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You Are In Control. Who Replaces McCarthy?


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53 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

Not adding FAs is one thing when a GM is drafting well; it's another when he's drafting poorly like Thompson did the last 2-3 yrs of his reign of terror. 

So Thompson's  last 2 years (as GM) were 2016 and 2017.
In 2016 Kenny Clark on his own meant this was no poor draft. Clark plus Spriggs, plus Fackrell, plus Martinez, plus Lowry, plus Davis, plus Murphy = excellent draft.
2017 is more arguable, but Kevin King looks fine (if he stays healthy), Josh Jones and Montravius Adams are both enigmas who have been better recently. Jamaal Wiliams and Aaron Jones have solidified the backfield and are both worth rather more than the draft pick at which they were taken. Not a banner year (like 2016), but not poor either, and since the enigma players are only in their second season, there is still room to blossom. If J.J.  and M.A. pan out, this too will be turn into another excellent draft.

Thompson HAS had poor years of drafting (like 2015), but the last couple were nothing to complain about.

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11 hours ago, HighCalebR said:

Why would anyone want Jim as an NFL HC? 

Others have said it, but the Niners dominated with Colin Kaepernick AND Alex Smith.  Everybody wants to say Kaepernick is a good QB right now, but he's not, and wasn't without Harbaugh.  He also had Aaron's number and Aaron sucked against Harbaugh teams.  And what really sticks out about his defense was t hat he didn't have a whole lot of talent in the secondary, and you still couldn't pass against his defenses.  He's also a no-nonsense head coach who isn't very tolerant of stupid things. 

He'd be my top pick because he is the only candidate out there I know has the ability to have success in this league as a head coach, and head coaching is a hell of a lot different than being a coordinator in this league. 

Think of all the coordinators who fizzle out and are **** as head coaches when they thrives as coordinators.  Hue Jackson was considered one of the best head coaching candidates around.  Hue Jackson.

I'm not risking the last 5 years of Aaron's career on a coin toss head coaching candidate.  If McCarthy is gone, which I doubt, I want someone who has coached in this league before and had success in this league as a head coach before. 

Jon Gruden is a guy I wanted if McCarthy had been fired last year, and he would have been exactly what we needed this year.  People are going to point and laugh at this statement because his team sucks right now, but if they'd pause for just a second and see how completely devoid of defensive and offensive talent that team is, they'd see he really isn't doing all that poorly.

He would have done better here because he would have been able to get straight into competing and not assessing his roster. 

EDIT: Except for Bruce Arians.  Don't really want that risk.  66 years old with health problems is not the type of thing I want to have to worry about from a head coach. 

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I do think McCarthy's 'sell-by' date has passed.........a purely subjective feeling. I don't think MM is a bad coach, though his schemes do seem dated to many analysts (and players). I do think the Packers can benefit from a fresh attitude and a system that works harder to scheme players open.

The question of who should follow McCarthy is a tough one. I like a few of the OCs around the league, but a HC job is very different from a coordinators, so no sure-fire picks (and I wouldn't touch Gruden with two ten foot barge poles tied together). There is a high percentage chance that a new HC fails...........but sometimes you need to make the move anyway and let the future bring, whatever it does - if a replacement coach fails, you try again..........and again, if necessary. As long as people who are clamouring for change recognise that the chances are high a new coach fails, that's fine. Finally, I'd want any new coach to take Pettine on board as his DC, he is clearly one of the best in the business. 

In some ways what you are looking for is a young McCarthy, a man with a detailed plan of day to day running the team. That's what blew the decision makers away, when he first interviewed. Half young McCarthy + half biscuit half mad scientist, is what to shoot for.

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1 hour ago, Outpost31 said:

Others have said it, but the Niners dominated with Colin Kaepernick AND Alex Smith.  Everybody wants to say Kaepernick is a good QB right now, but he's not, and wasn't without Harbaugh.  He also had Aaron's number and Aaron sucked against Harbaugh teams.  And what really sticks out about his defense was t hat he didn't have a whole lot of talent in the secondary, and you still couldn't pass against his defenses.  He's also a no-nonsense head coach who isn't very tolerant of stupid things. 

He'd be my top pick because he is the only candidate out there I know has the ability to have success in this league as a head coach, and head coaching is a hell of a lot different than being a coordinator in this league. 

Think of all the coordinators who fizzle out and are **** as head coaches when they thrives as coordinators.  Hue Jackson was considered one of the best head coaching candidates around.  Hue Jackson.

I'm not risking the last 5 years of Aaron's career on a coin toss head coaching candidate.  If McCarthy is gone, which I doubt, I want someone who has coached in this league before and had success in this league as a head coach before. 

Jon Gruden is a guy I wanted if McCarthy had been fired last year, and he would have been exactly what we needed this year.  People are going to point and laugh at this statement because his team sucks right now, but if they'd pause for just a second and see how completely devoid of defensive and offensive talent that team is, they'd see he really isn't doing all that poorly.

He would have done better here because he would have been able to get straight into competing and not assessing his roster. 

EDIT: Except for Bruce Arians.  Don't really want that risk.  66 years old with health problems is not the type of thing I want to have to worry about from a head coach. 

John and Jim. I get the two mixed up. IIRC one was a jerk and one was OK personality-wise. Which was which?

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Just now, incognito_man said:

Jim Harbaugh is my top choice too. 

He only had 4 seasons, but is the #5 all time winningest coach in NFL history behind the likes of Madden, Lombardi, Allen and Chamberlain. 

He's also a former QB which I think would help Aaron fall in line.

He's also evidence why you don't fire a good head coach because of one or two bad seasons.  You regroup and build again with that successful head coach.  Other Packer fans don't want Jim Harbaugh because he's proof you don't quit on a head coach that's done really well. 

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10 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

He's also evidence why you don't fire a good head coach because of one or two bad seasons.  You regroup and build again with that successful head coach.  Other Packer fans don't want Jim Harbaugh because he's proof you don't quit on a head coach that's done really well. 

Wasn't Jim fired more over personality-clash issues?

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48 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Jim Harbaugh returning to the NFL likely relates to having some player personnel control.  Are you willing to give him that and remove Gutekunst? 

Yes.  Other than his draft, I'm really not wildly impressed with Gute.  We were promised all avenues of additions and he did literally nothing in the season that Thompson hadn't done.  Breeland is probably an exception, but players were available via trade, waivers and more and Gute didn't really act on any of them. 

I see a head coach with personnel decisions as a positive.  Every single year the Patriots make moves in the season, and every single year it helps them.  Nobody knows the pulse of the team like the head coach. 

I would give McCarthy more control of the roster before I fired him. 

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