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The offense is worse under Boyle. He plays like Zach but with less mobility, a weaker arm, no upside and no willingness or ability to throw the ball further than 15 yards down field.

Pull him, try Simian. If we win this game and the next, Rodgers could get us to 10-7. But we're aren't winning much with Boyle unless the d does all the scoring 

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3 minutes ago, ekill08x said:

Whitehead AGAIN! And this dude tweeting like he’s a pro bowler. He blows.

He had a good Buffalo game week one then just slept.

The whole defense just checked out on that drive. Like, the offense gave up the fumble and the d was like "screw this, I'm out"

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11 minutes ago, drew39k said:

Hall can't get positive yards. Cook apparently can, but can't hold on to the ball .. sigh.

Hall hesitates almost every carry. I hate how he runs. For a big back he runs so soft. Line struggling or not he’s been incredibly disappointing when he runs the ball.

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