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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. Schwartz has been my number 1 by a significant margin since he entered the field. He's had 5 top 5 DVOA Defensive Efficiency Defenses starting with the Tennessee Titans DC (#1 in 2007; #5 in 2008), then in Buffalo (#2 in 2014); and in Philidaelphia (#4 in 2016; #5 in 2017). He can hold players accountable, can command the locker room, and can relate to players. He's innovative, creative, and a smart football coach who has a preference for analytics. He's been a Head Coach before getting a terrible Lions team to the Playoffs. He's tough-minded and discipline oriented. He understands the dynamics of culture-building having worked with or for some of the greats. Bill Belichick thinks he's one of the smartest coaches he's ever been around and that was when Schwartz was a young pup. He likely can assemble a competent staff. He has his own issues like the other candidates, but Schwartz-Berry-Dodds pairing is still the number 1 choice for me. Stefanski has too many question marks regarding culture building, commanding the locker room, and who he'd become as an OC outside of Kubiak's influence. He does have the mentality and mental make-up that projects well as a Head Coach. McDaniels is brilliant but too volatile. The other coaches aren't what the Browns need. The more I've dug in on Daboll he's become my #2 Head Coaching candidate behind Schwartz because of his Head Coaching foundational skill set. I don't like him as an OC at all. No one sees Daboll favorably. Schwartz number 1 by a wide margin.... then Daboll... then Stefanski
  2. Indeed, DLine coach Kris Kocurek has done a fine job ...
  3. I know people don't want Daboll, but he has a lot of traits and characteristics to make an effective program/culture leader. I'm not a fan of how his core offensive system fits with our personnel. I'm also not a fan of Joe Schoen as a primary GM. He's a ways away. However, Brian Daboll and Ed Dodds/Andrew Berry wouldn't be the worst selection even though everyone by a wide majority has voted that he's the worst candidate.
  4. I've fallin for too many plane tracker, moving company stories, or realty/housing purchases to pay them any mind now... hahah... Stop it man... A plane tracker isn't indicative of anything. We have no clue who's on the plane. Planes get used for a wide variety of purposes. Maybe McDaniels wife returned yesterday and he decided to stay in town and hammer out more details only to truly return today. We have no clue..
  5. Hours ago based on reports that the Browns requested interviews with GM Candidates Ed Dodd and Joe Schoen everyone jumped to the conclusions everyone except Daboll and Saleh were out. Now, that Andrew Berry reports have surfaced people think Schwartz and/or Stefanski are back in the hunt. When hourly or daily reports change people's perceptions on where things stand, the truth is we have no idea what's going to happen. People in the league don't know either. In a hour, reports that the Browns have requested an interview with Nick Cesario or Dave Ziegler could come out. Then people would think McDaniels is back in. As brutal as it is right now... we'll have to probably wait until Monday before stuff starts leaking out.
  6. GTFOH lol. I admit when I'm wrong on this board all the time. Evidence/Facts are Facts. If it's subjective evaluation/opinions, I'm riding with my opinion until the brakes fall off and Beyond... lol ... unless someone imo makes a better point then I'm riding with that one...
  7. @Forge @Justone2 I texted a family member that used to work in the business. He said that blocking "actually happens a ton" and far more than the handful of times I was aware of. Also said the vast majority of times it goes unreported because the teams involved don't want to be known for missing out on a preferred candidate or for blocking an internal candidate. Also, the assistant coaches and their agents are often motivated not to have such information reported to maintain quality relationships with current employers. Also said that there are a wide-variety of non-contractual ways blockings are made up to assistant coaches which includes bonuses and all types of gifts from third-parties. I stand corrected. I was wrong.
  8. Good point. This happened as well when the Saints blocked Aaron Glenn from interviewing for the Bengals DC job. To my knowledge, it's happened a handful of times in 20 years. Another time was when the Colts declined to allow Rob Chudzinski who served in an advisor role to interview for the offensive coordinator position for the Rams. In the last few decades, it is not the case that "it doesn't happen. Ever" literally but it happens as a rare case. In the times it has happened, usually there's a forthcoming dissolution between the parties and/or something to compensate/promote them handsomely.
  9. We'll just have to agree to strongly disagree on this point as we don't see the central points the same. It's all good though. There are laws/rules/procedures and then there are laws/rules/procedures. In the last 25 years, when was the last time an NFL Assistant Coach WITHOUT Primary Play-Calling Control/Responsibilities was blocked by a Team/Head Coach from taking a different job WITH Primary Play-Calling Control/Responsibilities? It doesn't happen. Loitering and Jay-walking are codified breaches of the law in various places, but are rarely enforced. It's even more of a rare occurrence, to see a team/head coach block an assistant leaving for another assistant job that comes With primary play-calling control/responsibilities. So, in my opinion, the idea that Kyle Shanahan would block Mike LaFleur or Mike McDaniel from taking a new job in that way isn't even a remote possibility worth considering even if it happened to be the case that the power to do so was codified in the by-laws of NFL procedures. That's why if Stefanski would've received primary play-calling control in New York then Zimmer would not have blocked it. And I don't think it's a stretch in the imagination to believe that based on how the coaching fraternity works. But to your point (and I haven't actually read the codified NFL by-laws and procedures), the team/head coach may be able to do so as strictly stated in the NFL by-laws and rules.
  10. I completely agree. He definitely has the magneticism that could make him a better program leader than DC. It would then be best for him not to call the defense so that issues on defense wouldn't take away from belief in his program. The best DCs get deficient talent to play together at a higher level and have the whole play better than the sum of their parts. 49ers had deficiencies in years prior and Saleh was unable to overcome them. We'll see what he becomes if he is named Head Coach. HE does have the mentality, but only time will tell if he has the depth of leadership to build a winning culture.
  11. I respect evidenced-based opinions. You put forth evidence and put forth your analysis. I can respect that, but it's just missing the central point. ------------------- Quote The statement you quoted above is absolutely and completely true. All Facts. A change in title of an assistant is not considered a promotion but instead a lateral move. Indeed, the above quote you included was pulled from an article specifying why Stefanski was blocked from becoming the Offensive Coordinator for the Giants ( https://www.nj.com/giants/2018/02/2_changes_the_nfl_needs_to_make_to_coaching_hire_r.html ) Which returns us to my previous central point: Zimmer/Vikings blocked Stefanski from becoming OC for the Giants AND Shanahan/49ers blocked LaFleur from becoming OC for the Packers BECAUSE they WOULD NOT have PRIMARY Play-calling Control/Responsibilities in their new job. Both Shurmur/Shanahan would've retained primary play-calling responsibilities. Therefore, the moves would in essence have been lateral assistant coaching moves. In the NFL, no head coach/team blocks a current assistant coach from taking a different job IF: 1.) They Currently Do Not Possess Primary Play-calling/Coordination Control/Responsibilities. --AND-- 2.) the new new job gives them Primary Play-Calling/Coordination Control/Responsibilities So again, as I stated before, ASSUMING Mike LaFleur would e given Primary Play-calling Control for the Browns, the 49ers/Shanahan would not block the move.
  12. Saleh interviewed on the 4th; Daboll interviewed on the 6th. Assuming that they are in the running, it makes sense that we'd here about interview request for their GM candidates before we'd here about the GM candidates for head coaching candidates that interviewed later in the process (Stefanski & McDaniels). Both Ed Dodd and Joe Schoen names are available because their teams are not currently in the playoffs. Assuming Stefanski's still in it, we may hear about his GM candidate(s) being requested for interview after the Vikings play today. That would especially be true if his primary candidate is George Paton. What it all likely means is 2 things: 1.) That we'll likely hear about their requests to interview the GM candidates on current playoff teams Sunday or Monday. 2.) The final decision on the coaching search may not come until even beyond Monday. -
  13. I laid out the facts in 3 bullet points. I think we'd all agree that for me that's next level concision.
  14. Once again, you are not grasping the central facts regarding why Shanahan was able to block LaFleur and why the Vikings were able to block Stefanksi. Stefanski was blocked because his job with the Vikings was as an Offensive Coordinator with play-calling control/responsibilities. Therefore, leaving for the Giants to take an Offensive Coordinator job with play-calling control/responsibilities would be a lateral move and eligible to be blocked. Mike LaFleur, the 49ers Passing Game Coordinator was able to be blocked because he was not going to have primary play-calling control/responsibilities in Green Bay. Instead, his brother the Head Coach Matt LaFleur would've retained play-calling power. Therefore, it would've been a lateral move; thus, it was able to be blocked. Mike LaFleur currently COULD NOT be blocked by the 49ers if he received a Offensive Coordinator job for the Browns assuming he receives primary play-calling responsibilities/control because it would not be a lateral move, but instead a promotion of duties/responsibilities. That was laid out in points 1-3 I'm wrong all the time, but in this case you just have it wrong.
  15. That is incorrect. All assistant / Coordinator jobs are NOT considered lateral. 1.) A GM in title with final say over personnel decisions is a promotion over a GM position without final say over personnel decisions in the same way an Offensive Coordinator position with play-calling responsibilities is a promotion over a Offensive Coordinator position without play-calling responsibilities. They are not lateral moves despite the job title having the same designation. 2.) Mike LaFleur was retained and was blocked via a title and responsibility change - He went from Wide Receivers Coach / Passing Game Coordinator to Full-time Passing Game Coordinator. Therefore, LaFleur received a promotion thus allowing the 49ers to block the move because he would not be the primary play-caller in Green Bay. 3.) Assuming that a 49ers offensive assistant is given play-calling responsibilities for the Browns, Kyle Shanahan/49ers could not block the move.
  16. This hire (assuming it happens with Saleh) is one of the most disappointing hires I've ever witnessed at the end of a Browns coaching search. Nothing certain regarding how things will turn out. Maybe he becomes the greatest coach in history. By all indicators however, the search for a successful Culture/Program Leader should not have ended up with Saleh.
  17. Robert Saleh was on the cliff's edge of being canned/fired by John Lynch and Kyle at the end of last year because he's couldn't make the defense be better than the sum of their parts. He rallied this year after having full-spectrum talent advantage.
  18. Intriguing? Yes... Meaningful? No. Coordinators leave. Head Coaches stay. If the best thing about hiring a head coach is the coordinators they'll bring, then we're f*cked.
  19. I swear if it's Robert Saleh and he brings Mike "could fall off the wagon" McDaniel, we're going to be in trouble ... If it's Saleh, the only hope now is that it's Mike LaFleur. That he can hire a good QB coach.
  20. The process makes sense, but the decision-makers don't. That's the issue with the "alignment" argument. Who decides what we're aligning to and what makes JW, Jimmy, and others qualified to know what matters and what doesn't. A group can be aligned going in the wrong direction. That's always been the issue for the Haslams. The issue isn't alignment per se, but finding the right Culture/Program Leader first then aligning the organization to that Vision/Leader. Perfect alignment while driving off a cliff means nothing. Not saying Saleh is comparable to driving off a cliff or anything like that, but the idea that he should be appointed our Program/Culture Leader over Stefanski or even McDaniels is wild. It's madness.... What a time to be alive...
  21. George Paton Andrew Berry Nick Cesario Dave Ziegler
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