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  1. Apart from not being the target audience. There are a couple other things. One, halftime performers at the Superbowl aren't paid, they do it for free. Two, the NFL is obsessed with its halftime show being perfect. So much so they require the instrumental part of any act to be pre recorded so something can't go wrong. Which is why you almost never have bands at the halftime show. They have to pretend to play their instruments. Just look at the recent artists. Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, Snoop and Co, Bruno Mars, Rhianna and Usher. All are singers or rappers. Live instruments is not a part of their act. The RHCP got heat the last time they performed at the Superbowl because their instruments weren't plugged in. They weren't plugged in because the performance was never meant to be live. The NFL even prefers the signers to pre record their performance. Although it is not required and apparently some do and some do not.
  2. The Chargers have historically not handled the late career of their franchise players well at all. Just look at Junior Seau, Ladanian Tomlinson, Weddle, Rivers.
  3. Tom Telesco needs to start writing thank you letters or buying gifts for the sports media personalities that continue to pimp out the idea of the stacked Chargers roster. The perpetually underwhelming, underachieving Chargers roster, while ignoring all of its glaring shortcomings.
  4. At the beginning I liked Staley. I defended him on multiple occasions. I was wrong.
  5. I see what you are saying, but Kyler is being paid for his talent and for the potential of that talent. Far more so than his work ethic. I am sure there are people out there who once played QB who had a better work ethic than Kyler. It doesn't matter, they are no longer playing football. Why? Because they did not have the talent Kyler has. Sports players, actors, musicians all get paid for the very specific talent they have that the rest of the population simply doesn't have. No matter how hard one works. Not because they are hard workers, or want it more than everyone else. That is just a fairy tale we tell ourselves. The fact that Arizona negotiated that clause with Kyler's agent says far more about Kyler than it does about Arizona. The fact they felt that they needed to negotiate that clause says everything it needs to say. Kyler's team simply out maneuvered Arizona with that unscheduled press conference.
  6. Lynn had success offensively with both Rivers and Herbert, so far the outlier is Goff. Who is for lack of a better phrase, not good. When it comes to play calling he doesn't seem too great, but he only really called plays briefly in Buffalo. With the Chargers he was a CEO type HC. He's a high character, leader of men type who is widely respected in the league. He will always get a look from teams.
  7. It most likely means they gave him an offer, he probably accepted the offer, there just might be a couple things that need to be done before he is officially hired. Take myself for example, a company wants to hire me, they send me an offer letter. I sign the offer letter and return it. Then I have to pass a drug test, multiple background checks, a DOT medical examination and a fit for duty medical examination. During that time period the company is expecting to hire me, but I am not officially hired until I clear all those requirements.
  8. Honestly either way it went somebody was getting screwed. If they blew the play dead the Bengals would have absolutely been screwed out of a legit touchdown. And by letting the play stand they screwed the Raiders out of benefiting from a blown, bad call. I can't bring myself to have any sympathy for the Raiders on this one.
  9. Mannion is such a weird hill for Zimmer to go out on. I don't get it.
  10. Andre Roberts. When it comes to ST one of the best, underrated players we signed.
  11. As a announcer. I was just a bit too young to ever see him coach, much less remember it. I will say I will always appreciate the spotlight and emphasis he gave to the non flashy parts of the game. The trenches, the grinders. It lead me to appreciating much more of the game at a young age than I probably would have otherwise. He would point out the work in the trenches, the pursuit tackle a DT made 10 yards down the field. That kind of stuff.
  12. KC absolutely deserves everything they have fought for at this point. Putting it down to NE and KC is a little short sighted. I would put money on at least one of those not making the AFC Championship
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