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Civilization Mafia - GAME OVER - Barbarians win!


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42 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Also, @Ua has inactive died. He was Barbarian Aligned [Stonehenge]

Stonehenge is the move I wanted. Really weird that a mafia would take an obvious civ power in order to stop us from having it (and then intentionally not using it)

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The Renaissance Era has begun



The following Wonders will be available during the Renaissance Era. Please send me a build request or no build PM by the end of the day


The Great Zimbabwe – Immediately upon construction, you may create a neighborhood with two other players. Each night, you may choose to protect one player in the Great Zimbabwe neighborhood from all killing actions.

Forbidden Palace – If built by town, you may call upon the moderator to publicly confirm your alignment at any time. If built by non-town, once per game during the day phase, you may target a player to make any build request they submit for that day fail.

Leaning Tower – Each night, choose one player. All that player's actions that night will fail.

Red Fort – When you're targeted by the first killing action, that kill will fail and you will learn that player's identity.

Sistine Chapel (arts) – Three times during the game, you may target a player to lock their vote for the remainder of the day. Votes can be locked onto “no vote.”

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