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This is where i got the feeling like things were gonna get turned around on me that round

On 6/13/2024 at 8:12 PM, Malfatron said:


There will be a time when my triple dealing catches up to me.

It might even be this round.


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3 minutes ago, ET80 said:



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So at this point it was looking like we might need to evict skywind.

We didnt have et. He was gonna vote skywind. 

On 6/13/2024 at 8:05 PM, Malfatron said:


Okay i have another fun plan

Finn has been shaky this game

So after we evict skywind, i call out finn that he wanted to backstab touch.

Touch/adam agree with me and we convince finn that hes going.

But then we actually backstab dab/josh for the SURPRISE SAVE, something that has never been done


This totally puts the control out of my hands, but lets face it, im more of a loose cannon than a puppet master

And i never really cared about winning.

Im a disruptor


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So i went fullbore to convince dabs/josh that we had the votes to evict touch, and we did.

There would be 3 votes to evict skywind and 5 for touch.

I would be telling touch that ET flipped on him, and am just telling him now that it was me

On 6/13/2024 at 8:41 PM, Malfatron said:


This will be the most shocking eviction in survivor history

I have made numerous posts to touch/adam ensuring that they are safe.

Read the votes like this imo






Long pause





On 6/13/2024 at 8:58 PM, Malfatron said:


Remember that touch himself told you to draw out the eviction longer.

So please....oblige him.


On 6/13/2024 at 9:30 PM, Malfatron said:


Im telling josh/dabs/scoundrel that our next move is to pick up adam and promise to keep him to the f4 while we take out the "traitors" but really i plan to go to the end with skywind/finn/et/malf

Man, i put a lot of work into this, so please let it go smoothly


On 6/14/2024 at 12:01 PM, Malfatron said:


Well the touch eviction was successful but at what cost?

Touch left the game thinking that i was still in his corner.

Ngl, i feel bad about it but my character doesnt

My character rides with finn no matter what he tries to do.

So we can see whether we can put this right


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Aftermath from the touch eviction

On 6/14/2024 at 12:10 PM, Malfatron said:


Touch said to me "it all started unraveling when ted screwed up lol"

That was my doing. I ****ed ted. By preventing dabs/josh from killing skywind


Now i need to salvage this and swing it back to josh/dabs


Also, this exchange after touch died

Touch: Good luck bud.

Malf: Im gonna need it

Touch: unless it was actually you LOL

Malf: Nah it was ET. But if it was me, that would have been a needlessly convoluted plan lol. So again i will take it as a compliment

Touch: but it would be the type of plan you would think you needed to keep me in the dark lol


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Now since i killed touch, ets aligeince was the key factor

As always, ET was the most powerful person in the game at that point and we needed him

On 6/14/2024 at 1:07 PM, Malfatron said:


Well that was a pretty dumb move by me.

I think we lost et and we need 4 to control the votes










ET would be the tiebreaker, and i think finn burnt that bridge


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Posted (edited)

The 2nd big turning point in the game after touchs eviction

June 15th marks the ET80 wins the whole damn thing official.

Finn and I signed off on this blood pact.

Sorry touch, but this is the reason why you had to go. You were telling me about the story you would tell the jury, which was in stark constrast to us both just trolling the whole time.

Thats when i knew you were "in it to win it" and we needed to get rid of everyone who was "in it to win it"

the rightful winner will be ET. This is when i knew this game had always been about ET winning

On 6/15/2024 at 2:23 AM, Malfatron said:


Finn and i are unbreakable 

Et feels to be down too .

Finn and i are going to propel et to the f2 and whichever among us makes it to the end will not pander to the jury. We will be as abrasive as possible to deny the juror members the one power they thought they had.


We will be going hard after daboyle, or josh is dabs wins the comp

I am littlefinger (from the books) and finn is the dragon. Finns target of choice always goes


We will get adam and skywind on our side  as we forge ahead, the endgame coming clear


Touch: me and you saw eye to eye for many weeks. But when you were talking about your "story to the jury" thats when i knew you had to go. We will not pander to the jury. I thought we had an agreement. When you said that, you died on the spot because either i could make you die or i couldnt and then i did 


The perfect plan at the end would be for malf/finn/et final three, and i botch the comp, drop all my DR sessions and be like "this is how little i care of winning. I played the best forum game in history and i will go out now and you have to choose finn or et. And good luck with getting your questions answered"


So thats where im at today.

100 percent in with finn and et

And about 2 weeks later, this has come to be. This is our destiny

I will go on record saying that i played the best game in survivor history, even better than outpost. I could easily win this comp, take finn, and be voted the winner.

But i realized at this point winning isnt the ultimate goal. Its uniting for a common goal, a goal in which ET80 wins the whole damn thing and nobody can stop it.

Nobody wants to stop it.


Edited by Malfatron
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4 hours ago, Malfatron said:

@Scoundrel this is where i admit that I voted to evict you and your good buddy @skywindO2 was innocent of being a traitor (this time)


This is when i started working with finn more and moving away from touch. Because we are planning to evict him next.

at this time, i didnt trust finn completely, but we were having fun concocting scenarios to feed to everyone so it was fun to have a fellow schemer




Thank you for your honesty.

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Just now, Scoundrel said:

I did not have fun

I get that, as it was kinda what i was going for but all my actions and even DR sessions were heightened for game purposes 

Im actually quite a lovely guy

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Posted (edited)

Heres another couple memorable character moments  that might seem abrasive to some until you remember that immersing yourself in the game is the way

*(also, i thought i was pming ET80 here but accidentally was putting in DR sessions to Mac.


On 6/15/2024 at 2:47 AM, Malfatron said:

So bascially me and finn mean to make a ****ery of this months long game, hand you the win, and flip our noses and the tryhards


On 6/15/2024 at 2:48 AM, Malfatron said:

This whole ficking thing is a prank on mac and anyone else who actually cared to win


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