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Cold Winter Nights Mafia CIVS WIN


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math - ted (73), LTBF (78), ET (78), touch (78), ET(80), touch (81), ltbf (83), ksj (87), ltbf (89), et (89)

raves - math (73), ET (93)

ksj - math (74)

ted - untouch (74), malf (80)

et - ted (75), touch (76)

famous - untouch (75), ET (93)

pats - touch (76), ltbf (89)

LTBF - malf - (76)

Whicker - LTBF (83), ET (93)

theuntouchable - ltbf (83), pats (86), ltbf (91)

stallyns - touch (87)



4 et - math, whicker, raves, famous

3 math -  ksj, ted, ltbf

2 LTBF - pats, untouch

2 untouch - ET, stallyns


Does this VC work for everyone? I'm not doing it again lol

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