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Déjà Vu Thread

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Anyone else get déjà vu? It happens to me oncein a while. Yesterday I was watching a tennis match on TV from bed and it was like slipping into the same day I've lived endless times before. Very strange, dream-like sensation. The other really strong time it happened to me very acutely was a few summers back on vaction with relatives at some point before or after a jog with my younger cousin. I was looking around the room of a house I had never stepped foot in and it was like I had seen it all before. Very unnerving when it happens and I let it go the last few times but I can't tell if it's something I should see a neurologist for. My aunt when I explained it to her a few summers ago immediatelt after related with her own experience and said you had been told that it can be interpreted spiritually as a sign of "being on the right path" in the journey of life. I wonder if these are signs that I lack variety or challenges in my day to day life. Maybe I'm not stepping outside of my comfort zone enough and this is my bodies wake up call.

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Yeah it’s happened to me quite a few times. It happened a lot more when I was younger, it’s not nearly as regular now.

I don’t think it has anything to do with being “on the right path” or anything spiritual lol.

It was once explained to me very simply as being a minor brain malfunction where your brain is creating a new memory but for some reason or another processes it like you’re recalling an old memory instead. 

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I have three theories on what Deja Vu is.  First, my dog's name is Deja Vu.  Just thought I'd add that.

1. It is something spiritual suggesting you are on the right path.  I frequently get it during new jobs or while pursuing new things, so I like that theory.
2. I am actually in hell and hell is just equivalent to how you lived your life.  If you lived a good life, you will be on repeat of a good life.  Bad life, repeat of a bad life.  I must have lived a very mediocre life if this one is true.
3. There are unlimited universes, and every time you get Deja Vu, it means that another you in another universe lived through the exact same moments and it is some kind of universe ripple effect. 

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3 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I have three theories on what Deja Vu is.  First, my dog's name is Deja Vu.  Just thought I'd add that.

1. It is something spiritual suggesting you are on the right path.  I frequently get it during new jobs or while pursuing new things, so I like that theory.
2. I am actually in hell and hell is just equivalent to how you lived your life.  If you lived a good life, you will be on repeat of a good life.  Bad life, repeat of a bad life.  I must have lived a very mediocre life if this one is true.
3. There are unlimited universes, and every time you get Deja Vu, it means that another you in another universe lived through the exact same moments and it is some kind of universe ripple effect. 

It's comforting I'm not the only one who thinks these things, particularly number 2. Still unsettling if true.

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