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Week 3 GDT: Bengals @ Panthers


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Last time we went up against these guys it was our franchise's only tie. Hoping to avoid the same outcome this week!

No Trai Turner still (concussion) or Da'Norris Searcy (IR with second concussion this year) or Curtis Samuel ("minor heart surgery"). Damiere Byrd (knee) and Donte Jackson (hamstring) should be cleared though. Practice squad CB Josh Hawkins replaces Searcy on the roster.

Hoping we can contain AJ Green and Geno Atkins. Team did well stopping Julio last week at the expense of letting everyone else get open... however I'm not sure I'd place Cincy's skill players on par with Atlanta's. Greg Van Roten and Tyler Larsen will have their hands full with Atkins and hopefully we can stick with the run game a bit more unlike last week, when we only ran 18 times and had Cam set a personal record for most completions in a game (32). Bengals will be without Joe Mixon and hopefully Gio Bernard won't have a Tevin Coleman-esque game. I have to imagine that the run defense gets back on track and last week was just an anomaly.

So yeah I think we probably win this one though it'll be closer than I had imagined before the season began.

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At least we won't have to deal with Burfict trying to snap Newton's ankle off this time.

Gonna be a tough game though.  The difference will be if our offensive line can hold up against Geno Atkins and co.  Atkins is a top-tier player (has been for a long time; in a way, he doesn't get nearly the respect he deserves) so he will get his and that is fine, but we can't let the others like Lawson take over too.

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Yeah, pass rush has been disappointing these past two weeks. Nice to see Efe Obada have a big first game. Donte Jackson appears to be a ballhawk, though to be fair two of his picks were ducks.

Nice to see the team finally let CMC run. 28 carries for 184 yards.

Wish we got to see DJ Moore get more to do. I feel like I always see him as a decoy for end arounds and if we target him, it's always some dumb swing pass... can't we just treat him like a normal wideout? Meanwhile, Calvin Ridley has four touchdowns already for Atlanta. Who I wanted us to pick. Sigh. Not that I'm hating on DJ, I just don't know why Norv isn't trying to utilize a guy with his skillset in a more efficient way. It isn't like Wright or Torrey or Funchess are fast, tackle-breaking, agile runners.

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Panthers currently have the longest home game winning streak.  Pretty neat.

I wonder if McCaffrey challenges for the 1,000/1,000 mark.  Right now he's at 271 rushing yards and 157 receiving yards.  I doubt it, but it would be really cool if he did.  Faulk in his first 3 games in '99 had 182 rushing yards and 156 receiving yards.  Craig in the same # of games in '85 had 219 rushing yards and 210 receiving yards.  It's bound to happen at some point, so why not C-Mac?


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impressive win against a quality team. c mac is a quiet beast. I still want to see Anderson getting GL carries as I don't want to see c mac in those gl piles. newton has been efficient. fun fun has been serviceable and I do agree we need to see more of DJ.

the D has been unimpressive by panthers standards. pass rush needs improvement. Jackson looks solid at CB. LB's seem out of place most of the time. if they ran gio more there def would be 2 100 yard rushers on our plate the last 2 games. I hate early bye weeks but it is what it is. got to stiffen up the D and still 5 more division games. I like where we're sitting but still room for improvement. keep c mac and newton healthy, shore up the D and we got a playoff shot.

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