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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, DreamKid said:

If he had a problem with female kills, he likely would've stopped watching the show long ago.

Exactly. Arya is probably my favorite character on the show. But that kill as explained wasn't supposed to be hers. It belonged to either Dany or Jon because the other Aegon actually died in the show and was esential to the series when it began.

Edited by Calvert28
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22 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Um not sure how there can be 2 dragons left alive when Drogon killed Viserion and then Drogon died (and then died again). Rhaegal is the only one left.

EDIT: I see people saying it was Viserion who was fighting Jon at the end, not Drogon. The heck? I thought Drogon killed Viserion early on in the episode???

Dude this is why I'm confused. I thought Drogon killed Viserion and then got stabbed to death. But then again I thought it was Drogon cuddling Dany at the end so....idk

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1 minute ago, DreamKid said:

If he had a problem with female kills, he likely would've stopped watching the show long ago.

Have you seen his other posts about movies? Dude seems to hate females in prominent roles, especially when they team up and successfully take down main villains!

5 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

I really do question people who say crap like this.

Like is there any standards what so ever outside of great CGI?

Like maybe an explanation of how one person can survive being surrounded by like 300 zombies?

Watching the fight scene, it looks like they came at him one at a time. I agree it was poorly done.


How a person can teleport from deep inside the castle to a place that was surrounded by zombies?

Who was this? Sandor? He ran across the courtyard and into the castle...


Why they would say this enemy can only be killed by this person which narrows it down to like one or two people yet they ignore it entirely to just create a "surprise!" effect?

Arya's destiny has been foreshadowed since season 3 but okay.


Or setting up the main villain of the series as someone who was so stupid they basically walked into a jail cell and got themselves captured and yet now they are this series version of Professor Moriarty? How they can teleport from one end of the entire continent to the other. There are so many things thats wrong with this show and I was willing to forgive them all just to see this one plotline fullfilled and they ignored it entirely after waiting 8 damn years for it to be explained.

I get it, most people don't have any vested interest when it comes to these stories and are easily entertained and distracted by the glamour they put on to make up for lazy writing.

I still don't get what you're complaining about in the big picture, really.

5 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

Probably anybody but a female killing the night King:P

From what I've gathered previously, this is probably the most accurate lol

5 minutes ago, DoleINGout said:

Death. All of em.

I agree not enough main characters died.

3 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

One that's in line with the actual story being wrote.

Which is?

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1 minute ago, Silver&Black88 said:

Dude this is why I'm confused. I thought Drogon killed Viserion and then got stabbed to death. But then again I thought it was Drogon cuddling Dany at the end so....idk

Yeah I'm confused now as well. I was 99% sure Drogon killed Viserion, then got stabbed to death and crashed into the castle as a result, then got revived by the NK and started going on a rampage. Rhaegal was just off chillin' because he was wounded, and came back when Jorah died.

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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Have you seen his other posts about movies? Dude seems to hate females in prominent roles, especially when they team up and successfully take down main villains!

No, haven't seen them. This is probably my 2nd time ever wondering into this section of FF. So I can't speak to his post history. Just seems odd that he would have a problem with such a thing, but like and follow a show with so many females in prominent roles.

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Just now, DreamKid said:

No, haven't seen them. This is probably my 2nd time ever wondering into this section of FF. So I can't speak to his post history. Just seems odd that he would have a problem with such a thing, but like and follow a show with so many females in prominent roles.

Well, don't go into any Marvel thread then because it's literally just complaining about the women superheros and the producers "pushing an agenda" or whatever. It's tiring. So when we're also here, with a female killing the main villain and the same person is complaining - yeah not hard to deduce why IMHO.

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Just now, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Going beyond just complaining because some people felt entitled to a certain ending, can we discuss the tactical plan that Jon and his people deployed and just how freaking terrible it was?

Jon: "Dang. What Bobby B said about Dothraki on an open field was total crap."

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13 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Exactly. Arya is probably my favorite character on the show. But that kill as explained wasn't supposed to be hers. It belonged to either Dany or Jon because the other Aegon actually died in the show and was esential to the series when it began.

I was just messing with you.

It seems like your main issue with it is that Arya doesn't fit the prophecy... But the thing is the prophecy never explicitly says the prince that was promised will KILL the night King.... Just that they will defeat the darkness. Jon (or Dany for that matter) still fulfilled that because their actions facilitated everything that came... Including Arya being able to kill the night King, without everything Jon and Dany did leading up to this point Arya never gets that chance to land the killing blow to begin with.

As far as one person taking out dozens of zombies...I mean.. They are mindless zombies, sure they can swing a blade but that's literally it.. They have no real fighting prowess, they are not capable of intelligent thought, etc... And the people that were shown slaughtering them are a collection of the absolute best fighters in the world... It's not at all hard to believe any of them could manage to kill a few dozen zombies.

And in the end they were ALL overwhelmed anyway and were absolutely going to die had the night King not been killed. 

Edited by rob_shadows
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1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Have you seen his other posts about movies? Dude seems to hate females in prominent roles, especially when they team up and successfully take down main villains!

You watch entirely too much NBC if you think disagreeing with poor writing such as Mary Sue characters who have no obstacles as female hate. Reading really helps.

1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Watching the fight scene, it looks like they came at him one at a time. I agree it was poorly done.

You really think Jon was the only one? Earlier when the Wights would come charging they would knock down a wall to get to you. In this, they get to the characters and stop. You saw it with basically all the characters.

1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Who was this? Sandor? He ran across the courtyard and into the castle...

Arya. Go back and watch the episode. Bran was surrounded if you look in his background behind the tree. So there was wights surrounding the entire Weirwood.

1 minute ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Arya's destiny has been foreshadowed since season 3 but okay.


Are you freaking kidding me? Are you really that gullible reading the Times. That is the most vague BS prophecy considering the MILLIONS of people in the world with blue eyes. And considering the Waif herself having blue eyes these lazy damn writers had as part of Arya's kill list.

W/e you're that easily entertained and mislead go watch some paint dry on the wall. You won't waste all that money on a crap show and you can still keep your dignity.

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:

That is the most vague BS prophecy considering the MILLIONS of people in the world with blue eyes.

The writers obviously just shifted that. They said they decided Arya would kill the Night King 3 season ago iirc, in the latest inside the episode thing. And Melisandre dropped that line what 5 seasons ago?

Reminds me of Kishimoto. 

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