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2024 offseason, a lot of work to do.

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I know this much.  Wilks has been dogged all year by the SF fanbase and by Shanahan.  He has definitely gotten a raw deal over the past handful of years and probably didn't deserve to be fired.  Be interesting to see if he takes a year off from coaching or takes a lessor position.

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33 minutes ago, Last Stand said:

except you weren’t arguing my take? You didn’t come in here and wipe the floor with my takes and pull up stats, examples, explanations

you basically just came in here and said “your takes stupid you know nothing about football” and did nothing to prove that. All you did was yell louder. you didn’t even attempt a conversation.

im not mad. I’m honestly laughing at how immature you are. What’re you the take police? lol 

you’re not in here dropping knowledge you’re yelling on a street corner about how the devil is amongst us. 


Yikes lmao. What a meltdown. Youll be okay kid. 

Edited by UndyTaker
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Someone had to pay for the Ineptitude of Kyle Shanahan.  Explain to me how this is any different then those complaining about Sirianni keeping his job? Replacing the rest?

Someone had to pay for another choke job in a SB. Sure AF wasn't going to be the HC responsible for 3 seperate 10pt leads in a SB leading to a loss, that's for sure!


Edited by Nabbs4u
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I know how this forum works (get rid of older players) but I'm not a fan of Howie putting it out there Reddick can look for a trade when said player, WANTS to stay a Eagle. Has no intention of leaving?

I get the negotiating tactics behind the leak but why alienate your best Pass Rushe like that r? He will absolutely feast with Vic Fangio. Vic "Will Not" drop him in coverage 24% of the time in 2024. I am 100% positive of that fact!!!!

Only idiots do such things!!

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14 minutes ago, Nabbs4u said:

I know how this forum works (get rid of older players) but I'm not a fan of Howie putting it out there Reddick can look for a trade when said player, WANTS to stay a Eagle. Has no intention of leaving?

I get the negotiating tactics behind the leak but why alienate your best Pass Rushe like that r? He will absolutely feast with Vic Fangio. Vic "Will Not" drop him in coverage 24% of the time in 2024. I am 100% positive of that fact!!!!

Only idiots do such things!!

Agree to disagree.  Both sides know that he's not playing out the season under that deal.  Let him gauge his market and act accordingly.  Personally if they can get a 2nd I'm taking it.  The Eagles need to infuse some cheap quality labor.

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21 minutes ago, Nabbs4u said:

Someone had to pay for the Ineptitude of Kyle Shanahan.  Explain to me how this is any different then those complaining about Sirianni keeping his job? Replacing the rest?

Someone had to pay for another choke job in a SB. Sure AF wasn't going to be the HC responsible for 3 seperate 10pt leads in a SB leading to a loss, that's for sure!


I personally think Kyle is the most overrated coach in the NFL.  He's come up short so many times with some really really talented teams on both sides of the ball.  He has a lot of the same pitfalls that Andy had early in his career, except he's not nearly as good or as innovative as Andy ever was.  That said, there are probably at least 20 teams that would love for Kyle to become available.

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1 hour ago, UndyTaker said:

Yikes lmao. What a meltdown. Youll be okay kid. 

lol saying someone is melting down that called you out for melting down is the forum equivalent of I know you are but what am I 

It’s ok buddy a fart in the wind doesn’t move a speck of dust. Life will be better. The internet won’t always need to be your outlet to release whatever’s made you so negative. Rest those fingers lil guy

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2 hours ago, Nabbs4u said:

I know how this forum works (get rid of older players) but I'm not a fan of Howie putting it out there Reddick can look for a trade when said player, WANTS to stay a Eagle. Has no intention of leaving?

I get the negotiating tactics behind the leak but why alienate your best Pass Rushe like that r? He will absolutely feast with Vic Fangio. Vic "Will Not" drop him in coverage 24% of the time in 2024. I am 100% positive of that fact!!!!

Only idiots do such things!!

Alienate who exactly? Like the news is out there and a day later Reddick said he wants to stay in Philly. It is a business at the end of the day. If the Eagles just told Reddick we can't extend you for what you want and then told him he is going to play on his current deal this year... what do you think would happen? Or do you just want Howie to cave into his demands and extend him for whatever he asks?

Reddick wants to be an Eagle, but more than that he wants a big payday lol. If Reddick was willing to play for $15mil next year he would already be extended. It is business on both sides.

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10 hours ago, Nabbs4u said:

I know how this forum works (get rid of older players) but I'm not a fan of Howie putting it out there Reddick can look for a trade when said player, WANTS to stay a Eagle. Has no intention of leaving?

I get the negotiating tactics behind the leak but why alienate your best Pass Rushe like that r? He will absolutely feast with Vic Fangio. Vic "Will Not" drop him in coverage 24% of the time in 2024. I am 100% positive of that fact!!!!

Only idiots do such things!!

Reddick wants 25M/year; he can go find a trade partner. 

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15 hours ago, Last Stand said:

What’s your statistical backing for him as a great DC option? 

what’s the resume? Where’s the smart take? Instead of spewing generalities actually back yourself up and change my mind

The word “disastrous” is a dumb take.  Pointing to him giving up a 10 point lead in the SB to a dynasty is a dumb take.  I’m not climbing the hill, much less dying on it for Steve Wilkes as a good DC.  That’s for someone else.  But your overly dramatic response about his performance in a postseason which lead to a SB appearance and then being ousted in the SB by one of the best offensive coaches and QB’s as “disastrous” needed to be called out.  

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1 hour ago, Scalamania said:

Reddick wants 25M/year; he can go find a trade partner. 

Is this number confirmed? Because yeah at his age, I'd not give him that, unless it's like on a 3 year deal which lets us potentially move on from him in the third year.

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12 hours ago, Nabbs4u said:

I know how this forum works (get rid of older players) but I'm not a fan of Howie putting it out there Reddick can look for a trade when said player, WANTS to stay a Eagle. Has no intention of leaving?

I get the negotiating tactics behind the leak but why alienate your best Pass Rushe like that r? He will absolutely feast with Vic Fangio. Vic "Will Not" drop him in coverage 24% of the time in 2024. I am 100% positive of that fact!!!!

Only idiots do such things!!

 Def not a good look and doesn’t help their cause with any potential big FA’s down the road.  Slimy 

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13 hours ago, UndyTaker said:

Yikes lmao. What a meltdown. Youll be okay kid. 


1 hour ago, 4for4PhillyFan said:

You need to provide stats to disprove his ridiculous characterization of “disastrous”.  Come on. Where’s the stats!!?????  


Playoffs vs the Chefs.


Wilks gave up 25 points and 455 yards to the Chiefs with an OT possession, he should be fired.

Fangio gave up 26 points and 409 yards to the Chiefs without an OT possession, he is the greatest hire the Eagles could have made at DC.



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2 hours ago, 4for4PhillyFan said:

The word “disastrous” is a dumb take.  Pointing to him giving up a 10 point lead in the SB to a dynasty is a dumb take.  I’m not climbing the hill, much less dying on it for Steve Wilkes as a good DC.  That’s for someone else.  But your overly dramatic response about his performance in a postseason which lead to a SB appearance and then being ousted in the SB by one of the best offensive coaches and QB’s as “disastrous” needed to be called out.  

what’re your thoughts on Gannon?

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