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Hectic Henry's Tree Farm - N5 is Saturday @ 11pm EST or on majority vote


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17 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

OK so apparently this pickle guy stated that touch has it out for him and has tried a lot to lynch him as mafia. If I remember right touch mostly pushes pickle when he has been civ. Yet this time touch just throws a vote Pickle's way and that's it, no hard push like ha I finally got you.  This is very odd, like he didn't want to go full on bc he knew Pickle was gonna flip Civ. 

Then later on touch mentions that he has drawn no heat at all. 

Not to mention his token vote for matts as well d1.  

What if pickle was correct in that 1 mafia was in the first set of posts he quoted all questioning the mechanics (matts), 1 mafia in the set that just threw out a stone quickly (touch) and the third is squire who laid low d1.  

Do you really think squire would tell Pickle 2.0 to rethrow at Matts...I'm very hesitant on that

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Do you really think squire would tell Pickle 2.0 to rethrow at Matts...I'm very hesitant on that

Good point.  I'll keep my eye on him as the day progresses.  I forgot he was the one who pointed out my typo.  

I'd say right now mafia is 

Touch - I mentioned earlier 

Ted - he took a pop shot at orca probably testing the redirect to see if he could be pushed today (while also saying we need to take him out bc there is no need to keep him around)

The other is 

Orca - dont know his win con but he is helping us right now so eliminating him is probably not the best move for us at this time 


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18 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Wow. Scum mania in this post. Let's dissect

1. Squire didn't start the bandwagon. He was the first to cast stones, I believe. Id have to look back and see how it went down, but i was the one who started the push yesterday due to how Matts was treating my role. Pickle posted above why Squire should not be considered a civ yet. 

2. I'll take the stone cause we needed to see what's up with the deflection but to my biggest point...why on Earth if you are a civ, do you want to lynch me? Honestly...why? I have been upfront about this whole thing. I saved civs from getting killed N1 drawing a hit from Mafia, got Matts lynched D2, N2 I believe I saved civs again. If you read up you would see multiple shots rang out, but only 1 death. Almost certain it was a vig that hit Mookie. That would explain the 1 death multiple shots...mafia tried to double tap me (more on this later). Add to all this that a power civ got killed and you want to lynch me...who has powers and willing to use it for civsthat mafia can't kill. This is almost bordering on how I got Matts, but I don't think mafia would push me again today...thoughts anyone?

3. You bring up again that why would I save James. Did you read up really? I explained it to Tk3 multiple times. I thought Pickle 1.0, Whicker, and James was in a 3 way mafia buss scenario. I wanted to see what Pickle would turn. Closer to night with the way Pickle and James posted it became more cloudy. I went with my #1 read at the time and voted Whicker. Thinking if Pickle turns civ it would give us the most info, especially with Matts waiting to finish him off either way what I did. Just by chance maybe someone really tries to save Pickle. Turns out Matts started his downfall there. That's why I questioned about whether he was going to vote tie or kill pickle when day 2 started.

4. Don't like your civ reads at all

5. Making excuses for activity...when about 6 people have been less active then you....?

Right now I'm looking at these two.





1. Maybe I didn't read with enough focus (actually it is highly probable). But the first I really noticed going after Matts was squire talking about how Matts focusing too much on game mechanics. Maybe you talked about it before but honestly I'm now the 6th person you've considered scum so it's not always easy to follow. The Matts train got going with squire. Doesn't mean he is civ of course. But he is not my first scum read at this point.

2. You're never wrong lynching an other. Maybe our interests align now. Maybe not anymore. Plus if your only power is you can't be hit by mafia (maybe this is not the case and you won't reveal it), at this point they will realize it, not target you and your powers will be useless to us. So for civs, your points are not relevant. 

3. I didn't buy your explanation but to be fair to you, I don't see a better explanation. So I won't hammer on that.

4. Fair. My reads haven't been exactly on point lately (or ever actually).

5. There were a couple of messages directed at me or me among others and I didn't want to answer it individually. 

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13 hours ago, Tk3 said:

James is your #2 target yet you (for all intents and purposes) killed your brother instead (who you generally try to save?)

I don't buy it.


13 hours ago, Tk3 said:

you "count as a civ" or you "are a civ"?

I want a direct response to this


13 hours ago, The Orca said:

Today not yesterday..I quoted you I believe and explained my not saving pickle version 1. It was best to see what he was cause I truly believed him, Whicker, and James was doing a 3 man buss...


13 hours ago, Tk3 said:

Unless someone can convince me otherwise I am either voting James or Orca


13 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

If you are an other you are not a civ. You dont count as one of us. You have no alignment to us. 

Orca is creeping up to the #1 spot really quickly. 


13 hours ago, Matts4313 said:


See my other response. I am trying to find out if the French Orca is "buying" civ specials. If he is a mason, I want to know about it early.


13 hours ago, The Orca said:

I am a jacked up jack of all trades....with a bit of a giving flare


13 hours ago, DingoLadd said:

I assume you're asking for who I am forum wise and not my role? obviously not gonna say my role. 

I'm a BDL player along the same lines as Whicker, bcb etc. This is my 1st mafia game here but it's probably close to my 80th. 

If you're claiming other but saying you're civ, I think you should say "I can side with civs but I'm not civ"



13 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

How do you count?


13 hours ago, squire12 said:

My top mafia at present





13 hours ago, Tk3 said:

I refuse to believe if Orca is a civ special who can do all of this that he would share it.

Orca DOES have a history of being mafia and creating outrageous lies


12 hours ago, Tk3 said:

not tonight


12 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Dome has been on the website and posted since I said this. He chose to ignore it. @The Orca is culting people. 



12 hours ago, Tk3 said:

I think I agree

Whatever he is, I don't trust it


12 hours ago, James said:

I don't think Orca is lying/mafia, but I agree that we shouldn't plan on keeping him around forever. Don't agree with matts' conclusion though.


12 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

The only 2 reasons host would respond is 1. a janitor role or 2. cults. Otherwise the host always list the ratio. 


12 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Worst case scenario we kill and other. Best case scenario we kill an other who is culting us.

What do we have to lose?


12 hours ago, squire12 said:

The ratio was stated.  you have been asking if the other can convert.  Since there are no known roles, I am not sure how tunneling for an answer is helping.


12 hours ago, Woz said:

If the other is feeding us bonuses (a la the extra rock), that doesn't help us.


12 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Worst case would be we kill an other that could help us. There has been a few games that an other could win with civ/mafia and could benefit civs 


12 hours ago, Tk3 said:

stone at orca

stone at orca

stone at orca


12 hours ago, squire12 said:

I throw my 3 stones at Matts


Questioned the voting mechanics, the repeated asking for a "ratio".  

I think that Orca is the other and keeping him for a day or so is helpful, but he will need to go soon enough as he may have powers to prevent a night time hit.


12 hours ago, squire12 said:

Interesting...is the something behind this that benefits you?


12 hours ago, Tk3 said:

this VC is so gross

super spread out

let's see who make a late hammer


12 hours ago, Tk3 said:

excuse me?


12 hours ago, James said:

@Matts4313 Don't throw at orca


I didn't get all the way to night but here are some of the posts I found interesting and or had to do with me and my role

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So about the N2 hit. Let's assume there was 2 shots fired (assumption only I know)

Either 2 people shot Mookie.

Or 1 shot at Mookie and 1 shot was about at someone who avoided it.

In the second case it can either be a protection or a shot at Orca.

Shooting at Orca for mafia would require not really following the game and the whole Frenchman thing. I was guilty of that. Probably Flacco and Sanchez too. Maybe Dingo and Woz. 

I think Sanchez needs to get some heat tbh.

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4 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:


do you have anything to add or tell us about, you know, anything game related.  If not you are likely going to be the lynch today

That's fine with me. I don't really have anything to add or tell because nothing's happened for me and I've had a difficult time following this particular game. From my brief read up yesterday and last night before I got off I didn't really learn much.

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9 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

That's fine with me. I don't really have anything to add or tell because nothing's happened for me and I've had a difficult time following this particular game. From my brief read up yesterday and last night before I got off I didn't really learn much.

do you have any leans like at all.  people you trust, people you dont

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12 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

1. Maybe I didn't read with enough focus (actually it is highly probable). But the first I really noticed going after Matts was squire talking about how Matts focusing too much on game mechanics. Maybe you talked about it before but honestly I'm now the 6th person you've considered scum so it's not always easy to follow. The Matts train got going with squire. Doesn't mean he is civ of course. But he is not my first scum read at this point.

2. You're never wrong lynching an other. Maybe our interests align now. Maybe not anymore. Plus if your only power is you can't be hit by mafia (maybe this is not the case and you won't reveal it), at this point they will realize it, not target you and your powers will be useless to us. So for civs, your points are not relevant. 

3. I didn't buy your explanation but to be fair to you, I don't see a better explanation. So I won't hammer on that.

4. Fair. My reads haven't been exactly on point lately (or ever actually).

5. There were a couple of messages directed at me or me among others and I didn't want to answer it individually. 

 I get you are skeptical...but lynching a helpful Other doesn't make sense imo. Objectively....I have helped civs, I have helped civs again, I have helped civs again, I have goodies to help civs, and I have powers to help civs. 

If I had a separate win con than be alive at the end, I would have no interest in helping civs, it would actually hurt me. The game could be over tonight if we lynch mafia and hit mafia (assuming the vig connects this time)

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13 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

So about the N2 hit. Let's assume there was 2 shots fired (assumption only I know)

Either 2 people shot Mookie.

Or 1 shot at Mookie and 1 shot was about at someone who avoided it.

In the second case it can either be a protection or a shot at Orca.

Shooting at Orca for mafia would require not really following the game and the whole Frenchman thing. I was guilty of that. Probably Flacco and Sanchez too. Maybe Dingo and Woz. 

I think Sanchez needs to get some heat tbh.

so you aren't at all skeptical that's who matt was trying to get lynched last minute like?

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4 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

do you have any leans like at all.  people you trust, people you dont

Nothing that isn't blatantly obvious - mainly Orca not being mafia. Other than that I'm having a hard time making reads this game. I also never trust anyone when they can throw stones at me. I'll see if I can pay closer attention today and get a better feel for things, though.

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12 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

We should be looking at mookie Flacco and if I were you guys myself 

Matts throws three votes on Sanchez late to put Sanchez in the lead m. Chances are he does this to save one of his team members.  He hasn't really mentioned me and mookie much so him voting us makes no sense so he goes with an inactive 

Anyone else think that bcb could be mafia and threw out mookie as a top suspect and then turned around and hit him a few minutes later? 

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9 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Are you handing gifts out? 

Who can you give gifts to?

You say that you are a detriment to mafia, but can you give them gifts as well? 

1. That's easy to figure out if you can count xD

2/3. I am a detriment to mafia, I think my role is too powerful lmao

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4 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Nothing that isn't blatantly obvious - mainly Orca not being mafia. Other than that I'm having a hard time making reads this game. I also never trust anyone when they can throw stones at me. I'll see if I can pay closer attention today and get a better feel for things, though.

What are your top 3 mafia options?

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