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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. We'll know for sure somewhere around game 40 (2.5 seasons of starts) give or take a little. Until such a time, no one can say definitively until an arc of consistent play is developed. What I do think is that to this point Baker does not appear to be a "tractor" (Pull's everyone with him raising their level of play or transcending what's around him) player but instead more of a "trailer" player (A good one at that though; A player that depends. Now, of course, there are varying degrees of Tractor vs Trailer player and even at his worst Baker will still have Tractor flashes at least. What I wonder is if Baker loves it enough to get to the next level through elite of the elite commitment, study, and work. Will he obsess over winning like the Drew Brees;, Tom Brady, Russell Wilson as much as he obsesses over the process it takes to prepare his body, mind, and play-ability to be an elite winner? You can't just love the winning outcome or what comes with it. That's the only path for an undersized, not all that overly athletic, really good but not elite arm talent QB can take to truly become elite. Baker won't be elite without elite work habits, elite study, etc.. Walking that road is painful and a grind. I don't have the confidence at this point that he'll do those things. So, based off of that belief, I think he'll just be a decent QB with good flash years here or there. I desperately hope I'm wrong.
  2. What and then have thousands and millions not read my long posts? I'm all good now with a few dozen to a hundred not reading my posts as is. What a time...
  3. There were legit questions earlier this year regarding if Trent Williams would ever be able to put on a helmet again or take sustained contact and force to the helmet (Which as Joe Thomas says happens every other play as an OLineman). Maybe Trent just acted like he had discomfort so he didn't have to play, but if it's indeed as some worried I would really really like to believe that Dorsey's offering a 1st earlier in the year per yahoo sports reports was a complete fabrication.
  4. You don't think any of the other players on the team want to walk off on a presser or Tweet out stuff about the media all the time? They're human beings; of course they do. More often then not something compels them not to. It's not an issue if it's one person one time, but when it's the QB it can set the tone for the rest of the team. It's about setting a tone for those around you. Setting a tone that all outside noise doesn't matter and only the work matters. Responding to fans, media, or anyone else criticizing or asking stupid stuff none of it matters. All that matters is the work. Telling Twitter and Tweeterers why you're right or justified in your actions is wasted bandwith shoveling sh*t against an incoming tide. Who's he talking to on Twitter with his post?? Who gives and F-about Twitter audiences. F-em it's the trollverse. I never said it was some fatalistic major problem or something to be overly concerned about. All big things in this world start off as small things; often times with teams things can trickle down. If OBJ and others feel empowered to do similar stuff then an irrelevant thing that Baker did could have other effects on the focusing on the main thing. In the end, all I'm saying is the noise is going to always be there no matter what one does, but when possible don't stir up the noise.
  5. Baker walked off the press conference after he didn't like Tony Grossi's 1st question about the end of half offensive operation seeming slow then Grossi followed up with an idiotic question asking if Baker was "happy with that drive (that ended in nothing)." Many people praise Baker for such behavior because of Baker's authenticity to his self as well as because of a disdain for Tony Grossi. For me, part of the role of being QB is sitting there when things aren't good and not letting anything rattle you or get you emotional. Standing in front of idiotic and stupid questions or instead sitting in there when critiques are thrown one's way is all part of the job.. For as much as we hate Grossi, the New York and Philadelphia media are much more brutal. Media members there more than anywhere always trying to stir up controversy and incite the players into a juicy headline often by throwing daggers their way. Baker has it easy in Cleveland. The media is negative, debbie downers and stupid like everywhere else but it's not a pressure cooker at all. You can't let Tony Grossi's idiocy cause you to have to go on Twitter and post justifications about "why you're frustrated." Who gives a F***..it's noise... don't create more noise or play into it... tune it all out and just work. We all knew Baker wasn't the tune it out type from college to now. At some point though, Twitter clapbacks and all that type of meaningless foolishness just has to be let go. So many of our players have been asked stupid questions this year or critiqued. I've seen it. If they were to take to storm off and take to Twitter justifying themselves after it would mean our team isn't focused on the main thing. The QB has to lead in all phases. This isn't a serious issue at all, but it's another one of those things that just shows that our young QB is just that a young QB.
  6. Really nice mock draft. Alex Leatherwood I think will ultimately go top 20 and won't make it close to the 6th. His upside and draft value likely increases dude to Bama playing him at LT as well. Tyler Biadasz is amazing but I wonder if we''d be better served going Tackle 1st and Center somewhere else later. As good as this tackle class is, Alaric might be the 9th or 10th best Tackle imo.
  7. I don't think Kevin Stefanski should've been our HC b/c his offensive play-calling or scheme is better than Freddie's but I think that based on all information available out there he has more depth and true program leader qualities to have served as a better HC than Freddie imo. To be clear though, Stefanski wouldn't have been a home-run hire either, and it makes sense that the Browns were willing to bet on a 1st year head coach coordinator they know they know versus one they don't. We should've looked beyond both Freddie and Kevin though imo.
  8. Especially when teams start meeting in-person the Tackle class in this upcoming draft. It's deep. Not deep deep but deep. Allen really messed up.
  9. Smart move by him. Now, he guarantees he'll be able to be Free Agent and choose his next team. He was always going to report. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes out to practice and comes down with an Injured hamstring or something else where he could still accumulate time but never have to suit up for Washington. He might also just grit and bear it by playing in a few weeks just with knowledge that soon he'll be free as long as he remains healthy.
  10. HOLD... Dorsey HOLD.... Waste for Chase...
  11. ? For what? has something been reported.. or are you suggesting you'd give that up for something
  12. I'd trade a 1st and 2nd for Jamal Adams right now. He's worth 2, 1st but you can't give that up for a Safety ever. If the Jets trade Jamal Adams they are insane.
  13. Lol. I thought the trade deadline was today somehow and thought we were in the clear after 4:30.. Another day... will be interesting to see what comes of it
  14. Reportedly got a 4th round pick in 2021. If you think of our own let alone other teams 4th round picks, you'd be lucky to get a Genard Avery. We know John Dorsey's hit rate is much like other GMs even in higher rounds. I take no solace from getting a 4th next year unless somehow we use the 4th to trade for an immediate need now or it ends up being folded into a trade package for some real help for the team. Wilks deserves some criticism for not utilizing a talented player due to "potential scheme fit stuff." Wilks might not even be here whenever it is that we use that 4th round pick or would've had a chance to insert Avery into the line-up. I'm done with it at this point. A shame.
  15. Genard had 9 QB hits and 21-29 hurries (Different statistic charting in different places) as a situational player as a rookie. The hurries were his key production/disruption. Vernon has been solid, but he's not moving the QB off the spot like that 2 times a game... and considering Avery's limited snaps I think it's fair to say at least in pass rushing production that Avery was better than Vernon.
  16. Just look at this... against Lane Johnson... you're not finding this in the 5th round in 2020 or 2021 and if this pick is a 6th rounder or lower I don't know how but I'll be even more disgusted.
  17. He's a monster with star potential as a 9-15 sack a year Cameron Wake type of rusher. He actually plays off the ball LB well as well. This was Genard getting filthy tossing a TE then immediately transition to getting wild on your boy Lane Johnson. This is when we knew he could be a star. He didn't get much usage. And this day is the day we knew we F-ed up. You got a high upside twitchy and explosive young rusher for peanuts. Congrats. Eagles win in a Browns trade again.
  18. If we blow serious draft capital in the next 30 minutes for Trent Williams I'm done. Sunday's game should've told us everything we need to know regarding what this team's issues are in terms of priority of need to be addressed.
  19. Genard Avery was better last year in his rookie season than Olivier Vernon is for us now even with Vernon playing better in spots.
  20. Because of a serious mis-evaluation of the stakes at had during the hiring, as well as being illusioned by an 8-game sample size and chemistry with Baker into believing those qualities would translate to a quality Head Coach. Of course, time and time again NFL teams never learn that: 1.) Success as a OC/DC does not translate always translate to success as a HC as the two positions requires differing skills, AND 2.) That success as an OC/DC often does not translate to success as a HC/OC or HC/DC We also made the mistake of hiring a guy because of the relationship with our young franchise QB but that was short-sighted as well because you don't hire a guy because of one player even if that player is the most important player in the organization especially when that player is heading into their 2nd year. We needed an elite program leader in order to try to compete with the elite program leader led programs in the league. No matter what Freddie's success as an OC was he was never that. It was a decision that made sense at the time for many, but to a lot of us we knew it was problematic from the start.
  21. Oh.. F-me.. Damontre F-in More ... slow as dirt from A&M... no juice or power.. who's been washed for years
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