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The Ill Mind of SwAg: Game Thread -- Game Over


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22 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

Weren't you one of the three people that visited Malf? or am I mixing people up?


Yes, i was just shocked.

22 minutes ago, Dome said:

and they didn't kill you n2?

did you find out anything else?

Did you read what I said what I was or did you skip that

7 minutes ago, Dome said:

@gopherwrestler who did you investigate last night?

Again did you read what my claim at all or did you skip over that

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8 minutes ago, MD4L said:

Some quality scum candidates or openly known killing roles, and we’re still trying to vote for inactives. Am I the only one seeing flaws in that approach?

With more inactive, like you have been until now.... when the vote comes around, then actives it’s either we start guessing now on them or we do it later. 

I find it fairly odd your timing of coming back around. Would you have posted if nobody was voting you?

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2 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

With more inactive, like you have been until now.... when the vote comes around, then actives it’s either we start guessing now on them or we do it later. 

I find it fairly odd your timing of coming back around. Would you have posted if nobody was voting you?

No, it was a holiday weekend. I’ve been doing other stuff. 

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7 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Yes, i was just shocked.

Did you read what I said what I was or did you skip that

Again did you read what my claim at all or did you skip over that

I know you have more moves. Share your info. 

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1 minute ago, gopherwrestler said:

So you wouldn’t have posted today if you had not vote because yesterday was a government holiday?

No, over the duration of the weekend I’ve been busy. I’m well aware of my contributions in thread and outside. I was keeping tabs but low communication. It’s not hard to understand what’s going on, and the mass quotes were helpful in the last page 

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12 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Vote Count:

tk3 - 4 - Hockey, Squire, Orca, MD4L

Orca - 2 - tk3, NS922

Sanchez - 1 - Dome

Pickle Rick - 1 - KSJ

MD4L - 1 - gopher

10 minutes until deadline

tk3 will be lynched.  You have 30 minutes to finalize moves.

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As soon as the game started I was handed a N3 bomb, it has nothing to do with my role or character. I have no info to share from my role. I can't help us.

I'm Karl Marx, Swag's Socialist Tendencies


I asked some questions about it but I basically got that it looks legit, I can't defuse it or anything and it will "kill anyone around." If i don't visit someone I believe it will be randomized. I was told "It will still be very destructive to someone regardless" more or less trying not to quote swag directly.

I suggested I could be lynched and toyed with that, but figured that's a weinie's way out and I'd use it on my best read.

I'm visiting gopher, he's a vanilla at worst and could be scum and I don't like his claim one bit.


Don't visit either of us, it'll kill everyone. 

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