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Ravens place tag on QB Lamar Jackson; Jackson requests trade (Page 52)


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7 hours ago, Yin-Yang said:

I know this is old(ish) news but I was just thinking about this tweet earlier…

Why is he tweeting this? Like, are you trying to flex your agenting abilities? The offer is, apparently, far below what you want and what you are asking for. So you’re either doing a bad job as an agent or your worth as a player is far less than what you think it is. It has to be one, lol. You can’t be doing a great job as a player and a great job as an agent and then flex that you’re not getting a fair offer…

$144M still would’ve been the second most fully guaranteed amount in NFL history. He then would’ve set himself up to enter free agency again at age 29 in 2026 when the salary cap is projected to be over $308M. QBs will probably be getting 60-70M+ at that point. 

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14 hours ago, Yin-Yang said:

I know this is old(ish) news but I was just thinking about this tweet earlier…

Why is he tweeting this? Like, are you trying to flex your agenting abilities? The offer is, apparently, far below what you want and what you are asking for. So you’re either doing a bad job as an agent or your worth as a player is far less than what you think it is. It has to be one, lol. You can’t be doing a great job as a player and a great job as an agent and then flex that you’re not getting a fair offer…

The correct connotation of his communication is that Schefter is telling Lamar “you need an agent because you’re bad at this” while simultaneously calling his 5 year deal “$200m guaranteed” when in reality it was truly a 3 yr/$133m deal from Lamar’s (and any intelligent human beings’) vantage point.

So Lamar is essentially saying, “learn how to read a contract before you come at me with needing an agent.”

Schefter offered a dumba- take and Lamar called him out on it. I don’t think Lamar should have done so, but at the same time it’s hyper drama from people who don’t know what they’re talking about that has added this extra layer of tumultuous to this contract situation for Lamar, the team, and the fans.


You seem pretty intelligent with player and contract understanding, breakdown that Schefter deal, as he tweeted he literally explains that those extra guarantees don’t activate until Lamar is “on the roster in 2026” which means that would be the obvious out for ANY team who wants to cut a player. We as educated fans, know that’s how the industry goes. Teams use players up and then if/when they don’t have it, they dispose of them. So assuming Lamar is given $200m when it’s in the form of an option bonus a few years out, is foolish.

I’m sure (my assumption) is if there were more non-option related guarantees in the deal (say 210m guaranteed) and that the option bonuses were the part of the deal that inflated his overall guarantees above Watson’s (say 235m with option bonuses included) then Lamar would have signed. But looking at it objectively speaking, those aren’t moneys that he should “expect” to actually make unless things play out according to plan.

So again if Lamar were to accept that deal, he would essentially be agreeing to $44.3m/year guaranteed, which is below the current market value.

Schefter asserting those option bonuses three years out as “guaranteed” money is spinning what the deal actually is and attempting to call into question how foolish Lamar is for not taking that deal. Call him foolish for other things, but that’s absolutely was not foolish for him to turn down.

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4 minutes ago, diamondbull424 said:

So again if Lamar were to accept that deal, he would essentially be agreeing to $44.3m/year guaranteed, which is below the current market value.

Doesn't that put him at 6th?

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5 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

Doesn't that put him at 6th?

Yup that would put him at 6th, however Mahomes and Allen signed those deals ages ago in NFL land.

4 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

I guess I was reading it as AAV

Yeah I was stating it as AAV. Good guess, I should’ve elaborated.

Lamar is young and in his prime, if he’s going to relinquish those prime athletic years for essentially what amounts to a 3 year deal (especially considering his play style), IMO it would only make sense for him to ask for similar AAV as to Aaron Rodgers, but fully guaranteed.

Most of these other deals are before we knew the new cap money. Or it’s with Kyler Murray, who had little leverage and was being signed way early. Or Russell Wilson who from 2019-2021, I would imagine most would consider below Lamar and he was also older and moving towards a decline.

Now this is all from what I would imagine to be Lamar’s perspective. From the Ravens perspective I can assume they think 6th best AAV in guaranteed amount is a great offer. And it’s not unfair.

However I do lean more towards the player’s perspective, though if I’m Lamar I would also consider the Ravens history with players and them not cutting guys making big money that are the franchise level guys. That would factor into my decision making. Now with some franchises, I would for sure be steadfast in getting my guaranteed money being “actually” guaranteed.

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Lamar's leverage is waning this year quickly though too, right? How many teams can afford to take on his salary now after FA?

He could cash in with another contract after the three years too. Kirk did it. 

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3 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

Lamar's leverage is waning this year quickly though too, right? How many teams can afford to take on his salary now after FA?

He could cash in with another contract after the three years too. Kirk did it. 

I’d think if a team is interested they wouldn’t hold their water until after the draft. They would instead build up the squad and then when in a good spot roster wise, they would attempt to answer the QB spot through the draft, but if things fall through, and/or they feel the roster is read to compete, they can then be aggressive and restructure some contracts to look to fit Lamar in.

You would think such a team would be aggressive and would be looking to go “all in”, only they would do it in reverse order. Build up the roster and then make room for Lamar, vs making roof for Watson and then building up the roster aggressively (as we’re seeing from Cleveland) around him.

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16 hours ago, NYRaider said:

$144M still would’ve been the second most fully guaranteed amount in NFL history. He then would’ve set himself up to enter free agency again at age 29 in 2026 when the salary cap is projected to be over $308M. QBs will probably be getting 60-70M+ at that point. 

It wasn’t fully GTD, though. At least not the whole thing. 

3/$133M GTD on it’s own is nice, but Schefter said there were extra years tacked on there. 

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9 hours ago, diamondbull424 said:

The correct connotation of his communication is that Schefter is telling Lamar “you need an agent because you’re bad at this” while simultaneously calling his 5 year deal “$200m guaranteed” when in reality it was truly a 3 yr/$133m deal from Lamar’s (and any intelligent human beings’) vantage point.

Yeah, I’m not really talking about Schefter’s part in this. 

Lamar said “but I need an agent?” Implying that he’s negotiated himself a good deal, basically saying he doesn’t need an agent. However, it’s also apparently well below what he believes he’s worth and is willing to accept. So either Lamar the agent isn’t able to negotiate a fair deal for Lamar the player,  or Lamar the player isn’t worth the deal that Lamar the agent believes him to be. 

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1 minute ago, Yin-Yang said:

Yeah, I’m not really talking about Schefter’s part in this. 

Lamar said “but I need an agent?” Implying that he’s negotiated himself a good deal, basically saying he doesn’t need an agent. However, it’s also apparently well below what he believes he’s worth and is willing to accept. So either Lamar the agent isn’t able to negotiate a fair deal for Lamar the player,  or Lamar the player isn’t worth the deal that Lamar the agent believes him to be. 

or he's just a stupid person who doesn't understand anything. I'm going with this one.

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