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Just now, TOUCAN said:

Sorry @skywindO2, I said you'd have my vote in Final 2, and I was intending to give you my vote out of spite for touch. However, I thought his answer to my question was very transparent, and thus, it won me over.

And that turned out to be the difference in the game! Touch killed it in the jury phase

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Nice work @ET80 at doing the Club ET twist and shaking up the game! You were a valuable addition.

Some houseguests did still send direct confessionals to me, which I will always save until the end.

Lets take a look at some now!

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@TOUCANs DR sessions

On 1/9/2024 at 8:58 PM, TOUCAN said:

Comp 1: Emoji game

I’m using this time to try and show my value as a competitor. I already have a good relationship with Scoundrel who is someone I’d like to get to F3 with, and I have a preexisting connection with MacReady because we talked about working together after being on opposite sides in Survivor. Skywind though, I want him to see me as a value going forward in this game as someone he might want to align with to get comp wins should it require it.


On 1/11/2024 at 8:17 PM, TOUCAN said:

I submit our answers and I feel pretty good. Being aligned with Daboyle we shared our lists and his was a screenshot so I knew that if nothing else we had more answers put down. Increasing our chances. 


On 1/11/2024 at 9:03 PM, TOUCAN said:

Look, if we’re being honest, I know and should have made myself first pick because I know I provided most of the correct answers. BUT I put Skywind and Mac first because of the fact that I think it’s early to establish some sort of rapport or trust. I had a preexisting talk with Mac about working together this game, and but I have no agreement with Skywind and hopefully he keeps me safe should he win this knowing what I have done for him in this game.


On 2/18/2024 at 8:57 PM, TOUCAN said:

Here’s the thing; when I say Daboyle and Scoundrel are my top guys, I mean it, they’re my top guys bar none.

However, the best thing for me is to keep Mac around as long as possible and I think he will protect me generally speaking. The rest of that alliance? They can go. Don’t have any relationship with any of them.


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@MacReady always has some great DR sessions

On 1/7/2024 at 7:44 AM, MacReady said:

Well, it's time to play the best game only to lose at the last minute again. First year I played I got third. Another year I did something really stupid that we won't talk about and I again got third. I think I got like 7th one year. Last year I was the obvious #1 target for like 7 of the 8 remaining players and I went on a tear, winning something like 7 of the final HOH/POV games. Then I won the final HOH. Then, like a dummy, I took Swoosh because Swoosh I don't think won a single solitary challenge. I forget the details, but Swoosh accused me of cheating somehow, and then in his attempt to simultaneously backtrack and prove what he'd said, he incriminated himself as having cheated (sending screenshots to other players rather than paraphrasing what other players were saying), and he still won.

Yes, I'm still upset about that. Yes, if he plays or if Shady plays they will be my first targets. Then TedLavie, though TedLavie did nothing wrong in that scenario and was only loyal to the two people who ****ed me.

I really should have listened to my own words to Nazgul. The villain can't win these games. Once you get painted as an arrogant or pompous or backstabbing player, you're not winning. I was responsible last year for sending way too many of the jury home. So I'm going to try to steer others into doing my dirty work. Going to try my best to not make it look obvious. "Such and such is a bigger threat even though I like them." Rather than, "Such and such needs to go now."

I'm also not planning on being a competition threat.

And I'm not going to make the mistake of not being talkative. Too many things come to light simply by keeping in touch with a large number of houseguests. The problem with this is if you get accused of playing the entire field, you'll get kicked out quick. So most of my reaching out will be short and sweet.

Humble, talkative, humble, affable, a dash of feigned disinterest and suckage at comps. That is, of course, a long way of saying I'm going to do a lot of acting. Except for the talkative part. I am not humble, I am not affable, I am not humble, I am extremely competitive and I get impatient when people take too long in Hearts (It's not that complicated there's no reason any move in Hearts should take longer than 1.37 seconds) and I definitely don't suck at competitions.

Also, my legitimate, 100% true, 100% honest and completely genuine goal is to see a Nazgul and MacReady final 2.


On 1/15/2024 at 7:26 PM, MacReady said:

Clearly my plan is going swimmingly.

I didn’t ****ing want this, JULIE!

I just wanted to make it look like I wasn’t trying to lose by picking my favorite team. I wanted to pick the ****ing Texans.

I suck at losing.

I didn’t want this, Julie. 

I don’t like BCB. I’ve never liked BCB. If I’m being honest, it took zero thought whatsoever to nominate him. I will never like BCB in these games. He thinks betraying someone for the sake of it is good gameplay. Or Maybe I have him confused with someone else, I don’t know, but I don’t like his username. He is my target. I like gopher. I only nominated him because I don’t think he has an alliance yet.

Ahnold on a motorcycle now. Sarah Connor tying her shoes up. Dog barking.

Working with jburge, Toucan, Ted and Nazgûl. Nazgûl is my #1. I am going to betray Ted the minute it’s beneficial to me. Hopefully without him finding out or before the jury. Guarantee he’s just keeping me close and fishing for information. I won’t give him anything legitimate. Jburge I’ll give a little bit more information. I am hinging this entire game on being able to trust that Mazgul wants a final two with me as much as I want one with him.

Toucan, too. I feel like I can trust Toucan for a while, and he’s gonna be tight with Daboyle.

I sent Mission a PM telling him I will not be targeting him or TLO for a good while and I guaranteed their safety for this HOH. I’d like for them to find a different group to target and go to war with other than my own. Ideally it’s Mission’s group and mine at the jury portion. 


On 1/17/2024 at 9:35 PM, MacReady said:

****, Julie. I say ****.

Whicker wants to go after the MOL. He also wants to go after Nazgul/Dwight.

I want him to go after the MOL. I don’t want him to go after Nazgul.

I also can’t let Nazgul know this because I don’t want to feel obligated to nominate Whicker.

Whickwr or myself was supposed to win this POV so I could tell both Nazgul and the MoL that Whicker was after them, but now I have to sit on that. Looks like I will have to nominate touch in the morning.


On 1/17/2024 at 9:37 PM, Malfatron said:

For failure to turn in veto moves or check into the house in 7 days....here is gophers punishment: more danger.

If bcb pulls himself off the block, you can either choose to replace bcb with another houseguest and have the live vote...in which case gopher will get a penalty vote against himself.

Or...you may eschew the vote and evict gopher right here and now. And then we will move to the next HOH comp 


On 1/18/2024 at 6:27 AM, MacReady said:

Oh. I’ll just evict Gooher.


On 1/26/2024 at 10:27 AM, MacReady said:

I am The Bald Lion. With allies as my mane, you cannot escape my fangs.

This is blatant plagiarism from the song Medusa by Project 86, but I thought it sounded cool and I rolled with it.

Also, scratch my humble plan. I am the least humble person I know and it’s not in me to be humble.

Skywind is sort of on the outs in my alliance of Jburge, Nazgul, Dwight, Ted and I think one other I can’t remember. Him waffling on whether or not to use the POV kind of rubbed some of us the wrong way. He’s a dangerous one, like Finn. He’s in it for fun, not to win. That’s extremely frightening to someone like me who likes to subtly try to control players.

I wanted BCB out here, but never played hard for it. I just pounced (bald lion reference) on others wanting him out. I would have been more apt to vote out Shady here as payback for him being bitter and voting for Swoosh to win last year, but word is he’s not all in this year, so I’ll let him go. This time.

Fitting that Skywind called himself a hyena. I just dubbed our alliance as The Lion Kings. He’s no lion and he’s no king.


On 1/31/2024 at 9:28 AM, MacReady said:

The Lion Kings are a perfect 3/3 on HOH wins and none of us are happy about that.

I’ve been most honest and open with Nazgul and Jburge so far on Discord. I’m going to reach out to Toucan again so it’s not only a dialogue when one of us is in power, and hopefully it will cause some uncertainty in my standing with jburge and company. I’ll also reach out privately to Ted. Keep that angle of separation from the larger alliance going. Sooner or later this alliance will break up from loose lips sinking ships, and lions aren’t all that great at swimming.

So I’m lining up lifeboats so I can set sail in new directions at the first storm.


On 2/5/2024 at 1:44 PM, MacReady said:

Well, this WAS going to be the first time I got a little sneaky. I had every intention of voting out Toucan here, hoping there would be enough surprise votes to keep Finn. I’ll never for the life of me understand Jburge’s decision here. If someone was to PM me telling me they want to quit, I’d tell them to quit. If Finn was still planning on quitting, I’d have voted out Toucan to hopefully get a two for one eviction.

Now that Finn is wanting to stay, I’m voting him TF out. Nothing is worse to me in these games than unpredictable players and he’s the least predictable.

Part of me is hoping Toucan wins this next HOH. That will really break up this cushy position the Lion Kings have been sitting in. I’d prefer the cracks start from outside the alliance rather than from within. It’s always easier to abandon a sinking ship when a torpedo hits it rather than quell a mutiny. 


On 2/9/2024 at 11:01 AM, MacReady said:

Bad spot here. I don’t want to win HOH, but at the same time I can’t afford to throw the competition. If Touch wins HOH, I’m looking at an almost guaranteed nomination with few numbers, but if I win I would be forced to nominate one, maybe two players I didn’t want to nominate. Touch would be an instant nomination, and I’d probably put TLO up as a pawn. I fear that might upset Mission though. I wouldn’t nominate toucan nor Nazgul, so I’d have to put Daboyle or Mission up as a replacement nomination.

On the other hand, I’m confident Nazgul wouldn’t betray me (this early), I’m sure Mission/TLO wouldn’t go after me since I’ve kept in touch with them, and I would feel safe with Daboyle or Toucan considering I buddied up to Toucan ahead of him getting nominated by jburge.

Winning HOH is always better than losing it, but it’s going to be the veto power that’s the real power in this one.

Anyway, I’m putting in the work. Sent messages out to Nazgul, Toucan and Mission. It would seem disingenuous if I sent a PM to touch at this point, so I have to leave that one alone. Can’t be in too many people’s ears or those ears will learn how to speak. 


On 2/14/2024 at 7:15 PM, MacReady said:

Toucan volunteered to go up.

I briefly considered just going all out war against Shady/Mission/TLO, but it seems I can destroy one of their votes, but I reached out to Touch. He agreed to ally up with me and keep it secret.

I've only told Jburge and Nazgul about this. Touch has agreed to vote out TLO. 

If Touch is lying, big deal. I vote out TLO and Shady/Mission are pissed at me. I kept up my end of the bargain with Shady at this point, so he likely won't nominate Jburge otherwise I'd have an excuse to vote TLO on the tiebreaker. 

I have too many people though. I know the dangers of this. I know them quite well. Word is going to get out sooner or later.

This is why I'm honest with Jburge and Nazgul and I let them know every single person I reach out to. If one of them stabs me in the back, I'll have the other.

Right now I have a line of communication open with every player in this house except for Dwight (in the Lion Kings), Daboyle (aligned with Toucan) TLO (set to be eliminated) and Scoundrel (set to be eliminated).

I have a "secret alliance" with Whicker, Touch, Ted, Toucan, Nazgul and Jburge.

Jburge and Nazgul are the only two who know all my secret alliances. 

This is either going to guarantee me a spot in the final 5 or get me out before the jury. 

I need some juicy drama in the house in order to thin out the ranks and draw the battle lines and I just need to avoid that drama one more HOH cycle and I'll be in pretty decent shape. 


On 2/15/2024 at 1:15 PM, MacReady said:

Something’s ****y with a capital F.

(Shady just nominated Jburge for post-game context).

Diary entry once this mess gets cleaned up.


On 2/15/2024 at 3:26 PM, MacReady said:

Told you I was going to betray Ted the minute it was beneficial for me to do so.

Didn’t trust that French bastard as far as I could throw him.

He has stabbed Jburge in the back. And admitted to it.

I played nice. Told him I can respect the move. That he has nothing to fear from me. That he won’t face any heat from me either way. But I knew he was going to stab someone in the back the first chance he had. My only regret is I didn’t have a chance to beat him to it.

Shady might still be involved. Don’t trust either of them. How could you? One is from Australia and the other is from France.

That’s like the two biggest loser countries in the world. What has either country ever done other than lose and just be there with kangaroos?

Going to campaign hard to keep Jburge. I think I can flip Whicker. 

Oui, mate. ****ing oui.

If I had to bet, Shady, Ted and Touch are all in a secret alliance. Touch has been pushing too hard to go after Ted after what I told him. Too early into our conversation to be so ready to attack. They made a great move. They think they really hurt me, but in reality they just made things easier for me to stick to Nazgul.



On 2/17/2024 at 9:24 PM, MacReady said:



(Before Shady inevitably breaks the tie and votes out Jburge, which I already knew was the plan long before and while Shady was lying and acting oblivious to Ted’s plans).

Good to know I can at least somewhat trust touch, and glad I still have Toucan in my pocket. Thought for sure Touch spilled the beans to Shady and that’s what precipitated this whole thing. 

Looks like Mission is already slowly checking out, too. Makes things easier.

Shady will have to stop the BS obvious lies and declare his position. Shady and Ted are now the obvious centers of attention in the house.

Sucks to lose Jburge here, but makes things a lot clearer going forward.

Shady and Ted have decided to step out from the shadows this time around. Or at least I won’t let them hide in them. Everyone in the house knows Ted stabbed Jburge in the back because everyone in the house has been told this much.

Neither myself nor Shady can compete in this upcoming HOH. I have Naz, Toucan, Daboyle, Skywind, Dwight and maybe even Touch I could escape nominations from (still not quite 100% on touch).

Still, I won’t feel safe this next HOH until after the POV ceremony is over and I’m not on the hot seat.



On 2/18/2024 at 7:48 AM, MacReady said:

Well, Jburge, I tried. I really did. Wasn't about to use bullying tactics. As I told you, those don't work. I feel like if you hadn't gone full aggressive I might have had a chance. Seven percent of this game is concentrated power of will and you resigned to your fate. If you would have believed, you could have stayed. 

Shady knows he ****ed up. Instinctively he knows. He wasn't ready for this, and he was never this type of player. He was always in the shadows. Both of them were. Ted and Shady alike. Last game they used an extensive network to do their dirty work and they rarely got blood on their hands. They used poison, not the sword. This time they've decided to unsheath their tiny little daggers. They've made themselves the clear targets in the game. I have to avoid Ted winning HOH. Ted and Shady have to avoid Nazgul, Toucan, Dwight, Daboyle and possibly Touch winning HOH.

Touch I think definitely nominates Nazgul, but I think I've avoided being an immediate target of his. Still shaky ground on that alliance.

Skywind has proven he is not an enemy. Yet.
Whicker I have presented enough doubt in his alliance with Ted that he will be wary of him at least. With potential to turn against Ted. Or I've given him fuel to come after me. Either way, I don't think it will be immediate. I have been gracious and humble with Ted, Whicker and Shady throughout all of this. Even pretending to believe in Shady's blatant stupid Australian lies. Gee, shucks, gosh... Hehe. You sound like Goofy talking to me like that, dude. I'd have more respect for you if you just said, "Yep, making a play against you here, mate. Sorry it couldn't be you. I know you're not stupid." Instead of, "Gee, gorsh, I don't know why Ted made me type out Jburge into the nomination ceremony. A-hyug." 

I hate being lied to when it's so blatantly a lie. Don't tell me your grandma died. I will express my deepest condolences, but when your *** comes back to work I will ask you her name (in the softest, most understandingest voice ever) and look for her obituary. Tell me your grandma is suffering from dementia and she's screaming and shouting and only wanting to speak to her sister, who died four years ago, but you kinda look like her and she always talks to you like you're her sister. She lives four towns over and you really have to get there as soon as possible and you're so sorry.

Jokes aside, I'm not joking. Don't tell me a terrible lie you put yourself in a position to prove was a lie. 

Credit where it's due, taking Jburge out was a great move for both of you as far as a numbers and control thing. Jburge and I had a wide net of influence. About the only time you could have done that was with the houses split. Ted was more honest than Shady. Actually fully honest except for the apology about me being in the middle of it. 

Probably tanked my game. There's a chance I can recover if I lean into Nazgul, Toucan and Daboyle. There's a chance this spirals out of control and I'm the next to go. Definitely a low point in the game so far and right now my chances of an overall win look bleak. I've put too much out there with too many people. My game is crumbling. My chances rely on which players I choose to lean on. Nazgul and I made a final two at the beginning of the game. He's given me no indication of treachery. Toucan, too. 

Ted and Shady though... I'm coming for you. 


On 2/19/2024 at 10:15 AM, MacReady said:

Thanks, Dwight, for taking all the heat off of me by blowing up.

I might not be dead in the water after all.

Good chance I leave soon.

Don’t even know who I dislike anymore.

Pure unzipped naked chaos.

If I go soon, it was fun.


On 2/19/2024 at 3:08 PM, MacReady said:

A new power alliance is forming.

I am laying low to see if I can escape this. Not contacting anyone new.

It’s looking more and more likely I am the one to go here no matter who wins HOH.

The one thing that’s been confirmed in all of this is Ted is a massive liar with a vast network of lies.

Scratch that last. Dwight. Dwight is the liar.

Dude really just thinks screwing people for no reason is the way to win.


On 2/27/2024 at 10:18 AM, MacReady said:

So I went exactly against my own strategy and I doomed myself.

Dwight, I don’t understand this move at all. You and I both know I did nothing to indicate I was going after you, but that’s your choice and I’m sure you have reasons for it. 


On 4/5/2024 at 11:57 AM, MacReady said:

I’m dead but I’m still adding a diary entry.

As America’s Player, I speak for the entire audience when I say that the order in which America wants to see win:

1. Touch. It’s obvious he’s playing a tried and true method of looking useless and not like a threat. Don’t think he’s won anything, but he’s absolutely working and plotting behind the scenes. He’s great at taking the actions of others and turning them to his advantage. Really a very underrated player in these games. If he makes it to the final two he will win.

2. Toucan. Loyal even at his own detriment, the type of player I love playing with. He’s in a good spot here since he’s been on the block several times. Survive the block enough times and people kind of just take for granted the opportunity to get rid of you.

3. Skywind. Probably interchangeable with Toucan. Also showed tremendous loyalty, but he’s more than capable as a new player and he’s picked up the game well. The type you’d love to work with and hate to have as a number against you due to his loyalty.

4. Daboyle. He’s got a little killer in him and has surrounded himself well. Don’t know much about his game since he and I were associated only through Toucan. I should have reached out to him more.

4. Shady. Loyal to a fault and unwilling to change from previous loyalties. Also unable to back down from the wants and desires of those he works with. Also still blame him for voting for friggin Swoosh over me.

5. Whicker. Too emotional, too easily jaded and offended. Too arrogant, and that’s a lot coming from me.

6. Dwight. Just literally an idiot. I understand and can accept the backstab, but there has to be a REASON for the backstab. This early in the game to stab three people in the back you were working with? I can’t fathom the stupidity. 


On 4/10/2024 at 10:54 AM, MacReady said:

America just needs Whicker to go home and then this ugly, ugly, ugly season of Big Brother will be redeemed with a worthy winner.

The newbie Skywind is lording his HOH win too much here. Doesn’t realize that holding it over everyone at this point is almost as bad as nominating someone. Intelligent, seasoned vets at this point know that the POV is more important than the HOH. All HOH does in final 6/5/4 does is guarantee safety and the HOH has very little power.

It was him doing this when he won POV early in the game that made me doubt him. He redeemed himself by showing loyalty throughout, but now he’s compounding that mistake by waiting so long here.

Whicker really has played a strong game in light of recent ET entry revelations. He’s not a bad player, but I personally hate him for his role in having me eliminated twice in these games. In hindsight, he should have doubled down on working with me once Jburge’s revelation came to light. He should have seen that Dwight and Jburge were in the same alliance and neither of them brought him in while they had an alliance with him. So that just confirms he chose the wrong person to be angry with. Obviously if he wins he made the right call, but that’s the reason I want him out.

Touch, Toucan and Skywind are the three I want to make it to the final three so I can say everyone else should have kept me. Daboyle and Whicker are the only remaining players who had a hand in my elimination.

1. Touch.

2. Toucan.

3. Skywind.

4. Daboyle.

5. Worst season of BB ever.


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Teds DR sessions were on point too!

If only ted and mcready would team up one of these games!

On 1/9/2024 at 5:48 PM, TedLavie said:

Hi Julie,

It's me, the French guy. For my first participation, I went as I usually go in these games, smart, decisive. I was cruising to a flawless win until Outpost outnerded me in the Final 4. 

This time, I'm trying to have fun. It probably will make me a target sooner rather than later. But the bigger my target gets, the more I can serve as a shield to people. And I can win challenges to save my life in the late game. It's a risky gameplay, as I could very well be 1st boot, but it's fun to change styles for once.

I did make contact with Outpost and skywind. Skywind simply because I don't know the guy so I opened a communication canal. Outpost I want to work with. I like having a relationship on the DL that serves both me and him along the way. I just need to keep feeding that relationship because I tend to think it will, at least at first, require me to do more work than Outpost will. 

Whicker touched base as well, and I'm sure I'll get along fine with the usual suspects (Shady, Gopher, bcb, Josh). I just to avoid a 1st HOH of Scoundrel (because he'll put me up), Finn maybe the twins, maybe Touch. Think I can talk my way out of the block with everyone else.

Thanks for hosting again,

Hope we'll make it fun for you


On 1/22/2024 at 9:32 AM, TedLavie said:

So Julie I'm in a intriguing spot here.


Shady got me in a F4 deal with team MoL - but I haven't talked to TLO or Mission yet so who knows how that will hold up

Skywind contacted me for an alliance with JBurge.

I got an implicit F2 with MacReady

I got a working relationship with Dwight, as well as with Josh

I got a non-aggression pact with Naz

And a natural alliance with the BDL guys


If I win, I'm targeting Finn but I don't know if I can find a pawn/backdoor option without burning one of those relationships. Touch would be a my pawn but I don't love turning touch against me. Boyle could be my backdoor but Josh would be mad.

Ideally, Shady saves himself, Finn gets nommed and we can get him out. Then I throw every HOH for a while. I think I like my position so far but I'm hoping I'm not overestimating it.



On 1/22/2024 at 10:17 AM, TedLavie said:

Quick appendix to my previous confessional. The skywind/Jburge alliance includes MacReady and the twins. And I have relationships with basically the entirety of the house outside of that group. So I think I'm set for the early game


On 1/25/2024 at 9:28 AM, TedLavie said:

So week 1: jburge by himself beats out 4 teams of 4 in the challenge

Week 2: jburge forms an alliance of 6 with the HOH while getting people he has never worked with like Skywind and myself in it 


I see you Jburge.


On 2/4/2024 at 4:17 PM, TedLavie said:

Week 3 confessionnal:

Been a bit quieter week. The Lion Kings (don't love that name honestly) are rolling and Finn has offered himself on the block so that's perfect for me.

The way I see it, there's our group of 6, a group with Shady/TLO/Mission with Finn, the Toucan/Boyle duo, the Whicker/Scoundrel duo (maybe some of those sub groups are working together, I don't know). I think I'm the main POC for the Whicker/Scoundrel duo our alliance. I also think I'm good with Toucan and Shady so I tend to think I'd be fairly safe if one of them gets HOH. One big question looming is: what is Touch doing? I forgot he was playing until I re-read the players list recently lol. I don't know if his discretion has been inactivity or if I should be worried about it. I'll get in touch (no pun intended) with him at some point to get something going.

As for the alliance itself, I like Dwight. I do think however I'll be interested in breaking up the alliance before he's ready. MacReady has been in contact throughout. It's funny because he's doing well to keep the communication lane open with me, he's leveled with me which I like, but I don't feel comfortable with what he's saying and I can't pinpoint to what exactly. I offered myself as a pawn. I knew he wouldn't do it, but that was an easy and seemingly innocent way to open a communication lane with him individually. I do need to reconnect with skywind.

So nothing too interesting. But that's the kind of weeks with slow activity where you need to build the bonds that'll be useful down the line. Hopefully I made a good job here.


On 2/8/2024 at 6:09 PM, TedLavie said:

I CANNOT win this. Absolutely can't lol


On 2/9/2024 at 3:43 AM, TedLavie said:

Do I have a punishment if I don't show up for HOH? 


On 2/9/2024 at 6:29 AM, Malfatron said:

Theres no punishment for this one

Keep in mind that im going to still treat you like you need to get in a move by tagging you etc


On 2/9/2024 at 6:59 AM, TedLavie said:

Ofc. But as I said in the interview, going on a bender soon 🤣


On 2/16/2024 at 1:57 AM, TedLavie said:

Week 4 confessional :


This is Big Brother finally. This is why I play those games lol. The whole 24 hours before the Burge nom to make the rounds with Shady, Dwight, Sky and Whicker were awesome. All respect to Burge honestly, he's a great player and took it for at this is - a game move. Now I got to make sure that the votes stay on him because him and MacReady campaigning for him to stay is super dangerous. 

I do trust Dwight. And to be fair he's just as knee deep in this as I am so I don't think he can backtrack. This has been a bit forced upon sky but if Dwight is in, sky has to be in. I do worry a tad about Whicker. He volunteered Burge name earlier but he's giving me nothing suddenly. I tend to think this is just your average paranoïa but I'll keep that in mind. 

In any case, this has been a great week for gameplay. 


On 2/19/2024 at 3:30 PM, TedLavie said:

Week 5 confessional. 

There will probably be two of those. This eviction was a mess. I thought I had Dwight. Turns out I didn't. So we pulled it through eventually but Whicker is pissed at me. I am a huge target. And I put a huge target on Shady as well, which I hate. I think I bounced the best way I could. Formed a group with Shady, Whicker, Scoundrel, Josh, Boyle and touch. Shady is my #1 but everyone knows it so that's going to be a challenge. Whicker is pissed at me. And the rest of the people are not seen as immediate threats. So it's a perfect group for Josh Boyle and touch as they can ride both sides and pick up the pieces in the end. It will make do for me to get myself ahead but I don't think I can afford to stay there for too long. But if I backstab it again, no one will work with me or vote for me in the end (though right now I can't focus on that). It's a tricky situation. But I have fun. 

I do try to keep my relationship with MR alive. We're both massive targets and we kinda need each other right now. And low key I like his gameplay. Makes me think of a relationship I had with someone named Malfatron in a Survivor game hehe. Ideally I can get Skywind out this week because he's someone who will lay low on the other side and who can be had for the taking for the Boyles of the world. 

The handling of Dwight is tough. I'm wary of him and don't trust him one bit. I have a ton of info that I can unleash at any moment. And, if that's not an act - and I think it is - him and MR seem at odds and want to target each other. But on the other end, that makes me want to keep him? Why not keep someone who everyone wants out? It's a shield. And I need shields right now. 

Its a shame because if Dwight had followed through with the vote we would both be in such better positions lol.

But again, we're in a place where it's definitely more fun than a week ago. And that's great. 


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This is amazing! 

Thank you everybody for your votes. @Whicker @TedLavie @TOUCAN and @ET80!!! 

@Nazgul This is partly why you’ve never made it past 2nd place. You vote like a pissed off jealous ex-girlfriend. 

@Daboyle @Dwight_Schrute I respect your votes. 

@Malfatron Thank you so much for hosting, this was an incredible journey!!! 

@skywindO2 Good job man, it was fun!!

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

This is amazing! 

Thank you everybody for your votes. @Whicker @TedLavie @TOUCAN and @ET80!!! 

@Nazgul This is partly why you’ve never made it past 2nd place. You vote like a pissed off jealous ex-girlfriend. 

@Daboyle @Dwight_Schrute I respect your votes. 

@Malfatron Thank you so much for hosting, this was an incredible journey!!! 

@skywindO2 Good job man, it was fun!!

And with that victory speech, that puts a bow on Big Brother X.

Thanks again for all who played, and congrats again to @theuntouchable the deserving winner!

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2 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

Has anyone else ever won the final HOH then lost? Does that happen often in these?

Yes, in fact last year when @MacReady won the final hoh and evicted shady, but swoosh beat him in the finals

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22 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

2. Toucan. Loyal even at his own detriment, the type of player I love playing with. He’s in a good spot here since he’s been on the block several times. Survive the block enough times and people kind of just take for granted the opportunity to get rid of you.

I was fully committed to going down as loyal as I possibly could. I would be the most gullible finalist.

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