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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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3 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Compared to other major families, they are a relative upstart. It's only been a few hundred years. That's nothing compared to the Starks, Arryns, etc.

It's still pathetic how they were dismissed so easily.

Usually it takes weeks, months or years to siege a castle, not minutes. 

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Just now, texans_uk said:

Usually it takes weeks, months or years to siege a castle, not minutes. 

I hear you. I'm assuming the Tyrell army was on their way to King's Landing and Jaime just had to get through a small garrison..? Or had they not left yet, and did the Lannisters straight-up beat the Tyrell forces? We didn't really get clarification.

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9 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

I hear you. I'm assuming the Tyrell army was on their way to King's Landing and Jaime just had to get through a small garrison..? Or had they not left yet, and did the Lannisters straight-up beat the Tyrell forces? We didn't really get clarification.

I really enjoyed the battle scenes with Rob in season 1 and even with Stannis to a degree. But there's a pattern emerging.

Rob vs Lannisters took many episodes

Stannis took several

Ramsey vs Jon was a couple? 

This was barely worth a scene, in fact we've seen 3 battles in less than 2 episodes.

Doesn't bode well for the White Walkers, one swift blast from the Dragons and poof. Gone. The end. 

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Guys, again with the time stuff.  Do you think it took ten minutes for Jon Snow to go from Winterfell to Dragonstone?  No. 


The show follows a narrative timeline that isn't going to post, "Six weeks later," or whatever passing of time between each scene.  Just because Olenna looked out her window and saw the army coming and then a few scenes later asked if it was done does not mean that the fight took an hour.  It means that we were spared the battle.  Why were we spared the battle?  Because other than Olenna, we had no investment in Highgarden.  There were no Tyrell characters we loved or even liked or even liked to hate that were going to take part in the battle.  The show has a limited budget, believe it or not, and battles are expensive.  It's why, looking back, all the battles that we've seen have been the most important.  Blackwater, the battle on the wall, battle of the bastards... Etc.  And there are sure to be more battles before this season is over. 

Would you rather see the downfall of Highgarden at the expense of more meaningful battles with more meaningful characters, characters who actually fight in the battles? 

About glossing over it, blame GRRM.  If he had finished the books, the showrunners would have been forced to add more of his elements, more of his characters.  Martin already said that there was a Tyrell that will be wildly popular with book readers, but the show couldn't even introduce him. 

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The battles were at Highgarden and Casterly Rock were meant to be abrupt to exaggerate how much easier they would be expected. Casterly Rock was a quick take down because it was purposely under staffed and Jaime was sacrificing it to put Tyrion off-balance (went maybe quicker than Jaime even expected due to the sewer system plan). Highgarden was also understaffed and they even mention something along the lines of their soldiers "weren't fighters." That isn't the first time that we've heard that about their soldiers either.

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Just now, texans_uk said:

I'd rather see a longer season. 

It's also not just Highgarden. 

A lot of dialogue and interactions seem forced and rushed. 

And I want Rosabell Laurenti Sellers to marry me.  We can't get everything we want.  The season is no shorter than the other seasons, it's just fewer episodes.  And if we had longer conversations and more of a slow boil, the casual fan would complain that nothing happened in the episode.  I want what you want too, but we can both blame the viewers like my dad who, even after last episode, complained that nothing happened.  If there was money in catering to the better fans and the slow burn fans, they'd do it.  Unfortunately, the majority of people want action, action, action, not dialogue, dialogue, dialogue.  It's why NBC, CBS and ABC still get viewers with horrible, horrible, horrible scripts and serial television shows.

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Just now, BLick12 said:

Has it ever been explained/known why Ned Stark never revealed Jon Snow's actual identity?  Is the thought that he would've been killed by Robert?

Yes. It was explained via a barely-audible whisper by Lyanna Stark in S06E10.

Robert hated Targaryens and beleved Rhaegar kidnapped and raped Lyanna, although that doesn't seem like the case (still conjecture though).

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1 minute ago, cddolphin said:

Yes. It was explained via a barely-audible whisper by Lyanna Stark in S06E10.

Robert hated Targaryens and beleved Rhaegar kidnapped and raped Lyanna, although that doesn't seem like the case (still conjecture though).

Right, forgot that whole back story.  Ok - carry on.

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