deal this off season to coach the Bears, nor will the Bears allow Pace's deal to be shorter than the new coach's deal.  You are wrong on this Windy.  If Pace stays and Fox goes as expected then you can pretty much take this one to the bank.

As you said, GMs do not make cost prohibitive money so extending Pace shouldn't be an issue for management.

The coach is going to get a 4-5 year deal.

The GM and coach are rarely on the same contract lengths.



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