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  1. And to make matters worse, I forgot about survivor until after the late window games and went for the G Men.
  2. That 4th down attempt earlier in the final quarter was inexplicable. That and Boutte playing college rules are the reason they lost.
  3. Favorite team: New England Patriots Week 1 Pick: New York Giants I have read all of the rules and agree to them
  4. Well I think seeing CPR administered and then defibrillators in action to save a player whose heart has clearly stopped is fundamentally different from pretty much all other injuries. Seeing Eriksen quiver after the shocks were administered is not something you forget. No heartbeat means death is there or coming quick. It's also incredibly rare and final, in a way the thousand other injuries on the field are not. That we are even having this conversation suggests our minds have become inured to the risks and consequences of playing football for our entertainment Maybe that is a problem in itself.
  5. I remember turning on the Denmark game after Eriksen collapsed and coming close to tears as I realised slowly why the commentators were lost for words and the Danish players were in a circle around Eriksen protecting him from the world's cameras (a powerful statement in my view). No way they should have played on, even after they knew he'd live. The captain Kjaer had to be subbed off his mind was over the place and he was a titan for the rest of the tournament. And in that game the cardiac arrest had nothing to do with a tackle. Playing on would not make them worry about it happening again. No Way could the Bills and Bengals players trust themselves fully in contact situations an hour or two later. The game would have been a disaster of hesitation and low intensity or even worse - tackles where one player commits and the other doesn't.
  6. What a joke. Patriots game blacked out on Gamepass in the UK yet again - twice in a row. Basically Sky Sports picks one early and one late game to show live and those games are unavailable for 24 hours on Gamepass. When we were dominant, I understood it. But a game against the banged up 8-7 Dolphins minus Tua? Make it make sense. My ability to watch on catch-up is now severely diminished with a couple of little ones.
  7. Well at least if the Bengals set some records the defense can say they were there that day. Clearly the team is waiting for season to end so they can retool and get rid of the tool at OC. Shows Jack and Jalen are essential too.
  8. Why is this game blacked out in the UK? Five years ago could understand Sky Sports picking the Pats game every second week, but 2022?? However, I may yet laud the decision if this continues to go badly.
  9. Man those four points they vomited up in the first quarter would have been nice. A great comeback ruined by total excrement and Torbert's blindness. I hope the players beat up Matty P and Jakobi on the locker room.
  10. Germany v Spain is on at 2pm your time. Should be a cracker. I would have fired Hansi Flick after the Japan game tho. Just be glad I will never be a GM or football association president.
  11. Will we make the playoffs? Probably not. Maybe 1 in 3 chance. But if we get six more games of low/no turnover ball from Mac, a little more pocket presence, and something from Thornton please, I'll take it. Defence is balling (mostly) and Henry is getting it going a little finally.
  12. Yeah - people often use "Look at their record in one score games" as an insult both ways. Lots of losses - the team can't get it done; lots of wins - their record is deceiving. Partly true, but there's no doubt being able to pull the win out shows great coaching and play at the end of games to get it done. Bill may have a great record against rookie QBs, but his Kryptonite is definitely former players as coaches, especially when they didn't start coaching under him. Good luck for the rest of the way. Rooting for you in the NFC to break the duck - much rather the Vikings than the Bills anyway! 😂
  13. I watched it until 26 all then skipped to the end to save myself some heartbreak. I gather the Henry overturn, no flag on the return and the running into the kicker were the difference. However that would all be moot if the pass rush had showed up It's a shame because the Vikings were there to be had today.
  14. I was box score watching in hospital and over dinner then drove home so only just saw the Lions threw the ball deep on 3rd and 1 with 30 seconds left. Any other Campbell meltdowns I need to know about? That could should have been a signature win on Thanksgiving. Part of me thinks we need more teams to do us favours. The other part of me thinks the Bills are soft anyway.
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