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Update: Urban Meyer suspended 3 games


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5 hours ago, JTagg7754 said:

And Ohio St fans can't be right b/c of their fandom? Believe it or not, dude, there are some people out there who aren't bias nutjobs when it comes to sports.


Right, but we don't just go by the word of some random fan on some message board. If a legitimate source, journalist, reporter, etc comes out and confirms what that random fan is saying? Then you consider it. But, for now, it should be ignored because it's as credible as me making a fake account and saying that Courtney Smith is actually just Mahatma Gandhi wearing a really good disguise. You may not want to assume that it can't be true, but it's smart to just ignore that account and go with the credible information instead.

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Just now, IDOG_det said:


Right, but we don't just go by the word of some random fan on some message board. If a legitimate source, journalist, reporter, etc comes out and confirms what that random fan is saying? Then you consider it. But, for now, it should be ignored because it's as credible as me making a fake account and saying that Courtney Smith is actually just Mahatma Gandhi wearing a really good disguise. You may not want to assume that it can't be true, but it's smart to just ignore that account and go with the credible information instead.

Does this include or not include 4chan?

Asking for a friend.

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1 minute ago, IDOG_det said:


Right, but we don't just go by the word of some random fan on some message board. If a legitimate source, journalist, reporter, etc comes out and confirms what that random fan is saying? Then you consider it. But, for now, it should be ignored because it's as credible as me making a fake account and saying that Courtney Smith is actually just Mahatma Gandhi wearing a really good disguise. You may not want to assume that it can't be true, but it's smart to just ignore that account and go with the credible information instead.

It's not just him that's saying it though. Many others have as well. I'm not one to take everything I read to heart but when you hear something a few times, wouldn't you think you start to suspect maybe what you've heard isn't true? Women can actually be at fault these days, they're not off limits in this super sensitive era. 

I'm not going to go down this road again as I feel I've stated all I can and I don't want to derail the conversation. Just wanted to give you the courtesy of a response

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4 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

It's not just him that's saying it though. Many others have as well. I'm not one to take everything I read to heart but when you hear something a few times, wouldn't you think you start to suspect maybe what you've heard isn't true? Women can actually be at fault these days, they're not off limits in this super sensitive era. 

I'm not going to go down this road again as I feel I've stated all I can and I don't want to derail the conversation. Just wanted to give you the courtesy of a response

Many other random internet idiots that weren't saying any of this when it was just Zach Smith being fired. A lot of people with a vested, unhealthy relationship with the program and sports fandom, anonymous honks who are incapable of not being entirely and utterly partisan about this issue.

Again, who to believe. Nationally respected journalist, or random forum jerkbag. Or I guess #FAKENEWS or something.

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1 minute ago, JTagg7754 said:

It's not just him that's saying it though. Many others have as well. I'm not one to take everything I read to heart but when you hear something a few times, wouldn't you think you start to suspect maybe what you've heard isn't true?

I want you to go read the definition of the word propaganda, then go read this part of your post. 

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2 minutes ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

Many other random internet idiots that weren't saying any of this when it was just Zach Smith being fired. A lot of people with a vested, unhealthy relationship with the program and sports fandom, anonymous honks who are incapable of not being entirely and utterly partisan about this issue.

Again, who to believe. Nationally respected journalist, or random forum jerkbag. Or I guess #FAKENEWS or something.

You don't even need to resort to the journalist, though it's accurate.

One guy has posted text messages, one guy has a first hand interview, one guy has pictures of the abuse. The other guy signed up for a website, hit "I am not a robot" and just started typing crap.

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3 hours ago, Raves said:

Why would he still lie here, this would guarantee his firing, but the PR hit of the situation and his comments to media needed to have an immediate response as well, which is putting him on Administration Leave until was verified.

That statement, to me, looks like he's preparing to sue Ohio State if he gets fired. The language in his contract that could allow him to be fired is very vague on purpose. The university can use it against him if they want him out, they can use it for him if they get questioned on something they don't care about. By saying "my intention was not to say anything inaccurate or misleading", it looks like he's going to want to challenge the definition of the word "dishonest". That's the key word that could get him fired with cause. That word is also very vague, where do you draw the line between honest and dishonest? He would argue he didn't mean to lie, so he wasn't dishonest. OSU would argue that he lied multiple times and, essentially, said the story that he knew occurred was made up, so he was dishonest.

Also, by claiming that he knew and that he reported it, he's trying to pass the blame onto Gene Smith and Michael Drake. An NCAA investigation would then likely find them to be more responsible for Zach Smith if Urban had told them, had made a report, and left it up to them. Although, that would only be the case if he made a report every time an allegation was made (not just confined to the Zach Smith stuff, the NCAA would try to investigate everything to get an understanding of the culture they created in regard to how allegations are handled). If he contributed even a little bit to a culture that actively allows abusers to go unpunished he would likely be punished under a finding of lack of institutional control.

This looks like one big bargaining chip to me. He knows OSU can fire him if they want and they have a strong case to fire him with cause. He also probably knows that he can take down Gene Smith and Michael Drake with him if he wants to. Basically, to me it looks like Smith and Drake are probably negotiating how much of his $30 million buyout they need to pay to save their jobs.

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2 hours ago, buno67 said:

Only thing I can think of, With title9 Those reports could all be made classified and might not be easily accessible. If they’re easy to Obtain, the reporter could’ve got it himself or could approve that he never filed a report with 100% proof

I have to assume that Ohio State keeps paper and electronic records of every report until any possible legal or NCAA statute of limitations expires. They would be idiots not to have those records. Gene Smith and Michael Drake may not want that to come out though, would likely shift the blame in the public eye onto them.

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2 hours ago, eggybucsfan31 said:

This is going to end with everyone getting fired. 

If they let it come down to an NCAA investigation this absolutely may be the case. NCAA wouldn't just look into this matter, they would look into everything. If there are any skeletons waiting to be found they will be looking for them.

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3 minutes ago, IDOG_det said:

I have to assume that Ohio State keeps paper and electronic records of every report until any possible legal or NCAA statute of limitations expires. They would be idiots not to have those records. Gene Smith and Michael Drake may not want that to come out though, would likely shift the blame in the public eye onto them.

They probably keep them even longer. Electronic storage is almost free.

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16 minutes ago, IDOG_det said:

That statement, to me, looks like he's preparing to sue Ohio State if he gets fired. The language in his contract that could allow him to be fired is very vague on purpose. The university can use it against him if they want him out, they can use it for him if they get questioned on something they don't care about. By saying "my intention was not to say anything inaccurate or misleading", it looks like he's going to want to challenge the definition of the word "dishonest". That's the key word that could get him fired with cause. That word is also very vague, where do you draw the line between honest and dishonest? He would argue he didn't mean to lie, so he wasn't dishonest. OSU would argue that he lied multiple times and, essentially, said the story that he knew occurred was made up, so he was dishonest.

Also, by claiming that he knew and that he reported it, he's trying to pass the blame onto Gene Smith and Michael Drake. An NCAA investigation would then likely find them to be more responsible for Zach Smith if Urban had told them, had made a report, and left it up to them. Although, that would only be the case if he made a report every time an allegation was made (not just confined to the Zach Smith stuff, the NCAA would try to investigate everything to get an understanding of the culture they created in regard to how allegations are handled). If he contributed even a little bit to a culture that actively allows abusers to go unpunished he would likely be punished under a finding of lack of institutional control.

This looks like one big bargaining chip to me. He knows OSU can fire him if they want and they have a strong case to fire him with cause. He also probably knows that he can take down Gene Smith and Michael Drake with him if he wants to. Basically, to me it looks like Smith and Drake are probably negotiating how much of his $30 million buyout they need to pay to save their jobs.

Urban also released it independently, and not through the university, which seems notable. Have to imagine that OSU would have done things differently, but Urban had lawyers write this up for him to release on his own.

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