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Mascot Mafia Sign Up and Thread


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4 minutes ago, MathMan said:

i will neither confirm not deny.

but from my pov, i have 0 chance to be mafia.

mookie has a chance

Yep just sounds like you're not even trying to make a case for yourself buddy 

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Just now, MathMan said:


sigh bucs

wish i wouldnt have trusted you

He's going to need to go on about why he trusted you and worked with you and then voted for you or else he's going to clearly be mafia in my eyes if you end up a civ like you've been hinting at. 

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1 minute ago, bucsfan333 said:

Because he's not obviously a civ to me. Which means he isn't.

What, based on his lifetime play style in mafia? I agree he doesn't seem to be playing like he has the last couple games I've been in with him in which he was a civ. 

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2 minutes ago, Tyty said:

He's going to need to go on about why he trusted you and worked with you and then voted for you or else he's going to clearly be mafia in my eyes if you end up a civ like you've been hinting at. 

I've never trusted Malf. He's just agreed with everything I've said.

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with 4 votes against me, and low activity, im going to claim.

im your detective. i can detect whether a player is NHL aligned.

i used my move on tk3 yesterday. tk3 is not nhl-aligned.

i was trying to act a little suspicious so mafia wouldnt hit me.

too suspicious though 

wish i could have gotten more invests in.

i had my move in for bucs, but switched it to tk3


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