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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

I get that, as it was kinda what i was going for but all my actions and even DR sessions were heightened for game purposes 

Im actually quite a lovely guy

You said it hurts when I suspected you of being the one who turned on me… made me feel bad for suspecting you… you could have just told me in private that it was you after it happened…  

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29 minutes ago, Malfatron said:
33 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I love ET

@ET80 do your magic and "convince" touch that he does care and there is only one rightful winner


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Just now, Scoundrel said:

You said it hurts when I suspected you of being the one who turned on me… made me feel bad for suspecting you… you could have just told me in private that it was you after it happened…  

I couldnt at that time but i intended for the moment to come here.

I had much work to do yet and i didnt want to put you in the position where you are leaving loyal buds like dabs and josh to die


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Continuing on

I realized my mistake to outpost in sending him stuff that was meant for ets eyes

On 6/15/2024 at 2:56 AM, Malfatron said:

Oops i thought i was pming et

You can count those as dr sessions tho


Calling out slappy because @Slappy Mc said the game is boring

Plenty going on behind the scenes

On 6/15/2024 at 3:22 AM, Malfatron said:

Dr 35?

Finn faking like hes pushing for me to dabs

Im telling adam that hes go to finn

Telliing dabs/josh that the vote is finn; right?

Other stuff too

Slappy says the game is boring now but the game is played in discordss


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I come up with a plan for the houseguests to save themselves

Its a good plan

On 6/15/2024 at 1:59 PM, Malfatron said:


Heres what the houseguests should be doing

Skywind comes to dabs/josh to convince them that i voted out scoundrel

They pull in adam to team up 

Those four vote either me or finn out and then they are the power dynamic

Skywind has been sitting on the fact that he voted to save scoundrel the whole time. I was wondering if those groups would talk with each other at some point and it doesnt look like that happened ever.

Communication is key.

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Planning dabs eviction

My goal at this point was so that all of the evicted jury members would think that i had nothing to do with it?


no reason, just a self imposed challenge

On 6/17/2024 at 7:19 PM, Malfatron said:


So the goal is it to be a 4-3 with dabs going, so that i can still claim that i voted to save him

And adam/dabs/josh teamed up, and i told adam that finn being gone is the right move. Adam told josh he would vote finn, and josh leaked it to me.

And of course i agreed.

But skywind/malf/et/finn will be voting out dabs (or josh if dabs wins immunity)

They instantly lose trust in adam, so i "try my hardest" to get the rest to vote out adam.

They will, so it will be skywind, josh, et, finn, malf


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I did have fun being a little ****stirrer in this game

I appreciate yall for obliging me.

I just love games like this

if i caused a little heartbreak, just know that it was 100 percent an RP and we all know that ET is the deserving winner

I did whats right

This all stems back when i evicted et in the previous survivor game(s).

i have since learned the error of my ways 

On 6/17/2024 at 7:23 PM, Malfatron said:


So far every eviction in the game has gone the way that i planned, and i dont see that changing 

If it does, kudos to them.

They will need to start realizing that they need to vote me out. If my time comes soon, i had an excellent run.

But i just cannot see that happening


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On 6/17/2024 at 7:26 PM, Malfatron said:


So far, none of the evicted jury knows that i was the cause of their death, and i will try to keep that theme going for the rest of the game as long as i can


On 6/17/2024 at 9:06 PM, Malfatron said:


6 players besides me and i have convince them all that i have at least a f3 endgame with them, even some a f2


Now it the time for them to take me out and if they collectively do without my knowledge, they can win.


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Just now, ET80 said:


As i intended im sure, just like this one for others.

Only this time, this is my swan song and i have no intention on making the f2

I evicted you in both survivor 2 and 3


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  • ET80 changed the title to FF Survivor 4 FURY ROAD: IMMORTAN ET CONTROLS THE AQUACOLA!

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