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Mayweather vs McGregor


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Just now, Matts4313 said:

He was standing, with no disorientation, no visible swaying speaking in full comprehensive sentence of his surrounding with no audible slurring and with 100% total understanding of his current position and surroundings. 

Ya know, the exact opposite of anyone that has suffered exterior or interior injuries. 

That actually started the previous round. You seriously didn't see any swaying in that final round?

And guess when you would have heard Connor slurring and, as you say, "not 100%"? If the ref allowed that round to finish.

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3 minutes ago, RaiderX said:

Caught bits and pieces. Cotto tee'd off, but man was Kamegai game. I swear the Japanese are the Mexican warriors of the east now. Haha.

Nice, I have it DVR'd but wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it. But if Kamegai was game, then it must have been a very fun fight.

Japanese fighters are definitely tough as nails. Great era of Japanese fighters at the moment.

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2 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

The ropes also helped him from not going down a time or two. Another time dude was on his way down and had to grab Floyd. 

And Floyd was about to land another hard shot before the ref stepped in. Conor didn't defend himself AT ALL. That's the main issue to your argument. You could say he was fatigued, but you have to defend yourself at least a bit.

Why do you keep talking about him going to the ground? He would fall down if you asked him to sprint a marathon too. 

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The purpose of the ref calling the fight is to make sure McGregor isn't an incoherent mess after the fight. He's there to protect McGregor from getting seriously hurt and damaged. 

I think everyone with the exception of one or two saw that McGregor was in very, very big trouble.

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Just now, O'Doyle Rules said:

Ranking in boxing is just tough to decide in general because of the weight class. As a technical fighter Floyd is top 5 ever but people wI'll put most heavyweights and other over him just due to sheer size difference. 

Actually most historians don't really have many HWs in the top 10-15. Only Ali, and possibly Joe Louis in the latter part of the top 10. 

Floyd is phenomenal. Best of his era overall. But at their peak, to me Roy Jones Jr was clearly better. That man was insane, best fighter I've seen in my lifetime. 

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5 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Okay, so for arguments sake lets say the fight did continue a little longer. What exactly did you expect to happen? Floyd is known to always come on late, and McGregor's tank was on empty. Did you expect him to land some miraculous punch and hurt Floyd? Come on, he was done and it was going to end badly for him. 

You can say it was unlikely the fight finished but I saw him finish a fight where I thought it was over and he actually won the next round. I do think the ref stopped it because boxing and not because Conor was irreparable tho. Has there not been worse fights let go than that?

Tho I liked the stoppage because it was probably going to be more Floyd teeing off but not really being able to finish him. But I see Conor's point too. 

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3 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Light weight? There aren't 24 light weights. But we are talking all time in any weight class. And Floyd spent the last 11 or so years at WW for the most part. Is that what you mean when you say lightwight? He was a good LW, but that was the weight class where he had his toughest fight and to most lost vs JLC. He was at his best at 130, and top 3 all time in that weight class.

Who was? Because I started that and was quoted and I said "one of the best light weights ever" - - or at least I thought I did. and yes, i meant his current weight class.

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Why do you keep talking about him going to the ground? He would fall down if you asked him to sprint a marathon too. 

Okay, so since he was THAT fatigued according to you and wasn't defending himself at all, why let the fight continue? Was he all of a sudden in round 11 regain his 2nd wind? Dude was getting beat pillar to post the last few rounds. This was going to be a 10-8 round even if he hadn't been dropped.

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

He was standing, with no disorientation, no visible swaying speaking in full comprehensive sentence of his surrounding with no audible slurring and with 100% total understanding of his current position and surroundings. 

Ya know, the exact opposite of anyone that has suffered exterior or interior injuries. 

Matts, this is such a bad argument. You can't get repeatedly punched in the face and expect the refs to let you keep fighting when you aren't throwing punches or protecting yourself. Conor was getting pounded. His legs were wobbly. The ropes were holding him up. If the ref let Floyd tee off on Conor, he would have KO'd him. But he could have also done serious damage. Conor was toast.

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Why do you keep talking about him going to the ground? He would fall down if you asked him to sprint a marathon too. 

So even after getting hit with right hands to the face with his head flailing while against the ropes, you think fatigue was the reason he lost?



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14 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Yes it is dumb betting huge amounts on Mayweather because you only win 18% of what you bet. That's terrible value and overall terrible money management. 

Those idiots just made 18% ROI on their investment in one day.

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